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India to build its own stealth fighter jet.

LCA took 30 years, still its without engine [ only few engines were delivered from US for testing & prototypes] and there is a long way to develop LCa may be 30 more years.....

For Indian Stealth, first they will learn to develop engine after 30 years that will take them to 2040, then another 30 years to understand STEALTH technology, that will take them to 2080, then 20 more years would be required to develop Stealth AC which will take them to 3000 [Next Millinium]....

Good to see dreams for 3000
Oh..you again...very nice. You are on a trolling spree. Once again I'll make it simple for you.

1.Click on the links below.
2.Read it.
3.Get enlightened.
4.Stop trolling.


Tejas - History - Genesis

Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) - a knol by Vijainder K Thakur

India is bringing its own engineering input to the joint variant, although he declines to detail New Delhi's contribution beyond saying it covers aspects of airframe design, software development and other systems.
PARIS: Russia's PAK-FA fighter shows promise
Brother You are correct I would like to add some value to ur post,

1. MMRCA is to replace MiG27/23 and complemneted by jaguar (Which will retire during procurement of MMRCA), MiG29. M2000H
2. AMCA will replace M2000H and MiG29 and complemented by MMRCA.
3. LCA MKI and later version will replace MiG21.
4. FGFA will complement MKI and later it will replace MKI (in 2040s)

your second part hurt me.. How can you blame all to DRDO and ADA for delay??? Do you know when fund was granted for LCA (it was 1991)??? Do you know when first LCA flew (It was 2001)?? Do you know when IOC given (it was 2011)???

Google and tell me one fighter aircraft which was made from scratch and get ready in 20 year of time... You name one , I will quit PDF...

brother part of the delay for the LCA Was because the DRDO took too long to develop an indigenous radar and the delays of the Kaveri was another factor, the ADA had poor planning and no back up plan, poor planning and delays with 2 major equipment that had to be imported like afterburning turbofan engine and radar

the economic problems in the early 90's caused funding for the LCA project to be temporarily ceased then when full funding started again a technology embargo hit India after the 98 tests yet we still got the LCA prototype to fly in 2001, first flight was in 2001 IOC in 2011

if that time is considered it really only took 10 years to develop LCA
13 Apr 1972
USAF selects General Dynamics Model 401-16B and the Northrop P-600 as candidates for its Air Combat Fighter program and signs contracts for two YF-16s

8 Jan 1974
The prototype YF-16 (#72-1567) is airfreighted by C-5 from Fort Worth to Edwards AFB.

20 Jan 1974
Unintentional first flight of the first YF-16 (#72-1567), a short hop around the pattern at the hands of test pilot Phil Oestricher.

2 Feb 1974
Official first flight of the YF-16 protoype (#72-1567), with test pilot Phil Oestricher at the controls, reaching 400 mph and 30,000 feet.

9 Mar 1974
YF-16 no 2 (#72-1568) is flown for the first time with test pilot Neil Anderson at the controls.

13 Jan 1975
Full Scale Development award.

Jan 1975
U.S. Air Force selects F-16 as its air combat fighter and announces plans to procure at least 650 aircraft.

10 Feb 1975
Preliminary design review from 10th to 13th of February.

Apr 1975
The F-16 design enters critical design review phase, from 22th to 24th of April.

8 May 1975
Neil Anderson belly lands the first YF-16 protoype on the grass at Fort Worth, after one of the main gear tires got stuck in the well during a practice
demo for the Paris Air Show

May 1975
First transatlantic flight by the YF-16, attending the 1975 Paris Air Show.

29 Jun 1975
Belgium, Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands announce plans to buy 348 F-16s.

21 Jul 1975
Belgium (116), Denmark (58), Norway (72), and the Netherlands (102) order 348 F-16s.

8 Aug 1975
F-16 manufacturing begins. (first chips)

7 Sep 1975
Submission of Canadian proposal

3 Dec 1975
Loaded first assembly fixture

18 Dec 1975
Assembly of F-16 Number One begins.

Now you quit PDF

1975 - 1972 = 3 years, not 20 years....as Kali Widva [Black Widow] said its 20 years to develop AC's

U Indians are not men of words :D
Oh..you again...very nice. You are on a trolling spree. Once again I'll make it simple for you.

1.Click on the links below.
2.Read it.
3.Get enlightened.
4.Stop trolling.


Tejas - History - Genesis

Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) - a knol by Vijainder K Thakur

India is bringing its own engineering input to the joint variant, although he declines to detail New Delhi's contribution beyond saying it covers aspects of airframe design, software development and other systems.
PARIS: Russia's PAK-FA fighter shows promise

U asked for prove abt any AC developed less then 20 year....I gave u prove.....now if you are man of words then quite immediately.....
and I know u wouldnt as ur belong to India :D
LCA took 30 years, still its without engine [ only few engines were delivered from US for testing & prototypes] and there is a long way to develop LCa may be 30 more years.....

For Indian Stealth, first they will learn to develop engine after 30 years that will take them to 2040, then another 30 years to understand STEALTH technology, that will take them to 2080, then 20 more years would be required to develop Stealth AC which will take them to 3000 [Next Millinium]....

