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India unilaterally calls off talks with Pakistan

forget about the hot heads. indus water agreement will be followed with all spirit in what ever circumstances that may arose between ind and pak in future. humanity is more important than nations and boundaries.

Thanks friend. I agree wholehearted and the treaty has been very fair. I hope for the best.
First you accuse our army of not wanting peace n than you accuse us of "harping" abt talks .. Make up your minds.. Which one is it Dr Phil?
Modi is the leader who don't take classes from Old MEA babus for decision, he takes. He shows the world India ready for please provided other party is ready. If other party is not ready don't come to me later taking their case.
Yes, you're right. It wasn't the most practical of moves and if the separatists needed to be talked to, a three way meeting could have been arranged with India there.

look at the stupidity of pakistani high commissioner, they are hosting separatists in new delhi, could have other discreet ways to have dialogue with them. this is clear case of provocations. i believe internal politics of pakistan playing a part in it. what do you say ?
the major question here is this:

Do Pakistanis rather have a better relationship with India or do they want a kashmir - in the long run - which one is benfecial to pakistan? You have tried Kashmir for the last 70 years or so.. maybe its time to try choosing India for some time and see if it helps?

The main question ... What is the main issue between Pakistan and India for which they have fought wars n have been a bleeding wound since 1947 n pending in UN(ablel)???
LOL.....you are the one dragging in "china" in a topic about Indo-Pak :lol:

So "boy" you are the one who is trying to derail the topic :cheesy:

India is negotiating with China to resolve all issues between India and China and you are not invited to the party :P

Get it ?

If we get back to derailing the topic, it was you Poseidon :woot:, who threatened to cut off our water (post 5). Now what did that have to do with the topic? I had every right to respond with my posts then.

You're working out all your issues, sure you are....
Same thing happen every-time. The only point is to force weaker party to talking table on stronger party's terms.
Same thing Chinese do with us using tents.
This is bound to happen from First day itself, Only PAK given excuse to Modi, He don't take lessons from MEA babu regarding decision which always favour to forgive PAK and talk from last 3 decades.

Modi never apologise even world, national news channels ask for Gujarat , remember? why he is strong man and decision maker. he told world , i tried but now things move on as per my Diktat and not as per worlds wishes especially US /EU
Modi is the leader who don't take classes from Old MEA babus for decision, he takes. He shows the world India ready for please provided other party is ready. If other party is not ready don't come to me later taking their case.

Good for him .. Pakistan doesn't give a damn .. Thank you come again.
Why the hell the did it?

Are they
I personally don't believe in any tension my friend Nitin. But some people just take it too far.

Like I mentioned before talks come and go.

My question is.....

Does this was important ???

Why the hell they meet with then?

Why not try to start do relation with India?

If u say Kashmir issue is 1st priority then do u ever think India will agree?

Ans is very simple :- if u ask any Indian..................... We want peace with Pakistan and better relationship.... but everyone very frustrated from terrorist activity / bomb last that supports by Pakistan.... .....

Forget about Kashmir and take priority other issues. After some major issue resolved than start talking about kashmir and try to do best...... sure India will also do...........

But, Abhi baat start bhi nahi hui aur naya panga kar diya............................. what think from indian side?............. Answer is everybody knows..........
Thanks friend. I agree wholehearted and the treaty has been very fair. I hope for the best.
I don't think treaty is fair, out of 6 rivers Pak get 3 rivers and water of other 3 . India despite having more mass land only get 50% , is not fairly divided.

Good for him .. Pakistan doesn't give a damn .. Thank you come again.
lol you give damm, thats why you keep asking everything from india , Diesel , Power, engines etc...
If we get back to derailing the topic, it was you Poseidon :woot:, who threatened to cut off our water (post 5). Now what did that have to do with the topic? I had every right to respond with my posts then.

You're working out all your issues, sure you are....

How is that derailing ?

MEA is ON RECORD stating that we are going to use ALL means necessary to achieve our goal.

No prize for guessing the water treaty is part of that leverage.
Bring Back Rabbani as Foreign Minister.......or NO MORE TALKS.......PERIOD.

I don't think treaty is fair, out of 6 rivers Pak get 3 rivers and water of other 3 . India despite having more mass land only get 50% , is not fairly divided.

lol you give damm, thats why you keep asking everything from india , Diesel , Power, engines etc...

Pakistan gets 80% of water and India 20%. It should be 95-5 in favor of Pakistan. Ayub Khan made many blunders, this was one of them. Other being not liberating Kashmir in 62.

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