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India unilaterally calls off talks with Pakistan

Yes - You can have Chai-Pani discussion with them in Switzerlad

Well, Switzerland is a hilly area, and so is Afghanistan. Why spend so much going there(swiss), meeting and having Chai Pani there(Afgan) will be sufficient, I think!!...... :P
Very nice move by India; Pakistani nation also does not like but these 'gunja stooges' are dying for their personal business gains. Rather than cheap trading with India, which is actually a 'cheap move' by 'gunjas' Pakistan prefer to trade with Great China and no MFN status to India.

To all Indian members, please request Moodi to withdraw the MFN from Pakistan. It seems a very stupid move that India don't want to talk to Pakistan but extended a MFN status to Pakistan.
Whoa! Awesome jingoism displayed from members of both sides..Fascinating indeed:woot:

needs guts for 1.2 billion indians to meet BLA on pakistan soil, no need pakistan soil u can meet them in afghanistan as usual

1.24 Billion Indians don't make those kind of decisions:undecided:
But since you have given a brilliant idea, I will put for an RTI petition nevertheless.
Because there is zero point in talking with the PA. They need us to maintain their cancerous grip on Pakistan. Without us(and now America, PA has been diversifying its bets) Pakistan Army looses everything - and becomes - just a regular army.

So they ensure that talks with politicians fail and there is no recourse for anyone but to talk to them...and they will again hunt with the hound and run with the hare.

The only way to break this deadlock is to make sure that their politicians succeed in capturing power - not just official - from the army. Which is why we have to support nawaz/shawaz/abdul/muhammad/usman/falana/dhimkana politician. Anyone who has formed the government in Pakistan.

Now since Nawaz is the principal antagonist for the PA - someone who is trying very hard to make sure that GoP does not bend in front of PA, we have a long term interest in supporting that character even at short term cost to us.

Why waste time with their worthless power struggles? we know who / which institution will come out on top anyways - as it will be a repeat of numerous past martial takeovers.

The hilarious aspect of this current drama is that I sense India has something / or rather partially the cause of it. It is definitely a power struggle between nawaz and the army, who is determined or tried to clip the army's wings - the Geo scandal (which was labelled as funded by India), Nawaz's visit to India and him not talking to Kashmiri separatist loonies, him insisting on opening trade with India and all the lovey dovey messages and gifts that got passed across would have caused some part in the army trying to get rid of nawaz again (with the help of imran khan and qadri - who wouldn't have dared if they weren't green signaled by the army of course).

We should limit our stake in pakistan as much as possible and concentrate on productive areas. These guys will be at each other's throat every couple of years or so, not to forget when the shit starts hitting the fan again and when there is a overflow of mujji's from the mountains into pakistan again.

GOI checked Nawaz's strength and his capability to take decisions especially pertaining to hard decisions regarding India and pakistan and they found zero capacity there, there was some hope when he got elected with a good enough mandate but within a year or so he is struggling to save his seat again. :lol: So why waste time and money on him?
Brahmaputra (Yarlung Tsangpo)

Indus does't matter to India. Water coming to Indus from Tibet is very less.
Brahmaputra matters.


All these have very sall portion of water coming from Tibet, most are from flood range or tributary rivers.

While what will happen if India stops water for rivers like beas, sutlej, ravi, chenab, jhelum, indus etc to Pakistan???
Indus does't matter to India. Water coming to Indus from Tibet is very less.
Brahmaputra matters.


All these have very sall portion of water coming from Tibet, most are from flood range or tributary rivers.

While what will happen if India stops water for rivers like beas, sutlej, ravi, chenab, jhelum, indus etc to Pakistan???

Those are major rivers coming to India. Had it not mattered you wouldn't be raising a fuss about it. The fact you said that the water is "small" shows that you don't consider a vital resource important.

Like I have said, go ahead and stop it, there are ways around it, and the source of the Indus isn't even in India. The rivers awarded to India are mostly diverted and the flow into Pakistan is very limited.Yes we would have issues with the Chenab and Jhelum, but that's life, and if you stopped it then there is little we could do in that regard, bar war. But the news for you will be then the gloves will be off ,and any state that has influence over your rivers would treat you with equal if not worse apathy i.e China. Many senior Indian members also said it would be a silly idea i.e. cutting water to Pakistan.

I already told the last poster not to go off-topic and yet you bring this back. :rolleyes:

Create and separate thread it and title it how you will stop our water etc.
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I just don't get it why the f do we even want to have relations with india?apart from few billion increase in trade what else we can achieve with having Good relations?

we should concentrate on our own country and leave it alone for like 3-4decades atleast
Why waste time with their worthless power struggles? we know who / which institution will come out on top anyways - as it will be a repeat of numerous past martial takeovers.
Because unless we find that one golden opportunity in which we are able to make sure PA remains just a regular Army, we will still be fighting wars(direct or indirect) with Pakistan after the next 50 years.

Please understand that we need to keep trying, there is no alternative to this. Unless PA is put down to size, there shall be no peace. PA can only be put down to size by the GoP. Ergo, we need to steady the hand of each and every politician of Pakistan who assumes power in GoP.
Is this your impression of a Win- Win situation for Pakistan ?!!