Good to see dreams for 3000

really it is without engine? i guess Baba Ramdev gave yoga lessons to the LCA test pilots so they would be able to fly without engines! (okay that was a little stupid :P) (48 GEF404IN engines were ordered and so were 100 GEF414 engines from U.S which will be used on the first batch of MK1 and MK2 aircraft then when they need engine replacements the Kaveri will replace them)

first of all learn basic math before you go on blabbing like an idiot when Pakistan can make its own fighter jet indigenously then talk LCA got its IOC this year and FOC will be next year and please learn the history of the fighter jet before you go on spitting crap on here (i recommend a diaper for your mouth for that issue) :)
U asked for prove abt any AC developed less then 20 year....I gave u prove.....now if you are man of words then quite immediately.....
and I know u wouldnt as ur belong to India :D

When did I say that? Stop misquoting me troll.
Then quit PDF. if ur man of words.

It was F-16, planned and designed in 1974, 1976 it got the approval for production. First AC comeout DEC 1976.


Please leave PDF, if Indians are men of words. :D

I wish I could Fullfill you dreams, But Alas! it won't be possible...

The Lightweight Fighter (LWF) program was a U.S. Air Force technology evaluation program initiated in the 1960s (1960s means 1950-1959) by a cabal of officers and defense analysts known as the "Fighter Mafia". It was spurred by then Major John Boyd's Energy-Maneuverability (E-M) theory of maneuverability, which indicated that excessive weight would have severely debilitating consequences on the maneuverability of an aircraft. Boyd's design called for a light-weight fighter with a high thrust-to-weight ratio, a gross weight of less than 20,000 pounds (9,100 kg) (half that of its counterpart, the F-15 Eagle), and high maneuverability.[1] It resulted in the development of the General Dynamics YF-16 and Northrop YF-17

Now you can calculate the timeline of development.. there is a proverb in India " Half knowledge is dangerous"

Come with Other Examples...
I wish I could Fullfill you dreams, But Alas! it won't be possible...

The Lightweight Fighter (LWF) program was a U.S. Air Force technology evaluation program initiated in the 1960s (1960s means 1950-1959) by a cabal of officers and defense analysts known as the "Fighter Mafia". It was spurred by then Major John Boyd's Energy-Maneuverability (E-M) theory of maneuverability, which indicated that excessive weight would have severely debilitating consequences on the maneuverability of an aircraft. Boyd's design called for a light-weight fighter with a high thrust-to-weight ratio, a gross weight of less than 20,000 pounds (9,100 kg) (half that of its counterpart, the F-15 Eagle), and high maneuverability.[1] It resulted in the development of the General Dynamics YF-16 and Northrop YF-17

Now you can calculate the timeline of development.. there is a proverb in India " Half knowledge is dangerous"

Come with Other Examples...

lol so you got something bogus to defend from wikipedia , i thought you are man of words and soon we will say that ,there use to be a "blackwidow" on this forum but as usual you people cant stand by your words . All fake challenges

I wish you would have used your brain a bit more and red it carefully what you posted and analyzed it by having some research on f-16 program so you would have known what its all about
I wish I could Fullfill you dreams, But Alas! it won't be possible...

The Lightweight Fighter (LWF) program was a U.S. Air Force technology evaluation program initiated in the 1960s (1960s means 1950-1959) by a cabal of officers and defense analysts known as the "Fighter Mafia". It was spurred by then Major John Boyd's Energy-Maneuverability (E-M) theory of maneuverability, which indicated that excessive weight would have severely debilitating consequences on the maneuverability of an aircraft. Boyd's design called for a light-weight fighter with a high thrust-to-weight ratio, a gross weight of less than 20,000 pounds (9,100 kg) (half that of its counterpart, the F-15 Eagle), and high maneuverability.[1] It resulted in the development of the General Dynamics YF-16 and Northrop YF-17

Now you can calculate the timeline of development.. there is a proverb in India " Half knowledge is dangerous"

Come with Other Examples...

Well, its good proverb for u......coz the designe was built in 1974 and u have half knowledge abt it......
any ways lets take ur reference even if its initiated in 1959, and first AC come out in Dec 1976 then its still less then 20 years....
Let me make ur life easier [1976 - 1959 = 17 years] so plz leave PDF :p
the 90's was a lost decade for the LCA Program


yet we still got the LCA to fly in 2001 if that time is considered it took 10 years to develop LCA


@MZUABIR we are talking about future AMCA Stealth fighter why you bring up LCA and derail thread?
Well, its good proverb for u......coz the designe was built in 1974 and u have half knowledge abt it......
any ways lets take ur reference even if its initiated in 1959, and first AC come out in Dec 1976 then its still less then 20 years....
Let me make ur life easier [1976 - 1959 = 17 years] so plz leave PDF :p

lol now wait for another bogus post of his assisted by some BR fanboys
lol so you got something bogus to defend from wikipedia , i thought you are man of words and soon we will say that ,there use to be a "blackwidow" on this forum but as you usual you people cant stand by your words . All fake challenges

Simple Question. We are talking about stealth jets here and engines that have not even been developed yet. Even current stealth jets are undergoing around 20 year development time. Do you believe a stealth jet including the engines can be built from scratch within a span of 5 years?
lol so you got something bogus to defend from wikipedia , i thought you are man of words and soon we will say that ,there use to be a "blackwidow" on this forum but as usual you people cant stand by your words . All fake challenges

I wish you would have used your brain a bit more and red it carefully what you posted and analyzed it by having some research on f-16 program so you would have known what its all about

Jiyo.... Your source is source, My source is Bogus??? Still My challenge remains, Show me one Aircraft which is design from scratch in less than 20 years...
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