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India: Terror alert after suicide bombers enter India

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Feb 1, 2006
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Terror alert after suicide bombers enter India

PTI 14 December 2009, 04:48pm IST

NEW DELHI: Kolkata, Mumbai and the national capital, besides Gujarat, have been put on high alert following intelligence inputs that Taliban-trained terrorists have sneaked into these cities to target vital installations.

A top Union Home Ministry official today said that Taliban-trained 'fidayeen' (suicide squad) have entered the country to carry out attacks at "specific" installations, including Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, defence establishments among others

Bombay Stock Exchange, RSS headquarters are also among the likely targets of the "Pashtoon-looking" terrorists, the official said adding that instructions have been issued to lay a tighten security net around these installations

He said the police forces have been put on high alert following the inputs and efforts are on to nab the terrorists at the earliest.

suicide bombers in India, i need a source other than ToI

:) You missed the point dear. The Indians are desperately seeking attention by such concocted propaganda items.

See the words, "Taliban trained suicide bombers, Pashtoon looking terrorists" they have used.

Hmmm i wonder if it came true one day they would be in real trouble
:) You missed the point dear. The Indians are desperately seeking attention by such concocted propaganda items.

See the words, "Taliban trained suicide bombers, Pashtoon looking terrorists" they have used.

Hmmm i wonder if it came true one day they would be in real trouble

thats nothing new, after all its ToI
So issuing terror alert is a problem now??Is India the only country doing this?? :hitwall:

No dear Issuing terror alert is right and nothing wrong with that.

I am only questioning Indian claim about entry of "Taliban-trained-Pashtoon-looking-suicide-terrorists" in Indian cities.

Besides look at the targets which also includes Bhaba atomic research center Ahh come on give me a break man
No dear Issuing terror alert is right and nothing wrong with that.

I am only questioning Indian claim about entry of "Taliban-trained-Pashtoon-looking-suicide-terrorists" in Indian cities.

Besides look at the targets which also includes Bhaba nuclear plant.

Ahh come on give me a break man

Jana they are issuing specific alerts like how they look like..its helps if police personal and military to identify the target if alert is specific.

Come on Jana look through the terrorsits view..what if a suicide attack in a nuclear plant was sucessful??how many persons can they kill?and what will be happen to India's credibility in safeguarding nuclear installations??besides they said is its one of the possible targets
taste of our own medicine:rofl::rofl::rofl:

trying to prove something which has no creditiblity

though indians in india feel the same for pakistans condition(taste of their own medicne):devil:
So TTP is on the run and this drama by Indian comes up, so that PA again shifts to eastern borders and Indian funded TTP have a field day once again as nothing else has so far worked for them, even with such Indian & Allied support. Wah Ji.

So TTP is on the run and this drama by Indian comes up, so that PA again shifts to eastern borders and Indian funded TTP have a field day once again as nothing else has so far worked for them, even with such Indian & Allied support. Wah Ji.

huh??why is issuing terror alert link up with TTP and Indian funding??If you think that India will move their forces to border after the terror alert then our troops should have moved once in a month...these kind of terror alerts are normal in India..People get used to it :D ..and also before TTP was on the run we used to issue terror alerts too
Analysis and Solution to this problem:
- Terrorists activities occur periodically in various parts of the world
- ALL trace their origins, conception, planning and execution to the terror capital - Pakistan
- Pakistan economy is (and has always been bankrupt). They cant afford to run this machinery by themselves
- The biggest source of funding for Pakistan is American Alms. So there, America is the biggest contributor to terror.
- Other source of funding is Afghan weed business

1. US should stop all forms of aid to Pakistan. "Naa rahega baas, naa bajegi baasuri"
2. US should stop selling military equipment to Pakistan. That will discourage their military to not misadventure. Well point #1 will almost ensure this since they wont have money to buy equipment anyways (unless they manage beg money from elsewhere).
3. Ban/sanction the weed business in Afghanistan.
i cant understand how come an terror threat in india for indian people is troubling pakistanis
I am only questioning Indian claim about entry of "Taliban-trained-Pashtoon-looking-suicide-terrorists" in Indian cities.
They are informing as per the intelligence inputs....Kind of not sure what is putting you off?? Are you saying there are no Taliban trained Pashtoon looking suicide terrorists who want to blow some bombs on this side of the border???

Besides look at the targets which also includes Bhaba atomic research center Ahh come on give me a break man

Jana if you look closely terrorists attacks are done for a purpose...Even those lunatics don't kill people without any reasons...They have some objectives even though they choose barbaric ways of achieving them...With that context do you know how lucrative targets are nuclear plants???
Normally Indians indulge into this kind of mischief when some World class leader is on the verge of a visit to the Subcontinent or when Indian establishment feels it's being sidelined.
Generally it's interpreted as,

Aa Bhel Mujey Maar.
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