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India threatens Pakistan while Pak Army targets political leadership in press conference

Did anyone from our PDM government or ISPR even bother to reply to this highly provocative statement by the Indian minister?

Or framing Imran Khan in Arshad Sharif case is more important?
According to the Anwar Maqsood : Yeh Kashmir ko azad karny is liay nhi jaty k peechy sa kaheen Pakistan na azad ho jay
@Areesh bhai,

Indian minister statement is in public

It is an empty bombast. Not worth responding to.


Everything is empty bombast until it eventually happens

It is duty of people ruling Pakistan to respond to any provocation whatsoever it is

Why should you play on the terms set by the enemy. You shouldn’t and you don’t, even then the reply might come as per your wish, which I hope it doesn’t.

So we would keep mum on all these provocations giving a false (or real) sense of own indifference to the enemy leading it to eventually invade Pakistani territories in AJK and GB?
The reality is striking everyone, our army is scared of india and the army leadership are sold traitors. These beghairats will never answer india, instead keep begging them for peace. See how they give aggressive statements and then our haaji saab bends backward and begs for peace. This colonial army needs to be dismantled and these evil satanist and ally of freemasons establishment needs to be annihilated.
Why should you play on the terms set by the enemy. You shouldn’t and you don’t, even then the reply might come as per your wish, which I hope it doesn’t.
Right, a direct threat by India to retake Gilgit-Baltistan & Azad Kashmir doesn’t deserve even a press statement, but an hours long outright political propaganda conference by the DG ISPR & DG ISI, targeting the most popular political party and political leadership in the country, was absolutely justified …

Like I said - the Army leadership is little more than a bunch of incompetent, constitution violating, traitorous property dealers.

Hell, they aren’t even competent property dealers because they need all the tax incentives and land grabbing through their influence to be successful.
Just shows how the Army leadership's priorities are completely skewed and it's professionalism and competence (at the leadership level) in complete shambles when the DG of Inter Services Intelligence and DG of it's public relations arm hold a long, rambling press conference specifically to target, malign and abuse the most popular politician and political party in Pakistan ... while the Indians threaten to take Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir by force.

And to hide said Army incompetence, the Indian threat is barely being covered in the Pakistani media, with full coverage given to this absurd and incompetent press conference that is outright meddling and political interference by the Army leadership - court martials and dishonorable dismissals are in order at this point.

"This is just the beginning. The mission will complete only when Gilgit Baltistan and areas of Azad Kashmir reunite with India. Also, when justice is delivered to the refugees of 1947 and they get their land and homes back. The day is not far away,” Mr. Singh said, while referring to the resolution passed by Parliament on retrieving Azad Kashmir in 1994."

We need complete overhaul of the army and start afresh. When IK comes into power which i very much hope so, put all the generals into a hotel and all must be investigated. After the investigation prosecute the tainted ones and hanged them in the public and retire the rest without any benefits or pension scheme. Put this traitor Bajwa, Miss Anjuman, Mr X., Mr Y. and Iftikhar on the ECL list as soon as the regime change is reversed and let some of their handy work can be heard in the public.
1971 incident didn't happened without any reason, Bin Laden raid didn't took place without the inside job and regime change didn't happened without any help. Then they pretend to be innocent and want respect, hell not while in the broad day light out our civilians are kidnapped and tortured and at night our mothers and sisters have been disrespected in there own homes.
There was a time when India would have been very happy to make LOC as the permeant border and now they want to take the rest of the Kashmir by force. It got to show their generals are doing work they are assigned to and our generals are buying properties abroad no wonder we have lost the Siachen.
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The nuclear spice has become more of a curse as so-called DHA leadership is aware that country cannot go bankrupt, Suaidia or china will always bail out

Pakistan was clearly warned that nuclear weapons would not be the panacea that it sought, but we chose not to heed it. And If USSR can bankrupt itself and break up, why should Pakistan consider itself immune?
Pakistan was clearly warned that nuclear weapons would not be the panacea that it sought, but we chose not to heed it. And If USSR can bankrupt itself and break up, why should Pakistan consider itself immune?
Apparently, the immunity of Military elites comes from the fact that in the event of total bankruptcy, the US will take over the weapons and perhaps establish a permanent base close to China's CPEC, which China won't ever let happen, Secondly being only ismalic country possessing NW, Saudis would never want to see Pakistan the so-called last fortress of Islam losing the weapons.
In the meanwhile the middle class will shrink further and the growth and development will remain a pipe dream for common Pakistani, where elite wont be affected
Apparently, the immunity of Military elites comes from the fact that in the event of total bankruptcy, the US will take over the weapons and perhaps establish a permanent base close to China's CPEC, which China won't ever let happen, Secondly being only ismalic country possessing NW, Saudis would never want to see Pakistan the so-called last fortress of Islam losing the weapons.
In the meanwhile the middle class will shrink further and the growth and development will remain a pipe dream for common Pakistani, where elite wont be affected

What you describe above can only be regarded as speculation at this point in time, except the last sentence, which has evidence to support it.
India is no concern of Mir Bajwa or other members of the criminal gang which is ruling Pakistan. This was crystal clear from the day one of their rule.
In the near future india will launch a vicious attack on Pakistan. Since modi came to power india has inched closer and closer to engage in a confrontation. More recently the missile strike which struck southern Punjab. No response was ever given by the armed forces of Pakistan.
The Pakistani leadership are a very passive group of people who will happily engage and take a mild, soft hearted stance of mutual respect, friendship, engagement with its neighbours etc. There is is no Jazba to fight back or assertivness.
This has given more confidence to Indians with the global rise of Hindutva to attack muslim communities in the west.
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A pakistani member said pakistan has 83000 Sq miles of Indian land taken by Pak army. If that's the case why wouldn't you expects India to at least make some noise such as this?

With nuclear weapons on both sides, it's not possible for either country to change current status
I don't know whether I should feel upset or flattered that many of my PDF bros here think that India actually has any plans to invade Pakistan for territorial aggrandisement and that even if they do so they actually have the military strength to impose a military defeat upon the Pak Army. Let us also not forget that with nukes in place on both sides of the border, doing so would be foolhardy and suicidal in any case.

Let me assert in no uncertain terms that India neither has the military strength nor the b***s to actually invade Pakistan. Besides, Indians love making money more than anything else and fighting a war doesnt advance that particular cause.

More recently the missile strike which struck southern Punjab.

It is a mistake which India regretted and action has been taken against the perpetrators. Pakistan HC too wisely cooled down matters and let the matter subside.

I don't know whether I should feel upset or flattered that many of my PDF bros here think that India actually has any plans to invade Pakistan for territorial aggrandisement and that even if they do so they actually have the military strength to impose a military defeat upon the Pak Army. Let us also not forget that with nukes in place on both sides of the border, doing so would be foolhardy and suicidal in any case.

Let me assert in no uncertain terms that India neither has the military strength nor the b***s to actually invade Pakistan. Besides, Indians love making money more than anything else and fighting a war doesnt advance that particular cause.

Indians will launce a collective strike across the LOC as they did several years ago. I full invasion is unlikely as the local population will take up arms to hit back hard.
One call to arms by the religious leaders and fighters will flock to the region to fight the indians.
A pakistani member said pakistan has 83000 Sq miles of Indian land taken by Pak army. If that's the case why wouldn't you expects India to at least make some noise such as this?

With nuclear weapons on both sides, it's not possible for either country to change current status

Taken by common Pakistanis not Pak Army .

Indian Army threatens Pakistan
Pakistani Army threatens Pakistan .

shit . Lol
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