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India threatens Pakistan while Pak Army targets political leadership in press conference

A pakistani member said pakistan has 83000 Sq miles of Indian land taken by Pak army. If that's the case why wouldn't you expects India to at least make some noise such as this?

With nuclear weapons on both sides, it's not possible for either country to change current status
The question posed by the thread is not whether or not India should have made the statement that it did, but that the Pakistan Army leadership has become so compromised because of its lust for power, that it is holding hours long political press conferences against a political party and politicians instead of focusing on its constitutional role.

The irony of declaring that the Army is 'neutral and not involved in politics' while holding a press conference that is entirely political and targeting one political party.
I don't know whether I should feel upset or flattered that many of my PDF bros here think that India actually has any plans to invade Pakistan for territorial aggrandisement and that even if they do so they actually have the military strength to impose a military defeat upon the Pak Army. Let us also not forget that with nukes in place on both sides of the border, doing so would be foolhardy and suicidal in any case.

Let me assert in no uncertain terms that India neither has the military strength nor the b***s to actually invade Pakistan. Besides, Indians love making money more than anything else and fighting a war doesnt advance that particular cause.

More recently the missile strike which struck southern Punjab.

It is a mistake which India regretted and action has been taken against the perpetrators. Pakistan HC too wisely cooled down matters and let the matter subside.

You too are missing the point of the thread.
Acknowledgement of Indian involvement is there, but the reply is given through other channels.

Military threat requires military response. Or is the Army now sending Vigos to Jaishankar too?

The question posed by the thread is not whether or not India should have made the statement that it did, but that the Pakistan Army leadership has become so compromised because of its lust for power, that it is holding hours long political press conferences against a political party and politicians instead of focusing on its constitutional role.

The irony of declaring that the Army is 'neutral and not involved in politics' while holding a press conference that is entirely political and targeting one political party.
Should get all the officers of PA out in Liberty and put up a big screen where we can show them how a RACI Matrix works.
Considering all are Matric fail though they'd probably not even know what a RACI Matrix is.
The nuclear spice has become more of a curse as so-called DHA leadership is aware that country cannot go bankrupt, Suaidia or china will always bail out

This is an underrated comment.

Nuclear weapons have taken away the existential threat Pakistan felt since 1971.

Additionally have created a comfort zone where Pakistans leaders (military and non military) have no incentive to improve on the economic and common peoples needs.

They can simply expect other powers to support their vision of making Pakistan just trundle along as a weak state while they milk billions out of it.

There is geographic freedom guranteed, but economic freedom being robbed away.
The complete disregard for Rajnath Singh's statement can mean only one thing. That the Pak establishment does not give a **** about it, because it does not see it happening. Personally, I see the silence as an appropriate response, because hey, lets face it, neither side is going to do anything on the ground about it. Might as well save the sound bytes for something more appropriate.
Even if we take Nukes out of picture, Indian economy would be severely affected by western sanctions if we start a war and unlike in 1998 we are way too dependent on West right now.
Even if we take Nukes out of picture, Indian economy would be severely affected by western sanctions if we start a war and unlike in 1998 we are way too dependent on West right now.
The real reason is that India has become too soft now. It is too lost in the dreams of economic growth and cushy life to give a **** about protracted war over a remote part of the country. Every kid wants to be a startup billionaire. We have too much to loose in case of a conflict. Stock markets, FDI, FII and all that shit. Unless some ultra high IQ punter sitting somewhere in South Block has it all figured out.
A pakistani member said pakistan has 83000 Sq miles of Indian land taken by Pak army. If that's the case why wouldn't you expects India to at least make some noise such as this?

With nuclear weapons on both sides, it's not possible for either country to change current status
The member was probably joking
The irony of declaring that the Army is 'neutral and not involved in politics' while holding a press conference that is entirely political and targeting one political party.
Very aptly put across.
If PA claims to be apolitical then they will have to keep their head down and let politicians run the show without bothering to answer any allegations or engage with politicians in any which way. DG ISPR regularly commenting on matters of foreign policy, economy and areas way behind their domain explains their desire to remain in the game but without acknowledging it. Gen Bajwa went across the world and sought financial aid and did diplomacy. Who asked him or allowed him to? There is no democracy or a decent nation state where such and activity would be allowed for military officers.
Yesterday’s ISPR press jig was a complete mess and conveyed exactly what they were saying they are not.
Very aptly put across.
If PA claims to be apolitical then they will have to keep their head down and let politicians run the show without bothering to answer any allegations or engage with politicians in any which way. DG ISPR regularly commenting on matters of foreign policy, economy and areas way behind their domain explains their desire to remain in the game but without acknowledging it. Gen Bajwa went across the world and sought financial aid and did diplomacy. Who asked him or allowed him to? There is no democracy or a decent nation state where such and activity would be allowed for military officers.
Yesterday’s ISPR press jig was a complete mess and conveyed exactly what they were saying they are not.
If this happened in the corporate world, Mr. Bajwa and his team would be felicitated for being team players, going above and beyond the call of duty and all of them would win a paid holiday to Bangkok. Maybe they are just ahead of times.
The contrast couldn't be any clearer. On the one hand you have a Hindutva regime and its oppressive army unreservedly on the same page. On the other hand you have a poodle army that conspires with other powers to overthrow it's own government and threaten/torture anyone who dares to speak up.

Well done Pak army.
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The contrast couldn't be any clearer. On the one hand you have a Hindutva regime and its oppressive army unreservedly on the same page. On the other hand you have a poodle army that conspires with other powers to overthrow it's own government and threaten/torture anyone who dares to speak up.

Well done Pak army.

If what you are saying is true, there is no contrast. Both armies/governments have the buddy they want, so there is harmony. The only contrast could be in the objectives of the respective tag teams, which I don't know what they are. Your army and government are also on the same page. Wasn't that the objective of regime change?
its time to play shaheed shaheed and gain some support!!!

jai Wardi mafia ki jaaaiii!
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