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India successfully blasts off supersonic missile assisted torpedo

So they took the 1960’s ASROC concept and made their own version of it. It makes sense from a coastal perspective
It deploys torpedo withing 650 km which means it can even hit submarines.
you may want to confirm that range - a 650km weapon with a torpedo is absolutely useless against submarines. The whole idea of an anti-submarine rocket is that you are able to get a torpedo into the target area within a minute or so where it then goes into a search pattern looking for a submarine.

A supersonic weapon is still taking more than a few minutes to get to an area which means the sub can evade and deploy countermeasures making such a use-case USELESS everytime.

Even if a P-8 is constantly updating this weapon(still doesn’t make sense why you need it in the first place when the P-8 has onboard systems which would be much more effective on their own) the sub could potentially continue to evade such systems. It makes more sense as a saturation weapon that a P-8 could potentially cue to force the sub to make a rash maneuver and put it within the idea kill box for a P-8s own weapons.
It can be on the VSL destroyers
But what is the use case? IN has excellent ASROC systems already on its destroyers.
Lol everything is successful in indian military, but the truth is all three military branches are relying upon Brahmous ( an imported mijjile) rest every thing is junk

Same goes for Pakistan as well.😁 no Pakistani missile test ever declared failed where even US or Europeans Russian weapons test some times goes wrong. 😛
There is a “game changer” narrative being pushed for this but the use-case itself makes this an overkill.
The purpose of all such tests and news is to boost the morale of Indian public, against Chinese threat. But, when that threat will materialize, as it happened in 1962; then there would be no one to confront it. :lol:
this system will not remain specific to anti-submarine system

A torpedo attached to rocket motor of short to intermediate class ballistic millies indicates India is seeking a solution to targets for time sensitive missions where possibly other Indian Navy assets would not be present to deal with time sensitive threats.

These time sensitive threats may or may not be submarines, as per my understanding it will be more of a threat to Surface ships then to submarines, In this role this system provide a sort of alternative to Anti-Ship Ballistic missile with more conventional and tested approach.

For Anti-submarine role the integration of this system with the DATA acquired by many offshore sensors specially P-8i is very important; all in all this shows the overall improvement of Naval strike capability of India from its shores and would allow Indian Navy to deploy its surface assets more dynamically.
The Torpedo itself has to remain underwater, for being functional , and radio waves unless VLF , don't ho underwater.
So how the Torpedo will get target data?
That's my question.
Same goes for Pakistan as well.😁 no Pakistani missile test ever declared failed where even US or Europeans Russian weapons test some times goes wrong. 😛
Raj 47 is a twitter acount,he says, Pakistan tested MIRV ababeel again in 2018,but it failed.He provided some proofs about it.You can check them.
If he has even a minor truth in his claims,then our missile tests also fail ,we just do not declare that our missile has been failed.
The Torpedo itself has to remain underwater, for being functional , and radio waves unless VLF , don't ho underwater.
So how the Torpedo will get target data?
That's my question.
Same flow as any other ASROC

Pre-launch commands for the VLA are provided by the ASW Combat System (ASWCS) which includes the Mk 116 Mod 6 (or 7) Underwater Fire Control System (UFCS), the Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS) data link receive capability, hull-mounted sonar AN/SQS-53B (the primary acoustic sensor for VLA targeting), towed tactical array sonar AN/SQR-19, data processor AN/SQQ-28 for sonobuoy data transmitted from a Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System (LAMPS) Mk III helicopter, and the operators. The AN/SQS-53B and AN/SQR-19 are shipboard sensors which provide detection, classification, and localization (position and movement of target) information for processing by the UFCS. NTDS allows another platform (ship or aircraft) to share information that it has on enemy submarine position and movement with a VLA ship by transmitting the information for use by the UFCS. LAMPS Mk III can relay similar submarine information from its deployed sonobuoys to its assigned VLA ship. Localization information, in conjunction with environmental data at the launch ship (surface winds, relative humidity, for example), is used by the UFCS to compute an aim point (intended water entry point) for the VLA.”
In this case either data from a P-8 or a MH-60R or another asset.
But that problem of time to target will remain, A MH-60R isn’t operating 650km out to sea and a P-8 has a much better chance of killing a sub using its onboard weapons.

It is a good idea to have a shore based system to engage subs hiding in littoral waters but you don’t need 650km for it to be effective. Perhaps the idea is to keep them at major bases and let them get cued from IN systems similar to lasing long range arty.
Good thought but the inherent nature of ASW is that you need to respond while the sub is unaware of where you are. If that sub hear you as a P-8 or a MH-60 then it already looking to go silent and get out of there.
this system will not remain specific to anti-submarine system

A torpedo attached to rocket motor of short to intermediate class ballistic millies indicates India is seeking a solution to targets for time sensitive missions where possibly other Indian Navy assets would not be present to deal with time sensitive threats.

These time sensitive threats may or may not be submarines, as per my understanding it will be more of a threat to Surface ships then to submarines, In this role this system provide a sort of alternative to Anti-Ship Ballistic missile with more conventional and tested approach.

For Anti-submarine role the integration of this system with the DATA acquired by many offshore sensors specially P-8i is very important; all in all this shows the overall improvement of Naval strike capability of India from its shores and would allow Indian Navy to deploy its surface assets more dynamically.
You are correct. It is an interesting POC conceptually. It is definitely for ships not underwater submerged subs.

However there are flaws in their finds; 1. the inflight of the missile will be picked up by time the torpedo is launched. 2. Torpedo can easily be outmaouvered from point of entering the water to point of reaching proximity.

It would have been more prudent to go directly towards the ship from a very high angle of attack or adopt a very low altitude before impact.
Great news... is there some connection with our heavy weight torpedo VARUNASTRA...
So on dedicated India defense forum each and every India defense related thread has to be trolled...... good keep it up
When you fire it, make sure your own subs are out of the water or it will be a repeat of self-scored Heli only this time it would be a sub that PN officers failed to sink themselves

This is for surface ships. The newly tested Indian weapon is a torpedo which can hit subs too.

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