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India to interfere in South China Sea issue to check China: Source: Indian Media

I didn't say whether they are right or wrong in their response... but even I as a non-Indian get frustrated by GoI's tip toeing and lack of resolve. If it keep acting this way, it will continue to get the short end of the stick in international relations. This is a world where you have to fight for your own, no one else is going to do it for you.

I fully agree with the bolded part and let me ad that this mentality comes with the growth of a country and its leaders.

The current generation of Indian leaders is still very much viewing the India-China relationships under the shadow of 1962 when Nehru was crying "Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai" (Indians and Chinese are brothers) and suddenly one fine day we find that China has attacked us.

The next generation of Indian leaders will be very very self-confident and then we will see a new assertiveness in India's foreign policy be it with respect to Pakistan, China or the US.

Don't forget, India is nearly 15 years behind China and by that I do not mean only materialistically of development wise but also vis a vis the mentality of the masses. The Chinese and their govt. are much more confident today than they were say 15 years back. Same is the case with Indians and our leaders. We will be a completely different people in nearly a decade's time.
I fully agree with the bolded part and let me ad that this mentality comes with the growth of a country and its leaders.

The current generation of Indian leaders is still very much viewing the India-China relationships under the shadow of 1962 when Nehru was crying "Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai" (Indians and Chinese are brothers) and suddenly one fine day we find that China has attacked us.

The next generation of Indian leaders will be very very self-confident and then we will see a new assertiveness in India's foreign policy be it with respect to Pakistan, China or the US.

Don't forget, India is nearly 15 years behind China and by that I do not mean only materialistically of development wise but also vis a vis the mentality of the masses. The Chinese and their govt. are much more confident today than they were say 15 years back. Same is the case with Indians and our leaders. We will be a completely different people in nearly a decade's time.

For your sake as an Indian citizen, I hope so too.
For your sake as an Indian citizen, I hope so too.

Well it is very obvious. It is basic human nature. We tend to live under the shadow of bitter experiences.

1962 was a bitter experience and as a result of that the whole psyche of Indian politicians got influenced and it made them very very protectionist and alarmist when it came to China.

The next generation of leaders will not be having any such baggage of the past rather they will have the confidence of a rising India becoming more and more aware of its new-found capabilities. As a result, we will witness an increasingly assertive India.
Well it is very obvious. It is basic human nature. We tend to live under the shadow of bitter experiences.

1962 was a bitter experience and as a result of that the whole psyche of Indian politicians got influenced and it made them very very protectionist and alarmist when it came to China.

The next generation of leaders will not be having any such baggage of the past rather they will have the confidence of a rising India becoming more and more aware of its new-found capabilities. As a result, we will witness an increasingly assertive India.

One can only hope. Coincidently, dispelling the backstabbing myth about 1962 was one of the reasons I joined this forum. I'd like to invite you to peruse some of the interesting discussions I tried to facilitate between Indian members and Chinese members on the topic.



Well it is very obvious. It is basic human nature. We tend to live under the shadow of bitter experiences.

1962 was a bitter experience and as a result of that the whole psyche of Indian politicians got influenced and it made them very very protectionist and alarmist when it came to China.

The next generation of leaders will not be having any such baggage of the past rather they will have the confidence of a rising India becoming more and more aware of its new-found capabilities. As a result, we will witness an increasingly assertive India.

That's strange, because I have lived in China my entire life... yet I had never once heard of the 1962 war until I came on this forum.

And I also hope, that the next generation of Indian leaders are more confident and efficient. That would truly signal the start of what could be the Asian century. :cheers:
Easy, just ask him what this means:


Not a guarantee of course, but it's much easier than any other method.

Chinese Dragon, not again! some how people will found way to overcome your trick:D

I still remember you gave me a HK background check ah??:hang2:
And i guess i did pass your test? :partay::yahoo:
I still remember you gave me a HK background check ah??
And i guess i did pass your test? :partay::yahoo:

Yes you passed easily. :azn:

The real test though, is whether or not someone loves China.

"Challenger" does not, he loves Japanese war criminals, and calls us "Chinese Kommunist Dogs". That's why I asked. :police:
Yes you passed easily. :azn:

The real test though, is whether or not someone loves China.

"Challenger" does not, he loves Japanese war criminals, and calls us "Chinese Kommunist Dogs". That's why I asked. :police:

There are plenty of Chinese who hates either other Chinese or the government. Fair enough but don't expect me to look kindly on them for doing though.
There are plenty of Chinese who hates either other Chinese or the government. Fair enough but don't expect me to look kindly on them for doing though.

That's right. :tup:

Although, being favourable to Japanese war criminals, and claiming that the Imperial Japanese Army were "only trying to liberate China", is well beyond anything I have ever heard of before, coming from a Chinese person.

I'm sure they exist, but if I met one in person, I probably wouldn't be too happy. :azn:
That's right. :tup:

Although, being favourable to Japanese war criminals, and claiming that the Imperial Japanese Army were "only trying to liberate China", is well beyond anything I have ever heard of before, coming from a Chinese person.

I'm sure they exist, but if I met one in person, I probably wouldn't be too happy. :azn:

It's amazing the kind of rubbish people walk around believing in these days. If I were made king for a day, I'd institute mandatory logic, critical thinking and Epistemology classes for every man woman and child.
It's amazing the kind of rubbish people walk around believing in these days. If I were made king for a day, I'd institute mandatory logic, critical thinking and Epistemology classes for every man woman and child.

Hey buddy if you think that is bad, check this out. :D

Flat Earth Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Usually I tend to respect what people believe, but this kind of thing is really pushing it, lol.
Has he ever been proven, without a doubt, to be Chinese? Some of his comments are fairly strange for a Chinese person. Perhaps we should test him on Chinese?

There are plenty of Chinese who hates either other Chinese or the government. Fair enough but don't expect me to look kindly on them for doing though.

Something i like to remind all my Chinese bro, there are some local born foreigners in HK, especially Asian, they know a lot about Chinese customs, speak and write Chinese well too, you could found some of them in other forums act as Chinese too. Check out forum on people's daily and you will know what i meant. :cheers:
oh ur from a small islands called Thailand right....!
if one tries to bully us,we'll well slam them right in the most sensitive area..:sniper::sniper:

He is not originally from Thailand. But he is too ashamed to admit where he is from - don't blame him though. Anyone would be.
Something i like to remind all my Chinese bro, there are some local born foreigners in HK, especially Asian, they know a lot about Chinese customs, speak and write Chinese well too, you could found some of them in other forums act as Chinese too. Check out forum on people's daily and you will know what i meant. :cheers:

That's a very good point. :tup:

Check out this Western woman who can speak almost flawless Cantonese:

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Not necessarily true. They don't have flags on Sino-defence but sometimes the only thing keeping the discussions on track is a little spanking from the mods.
true sir but here people don't hesistate to bash up under fake flags.. Please take a note of molwie chai ...
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