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India unilaterally calls off talks with Pakistan

Very good decision from Government of India :yahoo:
The GoP knew exactly what they were doing by going ahead:

Quite standard Pakistani behaviour- domestic pressures mount and they pull out the Kashmir card.
There is another angle into this.
GOP is trying to test the changed water and may be want to check if there really is a change.

Alot of confusion in PAK administration over new Indian govt. Their prejudice was and may be still is new GOI will not be soft on Pak. But First thing GOI did was to invite Pak PM :woot:

Hard language on insurgency and free hand to IA to return any favour in same coin.

Things like this test the willingness of govt. I am glad GOI didn't bent. This should and would carry forward with China also.

Bad thing for Pakistan is they gave GOI the chance to say they are different and hard administrators. Now ball is in their court to judge the future course. Where ever it go north or south ... India is not to be blamed. Smart thing.

Rest is BS. Everybody know Kashmir wont be solved ever .... Peacefully.
Actually you do, you have a big time energy crisis and your economy is in a bad shape due to a lack of FDI. India is a bigger market for your goods that is why NS was in India with various industrialists from your country to expand trade ties.

If Ganja cared he would not have met Kashmiris, don't you think? Pak chose Kashmiris over talks with India.
This is perfect excuse for Pakistan to not give most favored nation status to India, IMF was putting pressure on Pakistan. Well played Ganja brothers.

Ok that's also great.............:cheers:

We also not require................ Do you know about indian economy and pakistan economy condition?

Means, Ok your wish.............we happy and you happy:tup:
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Brahmaputra (Yarlung Tsangpo)

Stop talking about River.................... India will never cut water supply to Pakistan............ No indian wants these things..

Water pe sabhi ka haq hai....................... I also request to indian brother pls stop......... Water is for all people... not india aor pakistan it's for human only...
Well then you have nothing to worry do you ? :P

Which is why we do not need this useless Indus water treaty. You need to sign the treaty with china :devil: ......All the best.

We will worry, but when push comes to shove it's you who should be worried.

We have great ties with China. All the best? Yes I think that's what I would say when faced with this.

China Dam Project Slated for Tibet Quietly Passes Key Hurdle - China Real Time Report - WSJ

BBC News - Megadams: Battle on the Brahmaputra

Stop talking about River.................... India will never cut water supply to Pakistan............ No indian wants these things..

Water pe sabhi ka haq hai....................... I also request to indian brother pls stop......... Water is for all people... not india aor pakistan it's for human only...

Well my friend. This topic was about talks, which come and go al the time, but the more hot headed folks from the Indian side talked about cutting our water and making us starve etc, etc.

I will abstain in the name of peace.
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Brilliant.....India is already in favour of status quo as we hold major rivers in that region.....time to spend more money on RAW ;)

This is perfect excuse for Pakistan to not give most favored nation status to India, IMF was putting pressure on Pakistan. Well played Ganja brothers.

I request you to read MFN a little bit then you will actually know what MFN actually is....we were not fools to give you MFN status in 1996 :D
Pipes and diversions work wonders. Go ahead with your grand plan to cut it. :-)

there is study going in india to connect all major rivers inside India. i'm against the cutting of water supply to pakistan. pakistan should get her share of water. I'm in favor of covert operations to eliminate the likes of HS, dawood etc..
Firing at the Border, Calling off talks, meeting with separatist....all points to two things:

1) There is an imminent coup in Pakistan. or
2) A major terrorist attack in India
there is study going in india to connect all major rivers inside India. i'm against the cutting of water supply to pakistan. pakistan should get her share of water. I'm in favor of covert operations to eliminate the likes of HS, dawood etc..

Study which does not include our rivers. Lol
Pak do not need India, never needed it. What products when Hindus in India avoid Indian muslim products do you think they will buy from Pakistan?
lol thats why you buy Indian Trucks tyres from Dubai / Afghan lol ..... you are and your fake ego and fantasy, you do not buy Indian products from india in low cost but you buy Indian products from Dubai at hight cost.

you people are so intelligent.
We will worry, but when push comes to shove it's you who should be worried.

We have great ties with China. All the best? Yes I think that's what I would say when faced with this.

LOL. ........ start worrying then.

If you are attempting to tell us that you have ANY leverage with china you will end up embarrassing yourself.

You are a vassal state of china. That means China has influence over you, but you get to have zero influence with China. :disagree:

You are boasting about using a leverage you do not have. :P ............ see ....how easy it is to call your bluff.
This is perfect excuse for Pakistan to not give most favored nation status to India, IMF was putting pressure on Pakistan. Well played Ganja brothers.
next time you will go with beggars bowl in front of IMF , you will have to keep stand for days in front door with that bowl.....lol .. Because you buy Indian product from Dubai at high cost and do no buy product from india directly at low cost.... you people are so super duper intelligent.....thats why you always keep bowl in front of IMF

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