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India unilaterally calls off talks with Pakistan

No, your post was just off-topic bravado, i.e. that you will cut our water.

Are you calling me dumb? Ironic, considering that your first sentence make no sense.

you really thing so ?

You mean, you really think so? This is the word that you should have used.

See a dumb person corrected you, which by the way doesn't hold you in great light.

Congratulations, you corrected my Typo :coffee:
@PakSpokesperson now
Meetings with Kashmiri leaders, befire Pakistan India talks is a long standing practice to facilitate the resolution of the Kashmir dipute
Starting from "Indus" also known as "Sindhus" ....
Above river originating in the Tibetan Plateau in the vicinity of Lake Mansarovar, which is not a Chinese name at all, and more, Tibet is occupied territory for which Dhalai Lama is fighting....
So how the Indus/Sindhu has a Chines origin?
Have you read Vedas?

How does bhangii dom like you have any claim on Indus river? And yes source for Indus is China. I though you already knew this?
Its Pakistan who actually refused to talk to bhangii gov, i knew this will happen. I know mentality of Pakistanis, they only take brahmin word seriously because they hold authority in India. Making bhangii modi PM was mistake.

Thank you to Pakistan from Kashmir -we waved your flags on Pak independance day on India day we went to sleep phuck India & again thank you Pakistan for talking to OUR leaders
Starting from "Indus" also known as "Sindhus" ....
Above river originating in the Tibetan Plateau in the vicinity of Lake Mansarovar, which is not a Chinese name at all, and more, Tibet is occupied territory for which Dhalai Lama is fighting....
So how the Indus/Sindhu has a Chines origin?
Have you read Vedas?

I'm not talking religion here friend. Tibet is occupied to you, but the Chinese see it as their land. That's what matters.
That had nothing to do with the Pakistan ambassador talking to the separatists.
Actually that has everything to do with talks being called off. Infact your high commision in New Delhi was warned ahead that invitation to separatists is not acceptable to this new gov. Either choose India or separatists for talks, but unfortunately, your high commission went ahead with the talks with separatists, hence this decision!!! I guess u haven't saw the video of spokesperson of MEA .
It should be India getting 90% and PAK get 10% as per Land mass, Nehru made mistake , as Gandhi family India make mistake after 71. Should have divided Pak also into 3 country.

Kindly go ..&& yourself .. And i suggest mods to put an iq test for those who want to join the forum..
Good decision modi sarkar. Pakistan don't understand words, they understand bullets & bombs. Screw separatists and pak high commissioner.

How is it good on modi when pakistan basically told modi to pee off & went ahead and met the real leaders of Kashmir .
modi you muppet you thought pakistan would listen to you LOL about good decision modi ,brainwashed knob
Remember the time when Rabbani was Pak FM & SM Krishna the Indian counterpart...........

Whenever his advisors used to guide him about his conduct in the next Parliament Session, he used to say......." abey woh choro mujhey yeh batao meri next Pak visit kab hai?" :rofl:

I think during there tenure we were very clooooooseeee to solving the K-Issue, & K doesn't mean Kashmir here :rofl:
One message went viral in that period.
" As usual Pakistan has sent a Bomb in India. But unlike other times... this time ...... every Indian want to get hit by it :rofl:
**** India!!!

Their should be no peace between our countries, we are and should be enemies till the end

Enemy ???
For India, Pakistan is just qualified for as a maximum puny enemy.In future that status will become irrelevant.
Actually that has everything to do with talks being called off. Infact your high commision in New Delhi was warned ahead that invitation to separatists is not acceptable to this new gov. Either choose India or separatists for talks, but unfortunately, your high commission went ahead with the talks with separatists, hence this decision!!! I guess u haven't saw the video of spokesperson of MEA .

I'm not defending the move at all.

But do you really think the earlier post was justified? If you do, then I guess nuclear strikes and MAD over water is then. The bottom line is that it just plain ruins threads.
One message went viral in that period.
" As usual Pakistan has sent a Bomb to India. But unlike other times... this.... time every Indian want to get hit by it :rofl:

Things most be bad in India if men like Rabina is big hit.
If you can keep your prejudices out for sometime , actually Pakistan give a dam about new govt.
Why? And for what?
1. Look around your media. May be our ( Ind + Pak ) media is sensational but they run what people want to know.

We have a sell out media tht harps abt peace n aman ki asha .. Your media shows "10 kadam Pakistan khatam" type nonsense after every half an hour demonising Pakistan ... Your media provokes senior Indian official to give irresponsible statesments...
2. Your PM actually came to India ( whatever your opinion on him he is your PM )

Our PM is a jackass .. He's corrupt,he's a former convict,he's outright pathetic and as of right now shittin his pants over the election fraud controversy n bad governance..

3. Both sides agree to resume talks.

Yet India cancels the talks..

Isnt it dam enough ???

So called talks are useless to begin with.

Things most be bad in India if men like Rabina is big hit.

Ugly ppl .. Ugly thinking..

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