Yes, Pakistan has nothing to loose in such a war where India turns the direction of the rivers from Pakistani terrotory. Turning the directions of rivers is equal as using 100 atomic boms on Pakistan.
Modi Resets India-Pakistan Relations

The roller-coaster of India-Pakistan relations took its latest dip Monday with India's decision to cancel scheduled talks next week between the countries' top Foreign Ministry bureaucrats. India's decision followed the move by Pakistan's ambassador in New Delhi to consult with Kashmiri separatists ahead of the bilateral talks. As an Indian foreign ministry spokesman put it, Islamabad had a choice to make—"talk to the separatists or talk to us."

All this offers important clues about how the newly elected government of Narendra Modi will approach its neighbors. Its motto appears to be, "We're open for business, but national security comes first."

Critics of New Delhi's decision see it as a flip-flop on an important foreign policy issue. In May, Mr. Modi belied his reputation for hawkishness by inviting Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to his swearing-in ceremony in New Delhi. This was followed with an exchange of gifts that suggested personal warmth: A shawl for Mr. Sharif's mother from Mr. Modi, and a white sari for Mr. Modi's mother from Mr. Sharif.

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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, right, shakes hand with his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif before the start of their meeting in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, May 27, 2014. Associated Press

But while scrapping the talks may hurt the mood in New Delhi and Islamabad, Mr. Modi's critics are wrong. Anyone who thought he turned into a dove this year hasn't been paying close attention. His decision to cancel suggests a refinement, not a reversal, of his government's approach to its neighbors.

In reaching out to Mr. Sharif, Mr. Modi signaled a desire for friendly relations in line with his goal of reviving India's flagging economy, which includes fostering a peaceful neighborhood. In pulling the plug on talks, Mr. Modi has suggested what India expects in return: A modicum of respect from Pakistan for Indian sensibilities.

Both elements of this outlook—economic pragmatism and diplomatic toughness—have been visible over Mr. Modi's three months in power. Apart from his overture to Mr. Sharif, the Indian leader has visited neighboring Bhutan and Nepal, where he unfurled a vision of shared economic prosperity. He echoed that theme again in Delhi on Friday, during his first Independence Day address to the nation. "Why not get together with all the SAARC nations to plan out the fight against poverty?" he asked, referring to the eight-member South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.

On the campaign trail, candidate Modi made much of restoring India's national pride. This, as he laid out repeatedly on the stump, was not merely a matter of boosting economic growth but equally of ensuring that India's territorial boundaries are respected by Pakistan and China. En route last week to Kargil, the site in Kashmir of a bloody border confrontation between India and Pakistan 15 years ago, Mr. Modi accused Pakistan of backing terrorism against India. In July, India boosted defense spending by 15%.

For Pakistan, the current standoff could mark a turning point. Previous Indian governments have not liked but have tolerated the Pakistani practice of meeting publicly with assorted Kashmiri separatists, from relative moderates to hardline Islamists, before talks with India. Now Islamabad will need to ask itself: Is it worth jeopardizing talks with an important neighbor on a range of issues, including the disputed territory of Kashmir, just to preserve an empty ritual?

Militancy is at a low ebb in Kashmir and Pakistan is lurching from one crisis to the next. Meeting with a ragtag bunch of Kashmiri separatists serves no purpose for Islamabad beyond poking India in the eye and signaling to Pakistanis that their government hasn't quite given up on the increasingly farfetched cause of claiming Indian-controlled Kashmir. That Pakistan went ahead with the meetings despite Indian warnings shows Islamabad's continued reliance on stale diplomatic set pieces.

India is right to expect basic decorum from Pakistan if the countries are to improve ties. But New Delhi ought to guard against a policy of toughness for its own sake. If Pakistan plays ball—eschewing grandstanding with separatists and checking terrorism emanating from within its borders—India should respond with a concrete plan for deepening trade and cultural links.

Indians like to scoff that a flailing Pakistan needs India more than vice a versa. While this may be true, it doesn't mean that India won't also benefit from better ties with its recalcitrant neighbor. If both sides can adjust to new rules of the game, there's no reason why they can't find a way for both to win.


Let me point out the "flaw" which will be poked around for sure.
The article is by an "Indian" ...who/what org. publishes it doesn't matter:bunny::partay:

Is this your impression of a Win- Win situation for Pakistan ?!!


Yes, Pakistan has nothing to loose in such a war where India turns the direction of the rivers from Pakistani terrotory. Turning the directions of rivers is equal as using 100 atomic boms on Pakistan.

Do watch the new TV series "Manhattan" before you start mentioning Nukes as toys:usflag:
Pak Envoy hedges direct questions-India-TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

New Funning Things, after PAK Ex Air Chief / Ex PAK Navy Chief Now happen PAK Ambassador To india hide his face and become sleepless.....

Direct Question Asked By Press" What is the PAK criteria for saying Separatist are representation of Kashmir people? Why not NC, PDP etc who voted by people in election. "

Answer Came :
please Next Question ,

Direct Question can be asked " Why not you bring the so called Azad kashmir PM in Talks?

With This India can turn the tablet by asking bring Azad Kashmir PM and also asking to remove all non Kashmiri people form Pak controlled JK..... and then start talk..... PAK will run away.
youtube * com * watch?v=O6vXrUnyjUg

Watch from 4:24, answer from Hamid Bashani
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