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India to interfere in South China Sea issue to check China: Source: Indian Media

I have never seen Chinese being called "chincks" (sic) on this forum - if that is the case, it is deplorable. Perhaps you could point to such a post. As far as calling them "commies" is concerned - well, considering they belong to a communist nation - how is that a slur? It's as absurd as Indians being offended at being called "democratic".

commie, commy [ˈkɒmɪ]
n pl -mies
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Informal and derogatory short for communist
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Someone better call Collins for a retraction.

Curb our democratic fanfare???? Not going to happen. India is a pressure cooker which allows its citizens to blow steam once a while through its democratic set-up. You like the erstwhile communist countries of Eastern Europe and USSR are like a gas cylinder - all appears well - till it will finally blow up. Then the $hit will really hit the fan. Be glad you are in the US wearing a raincoat.

Thats an astounding analysis, China is just going to blow up (and take half the world's financials with it). You have manage to sweep decades of political reform, advances in infrastructure & technology etc into one single statement. :yahoo:

You should be worried if China destabilizes because the whole of Asia will go with it. Likewise if the same happened to Pakistan or India for that matter.
commie, commy [ˈkɒmɪ]
n pl -mies
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Informal and derogatory short for communist
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Someone better call Collins for a retraction.

Thats an astounding analysis, China is just going to blow up (and take half the world's financials with it). You have manage to sweep decades of political reform, advances in infrastructure & technology etc into one single statement. :yahoo:

You should be worried if China destabilizes because the whole of Asia will go with it. Likewise if the same happened to Pakistan or India for that matter.

Commie - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

As far as the astounding analysis is concerned - well, we will just have to wait and watch. Economic and political progress go hand in hand. After a certain generation reaps the benefit of consumerism and satisfies its materialistic needs, the next one does demands more rights. We saw it in the US after the 1950s.
Your own media has admitted that your country will interfere in South China Sea issue. You should know how sensitive that issue is.

A war is inevitable, if India interferes in South China Sea issue. I think, your foreign policy makers want a war. Now, its time for China to prepare.
PLease stop your rant, no one is looking for a war here....This is not an act off provocation.

If you think after recognizing Tibet, Taiwan as an integral part of China and not meddling with your internal matter makes a coutry which hates China then you are a stupid fellow.

This is just an excercize, and a small team is just going there, with no armada and cavalry.

If you start saying south China sea is yours theen stop asking us why we call Indian ocean our back yard.

Get a life

Com·mie (käm′ē)
adjective, noun
INFORMAL Communist: a derogatory usage
Webster's New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Commie - Definition of Commie at YourDictionary.com

Also from Webster dictionary, but honestly do you think that people from communist countries like that term? Mutual respect building and not derogative mud slinging is the way to win an argument.

As far as the astounding analysis is concerned - well, we will just have to wait and watch. Economic and political progress go hand in hand. After a certain generation reaps the benefit of consumerism and satisfies its materialistic needs, the next one does demands more rights. We saw it in the US after the 1950s.

Without a doubt, China is already slowly letting go of the controls within the populace, we even seen riots over pay disputes and the government did nothing to restrict that which is unheard of years ago.
True human rights abuse still occur and total freedom is limited but the population is benefiting by leaps and bounds with new infrastructure and better standard of living which are now being pushed into inner China by the CPC.

With Chinese culture introduction into democracy when the population is in its infancy will not work. If Hong Kong without the British or Singapore without LKY would have resulted in a country controlled by secret societies or different clans fighting over control of the various vices.

The CPC least delivers in the interest of majority of the population and builds the country up and thats what matters serving the people and meeting its objectives.
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