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India to now procure special mountain radars for borders with China


Dec 19, 2009
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India to now procure special mountain radars for borders with China​

IAF is finally going in for specialised and rugged mountain radars which can be deployed in high-altitude areas bordering China to ensure air intrusions by spy drones, helicopters and aircraft are detected in “realtime”.

This comes in the backdrop of continuing intrusions — the military likes to dub them “transgressions” — by the People’s Liberation Army all along the unresolved 4,056-km Line of Actual Control, from Pangong Tso lake in eastern Ladakh to the “finger area” in Sikkim.

China, in fact, continues to needle India even in the middle sector of Uttarakhand-Himachal. Just last week, for instance, a PLA platoon on horses crossed over in the Barahoti region with sheer impunity. While most of these “transgressions” occur on land, violations of Indian airspace are not unknown.

“These light-weight mountain radars will be installed in difficult terrains like Ladakh since conventional radars cannot be deployed there. They should be able to pick up even small aircraft from a distance of 300 to 400 km away,” said an officer.

The RFI (request for information) issued to global armament firms specifies these “active aperture phased-array radars” should be able to provide 360 degree coverage in altitudes up to 5,000 metres in extreme weather conditions.

“They should be able to classify targets as large, medium and small fixed-wing aircraft, rotary wing aircraft and UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) automatically,” it says.

With state-of-the-art ECCM (electronic counter-counter measures to prevent enemy jamming) features, the radars should also be capable of tracking multiple targets simultaneously. The radars will be remotely operated from “operational shelters” around 3,000 to 5,000 metres away through “fibre-optic and redundant radio links”.

As earlier reported by TOI, IAF has already inked contracts for several other types of radars to ensure Indian airspace becomes more impregnable. These include 19 LLTRs (low-level transportable radars), four MPRs (medium-power radars) and 30 indigenous medium-range Rohini radars, apart from plans to induct nine additional Aerostat radars and two more AWACS (airborne warning and control systems).

To strategically counter China’s massive build-up of military infrastructure along the LAC, IAF has already reactivated ALGs (advanced landing grounds) like Daulat Beg Oldi, Fukche and Nyama in eastern Ladakh. It is also upgrading eastern sector ALGs like Pasighat, Mechuka, Walong, Tuting, Ziro and Vijaynagar as well as several helipads in Arunachal.

Then, of course, in addition to basing Sukhoi-30MKI fighters in the North-East, Army is also raising two new specialised infantry mountain divisions (35,000 soldiers) and an artillery brigade for Arunachal.

India also plans to progressively base six surface-to-air Akash missile squadrons in the North-East to counter the threat posed by Chinese fighters, helicopters and drones.
i wish a small scale war be started b/w china & India.i want to see Indian abilities
Lots of focus is now on defense preparedness in the eastern sector which was neglected. good to see that the decisions are finally coming.
i wish a small scale war be started b/w china & India.i want to see Indian abilities

I guess possibility of it happening with Pakistan is More I Guess ..It will also be More Intresting to see Pak Ablilities with is Already Fighting War on Terror and Economy in Bad Shape
Its good to see India is preparing for the chinese threat along eastern borders. Steps are now slowly being taken. Its better late than never.
Chinese never posed any threat or they would have anhilated india in 1962 or even afterwards. Why would they wait for India to build massive defence and then pose a threat. This chinese provocation is all result of new found Indo-US love. USA will never come to fight China directly just like it never came to face off with soviet union. However India will do the dirty job of Americans much like Pakistan did it for Afghanistan. The reasons to invade afghanistan get more clear now. American will make all hoopla about leaving afghanistan but just a few weeks before their departure something will go between India and China which will be used as an excuse to stay in Afghanistan and logistically support India. Along the lines it may also include invasion of Pakistan or atleast limited scale strikes. As stated by Mr Kapoor.

the Chinese threat is as imaginary as ISI infiltration in IOK and Pakistan based terror camps.
India may be in for mistake because such incursion will give a new direction to taliban focus.

