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India to buy 60-63 Rafales jets off the shelf from France; MMRCA deal off:


By signing for 36 Modi has confirmed the IAF is going for the Rafale and in large numbers but he has, thankfully, bought the IAF some breathing space as the contract for the larger and more complicated Rafale deal is worked out.

It is now simply out of the question of yet ANOTHER fighter type (Su-35) now entering the IAF although I suspect there will still be many coming up with all sorts of exotic alternatives to the Rafale just for the sake of it.....

It confirms the faith IAF put in Rafale and therefore the number does not matter much at this stage. More rafale will come, its only a matter of time, We can trust our PM not to waste almost USD 4 billion on 2 squadrons just to keep a nation happy.
Also looks like recent remarks by DM (regarding getting more MKIs in lieu of rafale) was just a poker bluff. Rafale is Plan A, B and C.
PS: @DrSomnath999 Where are you doc? Time to rejoice!!
While 36 is too low hence GoI would certainly buy more, but in wake of LCA-Mk II and AMCA project, 225 would not make sense specially when delivery of such a large order would finish in mid 20's.
Not sure about that logic, through the 36+108+63/36+126+63 route the IAF can have 207-225 of cutting edge 4.5++ yen fighters in service by 2025, the AMCA will (at best) be in the middle of its flight test program by then and around 50-60+ LCA Mk.2 will be in service but the latter is irrelevant as it is not a Rafale substitute. Money is not an issue, it is about doctrine and meeting force levels, if it looks like the FGFA is not going to be in service in large numbers by the middle of the next decade then the 225 figure is likely- in fact it might come regardless of what happens with the FGFA the IAF is that desperate for fighters.
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