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India to Deploy Massive Tank Army Along Border With Pakistan

Do you think India is trying to start war with Pakistan?

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what will india get by starting an all out war with pakistan? mutual destruction . i don't think india wants a full scale war with pakistan even if modi gets the nod from trump . india will definitely go down in any full scale conflict. so a full scale war between india and pakistan is highly unlikely .
Well...then lets fight...:D

Just because countries adopt first use policies that doesn't mean they don't have confidence...U may interpret it but different people will definitely disagreeing with you...

It is called striking in heartland of enemies...Putting fear straight into their families and homes and lives...

It seems Pakistan has solution to every puzzle..:rofl:
It's easy to launch nuke from PDF..I hardly see any Indians brag about their nukes..It's your insecurity..

Pakistan don't even have a SLBM.So once we devastate your whole country you will be left with nothing..

I am well aware what kind of people would agree with you.Go do a mental check up...
It seems Pakistan has solution to every puzzle..:rofl:
It's easy to launch nuke from PDF..I hardly see any Indians brag about their nukes..It's your insecurity..

Pakistan don't even have a SLBM.So once we devastate your whole country you will be left with nothing..

I am well aware what kind of people would agree with you.Go do a mental check up...

:D :sniper:
Lol....these guys are delusional and retarded. They make too many far fetched claims. These are the same people that claimed Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. That it was impossible for Pakistan to do so. We all know what happened to that retarded delusional bollywood fantasy as with all the others......:lol:

You have struck terror into their hearts, which is darker than the bottom of the dark ocean at a dark night covered with heavy dark clouds....
You have struck terror into their hearts, which is darker than the bottom of the dark ocean at a dark night covered with heavy dark clouds....
Who is this guy?Some kind of poet?
Then this is a good place.
Hopefully our anti tank rockets will make short work of them. They are also relatively cheap compared to tanks so double win for Pakistan.

yep our DU anti-tank shells should do the trick
So what happened after mumbai 2008 then? 8-)That too against an enemy that is more than 7× smaller than india and doesn't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like you do :azn:

Keep talking. That's all you're good for....lol....:lol: Keep talking and talking even more. But no action = indians.....lol....:rofl:

Oh dear, another one suffering from "lesser man" syndrome:


Bhai what is with your this 7x smaller country and abundance resources :D
You copy paste this in every thread :whistle:

Don't worry.We will get first Rafale within max next 2 two years.
Our stealth Submarines will be more enough.Also if your 60's Mirages try to cross border it will be blown up like mosquitoes..We have ICBMs too..

It is not possible to know all installed locations whether ground or subs.You people are too much deluded..Also India produces almost triple number of weapon grade Plutonium annually than Pakistan.Our original nuke number might shock you to death if you go with such misadventures.

The moment your nuke crosses our air space your land will be turned into asses within few minutes.
Stop replying to trolls and don't troll yourself.
A true patriot knows his strength and respects the enemy too.
Stay in order mate.
Bhai what is with your this 7x smaller country and abundance resources :D
You copy paste this in every thread :whistle:

Stop replying to trolls and don't troll yourself.
A true patriot knows his strength and respects the enemy too.
Stay in order mate.

That maybe but it doesn't change that fact and reality regardless of what anyone says or alludes too :azn:
That maybe but it doesn't change that fact and reality regardless of what anyone says or alludes too :azn:
Reality is different for different people as it has been from the birth of human.
What's the reality? That we are the Satan and Pakistan Angel? GawDDD get out from this hate mode Bhai, Kuch nhi rakha isme.
I hope you get what I'm saying.
Peace be upon you.
pakistan is better than india in tank warfare... atleast according to the past... but i wouldn't take india to be inferior now... the thing is, is india gearing up for some kind of war...!?

Trust your enemy but never trust time! Even if they are or were inferior but we must prepare for the best we can do and yes it looks like they are setting up for a war!
go and fight with china
who invade daily indian boarder
but these busters bark only on us
We have a village called Pattonnagar




Not to mention Longewala!!And how the IA was only a few miles away from Lahore.

Lets come to 2017

Pakistan Army is fighting for its survival all over the country.

West border is as volatile and if not more than the east.

Civillians are dying every month..even mosques and childrens are not safe.

Pakistan is a failed state according to many.

Balochistan and Sindh azaadi movements going on.

So even after living in Pakistan and talking about it every day you cannot accept that you are going in deep shit i cannot convince you.
forgot another one... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Chawinda
go and fight with china
who invade daily indian boarder
but these busters bark only on us
We fought 4 wars wid Pakistan.We devastated you every possible way.You harbor terrorists as proxy & give nuclear threats on weekly basis.

Chinese have never been such irresponsible & not single bullet has been fired along indo china border.
It's an easy to get point..It's meant at Pakistan for obvious reasons.
So it proves you that 1 battle is more than 3?

Dont worry you were East Pakistan in 65 so you were taught some high level propoganda in that era.
i havent searched for more... but only of the most important tank battle since ww2...

its easy to make assumption without looking in deeply...
i am not bangladeshi by birth but rather am proud to be a citizen of bangladesh...
i was born and raised in kuwait.
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