All in all..a good use of 80 billion dollars when million are starving. Historical expansionism of Indian empire.
Chinese never posed any threat or they would have anhilated india in 1962 or even afterwards. Why would they wait for India to build massive defence and then pose a threat. This chinese provocation is all result of new found Indo-US love. USA will never come to fight China directly just like it never came to face off with soviet union. However India will do the dirty job of Americans much like Pakistan did it for Afghanistan. The reasons to invade afghanistan get more clear now. American will make all hoopla about leaving afghanistan but just a few weeks before their departure something will go between India and China which will be used as an excuse to stay in Afghanistan and logistically support India. Along the lines it may also include invasion of Pakistan or atleast limited scale strikes. As stated by Mr Kapoor.

the Chinese threat is as imaginary as ISI infiltration in IOK and Pakistan based terror camps.
India may be in for mistake because such incursion will give a new direction to taliban focus.

All in all..a good use of 80 billion dollars when million are starving. Historical expansionism of Indian empire.

Do not act like a saint buddy. Pakistan has a persistent and consistent policy of supporting and creating terror groups against India.
If 9/11 did not have happened them I am sure your leaders and IsI will come in open to support these terror groups as if they were heroes of nation.
As you have said in your post if Chinese are doing the border incursions because of India and US love for each other then it is the most stupid thing on the chinese part thinking that these incursions will make India jittery and afraid of China.
Chinese never posed any threat or they would have anhilated india in 1962 or even afterwards. Why would they wait for India to build massive defence and then pose a threat. This chinese provocation is all result of new found Indo-US love. USA will never come to fight China directly just like it never came to face off with soviet union. However India will do the dirty job of Americans much like Pakistan did it for Afghanistan. The reasons to invade afghanistan get more clear now. American will make all hoopla about leaving afghanistan but just a few weeks before their departure something will go between India and China which will be used as an excuse to stay in Afghanistan and logistically support India. Along the lines it may also include invasion of Pakistan or atleast limited scale strikes. As stated by Mr Kapoor.

the Chinese threat is as imaginary as ISI infiltration in IOK and Pakistan based terror camps.
India may be in for mistake because such incursion will give a new direction to taliban focus.

All in all..a good use of 80 billion dollars when million are starving. Historical expansionism of Indian empire.

Now for the bold part, replace China with India, India with Pak and 62 with 72, and you would get your answer.
Good we are deploying these radars, Shoot down any plane that violates Indian air space.:sniper:
Excellent! We badly need these in Sikkim. It is annoying when PLA crosses into our side and try to bully their way in. About time we give a befitting answer like the Chola incident.

Chinese never posed any threat or they would have anhilated india in 1962 or even afterwards. Why would they wait for India to build massive defence and then pose a threat. This chinese provocation is all result of new found Indo-US love. USA will never come to fight China directly just like it never came to face off with soviet union. However India will do the dirty job of Americans much like Pakistan did it for Afghanistan. The reasons to invade afghanistan get more clear now. American will make all hoopla about leaving afghanistan but just a few weeks before their departure something will go between India and China which will be used as an excuse to stay in Afghanistan and logistically support India. Along the lines it may also include invasion of Pakistan or atleast limited scale strikes. As stated by Mr Kapoor.

the Chinese threat is as imaginary as ISI infiltration in IOK and Pakistan based terror camps.
India may be in for mistake because such incursion will give a new direction to taliban focus.

All in all..a good use of 80 billion dollars when million are starving. Historical expansionism of Indian empire.

Regarding the bold part: Don't talk when you have zero knowledge about the PLA just because they give you a few weapons. We in the bordering states know Chinese much better than you do. And even if you knew you won't talk against the Chinese as they serve your interests.

Regarding the Italics part: We don't need direct military assistance from United States to ward of China now. They wouldn't want to risk a slowing of their economic growth at this stage with a war. Chinese are not as suicidal as you lot are.

The underlined part: :rofl:. You watch too many Hollywood movies man. :lol:
i wish a small scale war be started b/w china & India.i want to see Indian abilities

what ability ? LOL

Not even worth talking about.

We all know where India stands in terms of Military Muscle. LOL
what ability ? LOL

Not even worth talking about.

We all know where India stands in terms of Military Muscle. LOL

Thank you so much i cherished the pain and humilation you felt and which made u write that for us...after all we have been gifting :pakistan: something new in everywar.:yahoo::lol::wave:
well india is doing the sam thing as every country did

there is nothing new its good move

but still we need lots of steps
what ability ? LOL

Not even worth talking about.

We all know where India stands in terms of Military Muscle. LOL
It doesnt sound nice from your mouth, who belongs to a country who was completely humiliated by every one in this globe by Kargil mishap...

If you know our military might then come and take kashmir, iam sure your bosses in Islamabad are listening.

the bottom line, please dont vote for war.

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