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India superpower in the making, says Russian envoy

kid where do you get those fancy numbers? middile-class according to your bharati propaganda and delusion?

your indian private car ownership is like 1/5 of China's, and your fashion, lesiure and high end commodity consumption is a drawft compared to China, not to mention Luxury sector (cant even compared to a chinese city HK)``these are the essential parameters of a nation's purchasing power of its middle-class population.. but your so-called '35%' middle-class's annual consumption of those are less than a Chinese city``lol

LOL even chinese are calling us bharati.:woot:
Happens only in PDF.
Kid we dont have communist media to make u believe what the govt wants u to believe...
We have free media to know whats delusion or not...
Indian Middle class is 5%? Get off kid...
U have no idea about textile store and jewel stores profit in india.. even poor people in india save money to buy gold...
As for market research i think it must be a really bad company like ur rotting media who instill lies to believe in communism,,,
Dont do comedy again...
seriosuly low IQed kid, my business has nothing to with whats on government news, if anything Chinese news are much transperant compared to India (been there many times, had good laughs when watching your bollywood style news)``

cant you read what i wrote? I was mis-leaded by Indian boasting (while I was living in London for 10 years, heard from Indians), but when my research team went there, all they had been telling me was India is no where near to their clueless boasting (my italian suppliers have exactly the same experience after went to India)```the symbolic middle-class comodities and fashion garments consumption in India is blank compared to China.

and in terms of gold in india, the demand is solely driven by religious force, has nothing to do with your tiny disposable income, which is no better than Sub-Sahara countries...if the government can dictate commercial compay's marketing decision then all of those fortune 500 companies are fool and guilble according to your low IQed 'theory'```in fact those fortune 500 companies making the biggest chunk of profit in China during the reccession.

kid at least get a visa travel abroad to see the real world outside your Indian deluded bubble created by your high caste owners
seriosuly low IQed kid, my business has nothing to with whats on government news, if anything Chinese news are much transperant compared to India (been there many times, had good laughs when watching your bollywood style news)``

cant you read what i wrote? I was mis-leaded by Indian boasting (while I was living in London for 10 years, heard from Indians), but when my research team went there, all they had been telling me was India is no where near to their clueless boasting (my italian suppliers have exactly the same experience after went to India)```the symbolic middle-class comodities and fashion garments consumption in India is blank compared to China.

and in terms of gold in india, the demand is solely driven by religious force, has nothing to do with your tiny disposable income, which is no better than Sub-Sahara countries...if the government can dictate commercial compay's marketing decision then all of those fortune 500 companies are fool and guilble according to your low IQed 'theory'```in fact those fortune 500 companies making the biggest chunk of profit in China during the reccession.

kid at least get a visa travel abroad to see the real world outside your Indian deluded bubble created by your high caste owners

Thats y companies are Qing to invest in india?
They are investing because india have a large population coming out of poverty into middle class.. And they are market fa them/...
U even dont have any idea what is caste.... Dont troll based on seeing some pakistani comment..
seriosuly low IQed kid, my business has nothing to with whats on government news, if anything Chinese news are much transperant compared to India (been there many times, had good laughs when watching your bollywood style news)``

and indian manufacturing industry is far greater than the chinese one

cant you read what i wrote? I was mis-leaded by Indian boasting (while I was living in London for 10 years, heard from Indians), but when my research team went there, all they had been telling me was India is no where near to their clueless boasting (my italian suppliers have exactly the same experience after went to India)```the symbolic middle-class comodities and fashion garments consumption in India is blank compared to China.


buddy u r just an internet warrior paid 50 cents per post

and in terms of gold in india, the demand is solely driven by religious force, has nothing to do with your tiny disposable income, which is no better than Sub-Sahara countries...if the government can dictate commercial compay's marketing decision then all of those fortune 500 companies are fool and guilble according to your low IQed 'theory'```in fact those fortune 500 companies making the biggest chunk of profit in China during the reccession.

that gold can be pumped into the economy anytime.

and we have more rich people than any country in the world
Are you mad or what. I only know Indians are busy with their call centers?

