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India superpower in the making, says Russian envoy

we are not crazy invaders like america. so indian rise will not bring any harm or heavy price. dw

Are you sure?? Do you think that Americans are just programmed to invade countries..it all comes with the job of being a superpower. For example, US keeps the peace in ME and ensures the flow of oil. Tomorrow if US withdraws and instability grabs ME, will India as a country that massively depends on ME oil stay away from militarily involving in ME.

I can say one thing most of Indian members on PDF won't live that long to see when India becoming "Superpower" ;)

Thats Okay..

Its like planting a tree now, so that our grandchildren can enjoy the fruit years later and thank the ancestors for their foresight.
I can say one thing most of Indian members on PDF won't live that long to see when India becoming "Superpower" ;)

if u eat healthy and workout everyday u will??;)
btw whats ur age ???

i am 19 so i have a good chance to see india there. :)
if u eat healthy and workout everyday u will??;)
btw whats ur age ???

i am 19 so i have a good chance to see india there. :)
damn thats cruel`!``in 2050 (the year India boasted to be the 'superpower' 'biggest economy' 'take over China' 'super shining'``etc``) when you will be 69, dont know how well you will take the reality``
damn thats cruel`!``in 2050 (the year India boasted to be the 'superpower' 'biggest economy' 'take over China' 'super shining'``etc``) when you will be 69, dont know how well you will take the reality``

i will definitely feel sad for china if it failed to reach the top or what gordon chang said came true.
India, please, stop dreaming. You will only be a rival power, not a super power. Yes, you will have the capability of rivalling the next super power (China), but that's as far as you will get.

But never in the next 100 years will India be a super power, this is for sure. China is way ahead of you. Yes you have democracy, but for one to be a superpower, one doesn't need democracy.

There are massive problems in India, and we all know what they are. Out of it's 1.1 Billion people, less than 500 Million people actually have a good live and can build their future.
My personal expression about India. India is already among top 15 economies but most people suffer a lot inside India. Percentage of poverty is higher which I always wondering, something wrong in somewhere.
Guys don't feed the trolls,
India will never be a superpower in the relative sense, If we do extremely well then at most we will be an above average middle income country in GDP terms. A 1.4 billion population with per head GDP of say 10,000 USD means our economy will be 14 trillion. We cannot match high income countries with GDP's of 30-40,000 simply because the global economy cannot accommodate that kind of trade. Secondly in defense we do not have high aspirations, we have a relatively defensive posture what being invaded and never been invaders ever. It will do the world a lot of good if India develops into an economically mighty country as we will engage in developmental activities in a lot of poor countries. Surprisingly India has been donating aid from 1950's.
India, please, stop dreaming. You will only be a rival power, not a super power. Yes, you will have the capability of rivalling the next super power (China), but that's as far as you will get.

But never in the next 100 years will India be a super power, this is for sure. China is way ahead of you. Yes you have democracy, but for one to be a superpower, one doesn't need democracy.

There are massive problems in India, and we all know what they are. Out of it's 1.1 Billion people, less than 500 Million people actually have a good live and can build their future.

u said ur rant now let me educate u.

in 1991 indian middle class was 2%.

in 2001 it was 5-10%

in 2011 it was 35%

2021 estimate urself.

enough said. rest u should be able to understand if u have the tinest of brain.

My personal expression about India. India is already among top 15 economies but most people suffer a lot inside India. Percentage of poverty is higher which I always wondering, something wrong in somewhere.

its not worth living without problems right???
India, please, stop dreaming. You will only be a rival power, not a super power. Yes, you will have the capability of rivalling the next super power (China), but that's as far as you will get.

But never in the next 100 years will India be a super power, this is for sure. China is way ahead of you. Yes you have democracy, but for one to be a superpower, one doesn't need democracy.

There are massive problems in India, and we all know what they are. Out of it's 1.1 Billion people, less than 500 Million people actually have a good live and can build their future.

Did Indian state ever said that India wanted to be a super power? No..then whats the issue here. Yes, India have massive problems but we had much greater problems in the past but the greatest thing I admire about my country is that we don't shy away from facing our problems. As the lyrics of the now famous film song says:

Sone ki chidiya dengue, malaria
Gud bhi hai gobar bhi
Bharat mata ki jai
its not worth living without problems right???

There are somethings in life you have to experience it in the correct time. I never laugh at poverty, we should push them to at least average lifestyle which actually they can enjoy.
My personal expression about India. India is already among top 15 economies but most people suffer a lot inside India. Percentage of poverty is higher which I always wondering, something wrong in somewhere.

Rome was not built in day..is it. When we became independent, I think its Winston Churchill who said that India as country will cease to exist within 10 years as such a diverse country will face problems in getting its act together. But after 64 years we are still intact with the largest democracy, 2nd fastest growing economy and the 4th largest military power. That in itself is an achievement. How many countries can claim this achievement?
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