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India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes

Great reply. Like I said, you can't argue. Just look at things in general. :D

Take lies and sex crimes out of the equation for a moment and think of Violence in general.

Read some books on Neuroscience, habit formation, personality formation and how human brain evolves. We are talking of a book, may be you should read few.

More exposure to violence make people more violent.

Eating meat doesn't necessarily involve violence. Hardly anyone goes around hunting chicken/sheep/pig/cow, killing it with bare hands and then eating it.

Almost all of us get meat from a butcher shop, and that involves no violence.
I've seen plenty of violence, and I am not violent.
Same as many children that choose not to smoke when their parents do.
The correlation you're trying to draw is non-existent or very poorly researched.
Do one thing. Look at common environment of serial killers.

I am not saying you are violent, but you will be more prone to do violence if you have seen violence a lot. There is a reason why people who has spent time in prison don't rehabilitate easily and mostly are repeat offenders.

Like I said, do some research. I have done mine and I am telling from published journal articles.

Another thing is choice. Most of the people who have seen violence or victim of violence, have greater chances of choosing violence in future.
Eating meat doesn't necessarily involve violence. Hardly anyone goes around hunting chicken/sheep/pig/cow, killing it with bare hands and then eating it.
Almost all of us get meat from a butcher shop, and that involves no violence.
Agreed. But the fact that you know you are devouring a dead animal, affects your psyche.

They forgot to add terrorism.....:D
It all comes under my last statement.
Do one thing. Look at common environment of serial killers.

I am not saying you are violent, but you will be more prone to do violence if you have seen violence a lot. There is a reason why people who has spent time in prison don't rehabilitate easily and mostly are repeat offenders.

Like I said, do some research. I have done mine and I am telling from published journal articles.

Another thing is choice. Most of the people who have seen violence or victim of violence, have greater chances of choosing violence in future.

But where does the meat consumption tie into this?
Do one thing. Look at common environment of serial killers.

I am not saying you are violent, but you will be more prone to do violence if you have seen violence a lot. There is a reason why people who has spent time in prison don't rehabilitate easily and mostly are repeat offenders.

Like I said, do some research. I have done mine and I am telling from published journal articles.

Another thing is choice. Most of the people who have seen violence or victim of violence, have greater chances of choosing violence in future.

You are going at this the wrong way .. do what they do .. tell them how yummy pork is and how you cant imagine how anyone could live without pig and such ..
You are going at this the wrong way .. do what they do .. tell them how yummy pork is and how you cant imagine how anyone could live without pig and such ..

Terrible example. I have no problem with people eating Pork.
But where does the meat consumption tie into this?
Look at the way you get your met. You know what you are eating. Its sufficient enough to change your psyche.

If someone gives you a great meat dish and you enjoy it. What if I tell you its human meat ? Would you take another bite ?

Remember the information associated with the thing you consume affects your brain. Violence associated with meat obtained is sufficient enough to change a person's opinion.

Many meat eaters have given up eating meat when they saw how the meat is being obtained. The process itself changed their view. Can you deny this behavior of so many individuals. Don't say they are cowards.

When you get little associated with what you eat, or get more info about the meat, you might change your eating habit.
Agreed. But the fact that you know you are devouring a dead animal, affects your psyche.

Trust me, and I think I can speak on behalf of all meat eaters here, we don't give that even a single thought. We are too busy thinking about how good it is going to taste in our mouth!

Do the vegans ever wonder where their food comes from while they are eating it? I don't think they do, the aroma and taste of good food is too overpowering for you to think/worry about anything else.
Trust me, and I think I can speak on behalf of all meat eaters here, we don't give that even a single thought. We are too busy thinking about how good it is going to taste in our mouth!

Do the vegans ever wonder where their food comes from while they are eating it? I don't think they do, the aroma and taste of good food is too overpowering for you to think/worry about anything else.
Do you know horse meat is too good for humans. So is dog meat. So if a present you a plate full of meat and you enjoy it, then I suddenly show you what type of meat is that and how the horse or dog was killed, you won't take another bite.

Same is the case with cannibalism. This is totally normal for many tribes which we call savages. What gave us right to call someone savage just because they have other eating preference ?

Point is, what you eat, affects your body and mind. So does the way you get the food. Its a well established fact.
Real men must eat meat say women as they turn their noses up at vegetarians | Mail Online

Real men must eat meat, say women as they turn their noses up at vegetarians By Fiona Macrae

UPDATED: 10:54 GMT, 1 February 2011
Comments (87) Share
Preference: Women consider men who eat meat to be more manly

They may hope that their love of animals will make them a hit with the ladies.

But vegetarian men are seen as wimps and less macho than those who like tucking into a steak – even by women who do not eat meat themselves, research shows.

The finding will dismay the hundreds of thousands of single men who have given up meat for health, environmental or animal welfare reasons.

Researchers gave hundreds of young men and women descriptions of fictional students varying only according to diet, and asked them to rate aspects of their personalities.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the vegetarian characters were seen as being more virtuous.

Further questioning revealed that men who do not eat meat were also viewed as less masculine than the others – even by vegetarians.

Researcher Dr Steven Heine, of the University of British Columbia, told Appetite journal that meat and men have always gone hand in hand.

'Meat has been closely associated with power and privilege – a staple for gentry and a rare treat for the peasants,' he said.

'Through abstaining from meat, a widely established symbol of power, status and masculinity, it seems that the vegetarian man is perceived as more principled, but less manly, than his omnivorous counterpart.'

Co-author Matthew Ruby said single vegetarian men should not despair, as they may have other appealing traits.

He added: 'Some people would prefer a more masculine partner, whereas others prefer a less masculine partner.'
Previous research has found that vegetarians are seen as pacifist, weight-conscious and liberal, while fast-food lovers are perceived as patriotic, pro-nuclear and conservative.
Three per cent of British adults do not eat any meat or fish and another five per cent describe themselves as 'partly vegetarian'

Not really.. Unless you're some tree hugger.
Actually people get emotionally attached to trees too. They won't even let you cut trees for fire wood or clearing the land for housing etc. There is a society in India famous for their sacrifices to protect the trees. For them cutting a tree is as sinful as killing an animal seems sinful for vegetarians.
It all depends on the society and its norms. In India, in Brahmin class, a girl won't marry you if you are a non-vegetarian. She will see you as an animal, a savage.

So the society where this research is done also matters.

Go to some tropical island where these tribes who eat human flesh lives. For that society, a girl will find a man less manly if he denies to eat human flesh.

Remember that most of these researches fail to mention important aspects such as what is the age distribution of the sample class, societal norms, education etc.

In my research days, we have been taught that people who make mathematical models or draw conclusions from the data, must actually help the survey takers to take what are most important data to be collected.

if one aspect is left out, you might reach a different conclusion.
Terrible example. I have no problem with people eating Pork.

Seems to me you just have a problem with people Not eating meat.. Its a choice just like how we choose not to eat something like pork. Basically anything you put into your mouth breaks down into energy. Eating pork or other humans is an acquired taste.

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