He was being funny...
replying to the comment of chinese media is better and freeer than india's..

india will be a superpower in poverty, defacation, mortality, corruption, weapons imports, undelivered promises(retail fdi, commonwealth games, gdp growth, etc)

Now comes the superpower who have no poverty, no open defacation in villages, no corruption, largest weapon importer until some 4 years ago, and have undelivered promises on human rights, killings in uighur and tibet, state controlled FREE media, transparency, currency manipulator..
Have i made myself clear Superpower?
Are you mad or what. I only know Indians are busy with their call centers?

check the word sarcasm

india will be a superpower in poverty, defacation, mortality, corruption, weapons imports, undelivered promises(retail fdi, commonwealth games, gdp growth, etc)

u guys also have a lot of that stuff.

Guest Post – Spring is in the Air, So is the Smell of Urine | Seeing Red in China
Me First And The Gimmie Gimmies: The Chinese Culture Of Instant Gratification | The Intellectual Appreciation of Poop Humor | PoopReport.com
Rants About China - Even dirtier - Chinese toilet habits
The Memoirs of Fat Geisha: China's Infamous Toilets
The Unspeakable Horror of Chinese Bathrooms | Travels with a Nine Year Old
Chinese Toilet Training and Crotchless Pants!
Gnarly Chinese Public Toilets Make You Want to Hold*It | RocketNews24

but we dont hear about it because chinese official stats are altered

Marc Faber: Chinese Government Statistics Are Fake | ValueWalk

Chinese government statistics are fake for the most part and if Chinese economy is slowing down there will be more money printing in China. the Chinese government economic figures are meaningless, because they are manipulating most of the economic data, which confirms that there is no economic growth in China this year in fact China’s production of steel, cement and electricity as well as the volume of its exports and car sales are stable or declining compared to last year, which is incompatible with the growth announced by the government he explained

There are 68 Chinese company in Fortune500 while only 6 from India....it must be fake..
US said China is largest creditor of them.... it must be fake..
Apple and almost other grobal giants said CHina is most important market of their's ....it must be fake...
China goverment revenut reach $1.65 trillion while India goverment revenue only $200billion, it must be fake.
China has a AA rating while India just BBB-...it must be fake....

And these cities....all must be fake......Because "super power" India said we are fake....


There are 68 Chinese company in Fortune500 while only 6 from India....it must be fake..


US said China is largest creditor of them.... it must be fake..

Apple and almost other grobal giants said CHina is most important market of their's ....it must be fake...

China goverment revenut reach $1.65 trillion while India goverment revenue only $200billion, it must be fake.

China has a AA rating while India just BBB-...it must be fake....

probable. a lot of things are kept hidden in your country
Chinese government statistics are fake for the most part and if Chinese economy is slowing down there will be more money printing in China. the Chinese government economic figures are meaningless, because they are manipulating most of the economic data, which confirms that there is no economic growth in China this year in fact China’s production of steel, cement and electricity as well as the volume of its exports and car sales are stable or declining compared to last year, which is incompatible with the growth announced by the government he explained

Marc Faber: Chinese Government Statistics Are Fake | ValueWalk

And these cities....all must be fake......Because "super power" India said we are fake....

India never said u guys were fake. nor did we call ourselves superpower.
its the westerners
India Will Soon Shock The World As The Next Superpower | Fortune Watch
'India will be the biggest superpower'




probable. a lot of things are kept hidden in your country

India never said u guys were fake. nor did we call ourselves superpower.
its the westerners
India Will Soon Shock The World As The Next Superpower | Fortune Watch
'India will be the biggest superpower'

Although many west meidas said China will be "superpower"( Sorry ..I really hate this word)... You still never see any "Superpower" word in Chinese media.....

But we always saw India media talk about someone's prediction that India will be or has been "superpower"...

And these prediction of India media reported .............In 2008 we see prediction of 2010...In 2010 we see prediction in 2012...In2012 we see prediction in 2050..... Wow....So what pediction we can see in 2014??? Maybe 2100 or 2200......

Why you can't live in reality....Why your media can't be low-profile???

As I know ...India economic just in a tough time.....
Although many west meidas said China will be "superpower"( Sorry ..I really hate this word)... You still never see any "Superpower" word in Chinese media.....

But we always saw India media talk about someone's prediction that India will be or has been "superpower"...

And these prediction of India media reported .............In 2008 we see prediction of 2010...In 2010 we see prediction in 2012...In2012 we see prediction in 2050..... Wow....So what pediction we can see in 2014??? Maybe 2100 or 2200......

Why you can't live in reality....Why your media can't be low-profile???

As I know ...India economic just in a tough time.....

are u nuts? :hitwall:

indians and indian media are always self critical. this website is a testament to it.

take this article for eg, written by an INDIAN

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