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India to buy 60-63 Rafales jets off the shelf from France; MMRCA deal off:

As per economic times, this is a new deal while mmrca deal will also stay. So in total India is getting 36+126 Rafales i.e 9 squadrons.
I get a feeling that it is token order........Now that it is decided that we are going to buy Rafale....But i really fail to understand why we cant go ahead with the original order.........or if i could ask What is holding Goi signing the whole deal..... The good news is it is off the shelf......wonder how the rest 90 going to be delivered (if we are buying it)

I'm wondering too. Since we've given them the upper hand no significant discounts will come anyway, so just be done with it and move ahead. If they brig in another platform, that would be just lame.

This is precisely why i posed the question, i knew you'd cheerlead :victory:

You got issues man.....
are we not losing bargaining tactic ...by agreeing to 36 jets before closing the deal ?

I think we have tied ourselves in knots by agreeing to this before closing the deal ....

this will only embolden Dassault to hard bargain later ....

Like we had any other choice

Bargaining has been going on for years now, tells lot about our Bargaining efficacy ain't it
vishu som from ndtv just said that the original deal ad option for 18 in fly away and 108 to be made in india.
Now its 36 as quickly as possible and 108 to be made in india for which negotiaitons are on. So deal not dead and total =144
are we not losing bargaining tactic ...by agreeing to 36 jets before closing the deal ?

I think we have tied ourselves in knots by agreeing to this before closing the deal ....

this will only embolden Dassault to hard bargain later ....
..I too have the same point...
..Modi is intillegent enough not to put himself in the situation...
..he must be having a different idea...for the remaining numbers..
Looks like numbers of Rafale that India is buying keeps dropipng by half with every new news ! From 126 to 62 and now 36. Next number in this sequence is 18 then 9!!

No, it's actually seems like it's 36+. From what I understand from sources, this is a separate deal for 36 Rafales needed ASAP by the IAF, all the while the original MMRCA deal is being ironed out.
It confirms the faith IAF put in Rafale and therefore the number does not matter much at this stage. More rafale will come, its only a matter of time, We can trust our PM not to waste almost USD 4 billion on 2 squadrons just to keep a nation happy.
Also looks like recent remarks by DM (regarding getting more MKIs in lieu of rafale) was just a poker bluff. Rafale is Plan A, B and C.
PS: @DrSomnath999 Where are you doc? Time to rejoice!!

Do we have to wait till PM is back from tour for more details on this stuff? Is anyone going to take questions from media?
Nobody has yet uttered a single word about mmrca
I'm wondering too. Since we've given them the upper hand no significant discounts will come anyway, so just be done with it and move ahead. If they brig in another platform, that would be just lame.

Another Platform???? No way!!!!!!...... PM did not speak clearly on the deal..... He just said, Give me 36 jets As soon as possible.........
are we not losing bargaining tactic ...by agreeing to 36 jets before closing the deal ?

I think we have tied ourselves in knots by agreeing to this before closing the deal ....

this will only embolden Dassault to hard bargain later ....

My guess is that most of the details on the balance 108 to be built in India have already been worked out, hence this announcement. The 18 extra in fly away condition might have been Dassault's price for agree to provide guarantees on the HAL built Rafales.
This news made my day.... Aaaaahhhhhhh......
All hail to acumen of Parikkar, PM Saab n don't forget IAF pressure tactics ....
Btw at least now ppl would stop opening thread with title "Mother of all deal".......
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