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India successfully blasts off supersonic missile assisted torpedo

As Christine Fair said in India that........when one adds fancy terminologies and complicated figures to a subject....it means they are actually trying to hide something....this is probably nothing more than a coastal defence weapon ....much like Pakistan's Zarb Missile.

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This is for surface ships. The newly tested Indian weapon is a torpedo which can hit subs too.
It deploys torpedo withing 650 km which means it can even hit submarines.

And how will u detect a submarine 650 km away? If from a close by asset then why not fire it from that asset? Its only use case is if an asset detects a submarine and locate it but is out of ammo or no other nearby assets that can deploy a torpedo.
And how will u detect a submarine 650 km away? If from a close by asset then why not fire it from that asset? Its only use case is if an asset detects a submarine and locate it but is out of ammo or no other nearby assets that can deploy a torpedo.
Surveillance drones like Sea Guardian or underwater sensors (don’t remember what its exactly called).
Good development, if it works as advertised :-)

This system is focused on Pakistan and not China. The Pakistani submarine fleet is the most potent threat for Indian navy. If this system should work in a network centric environment and survive electronic counter measures, then it will prove to be credible.
It deploys torpedo withing 650 km which means it can even hit submarines.
For that one has to detect the submarine. This in theory is a good asset but one has to understand that every asset needs a good base for it to work properly.
But how will the guidance system work at such large distances?
It is a stand off weapon but it needs other systems to detect the submarines from that range. Also Pakistan can track the ballistic missile by radar and roughly the info of impact shows where it is targeting and would give time for the Pak submarine to evade. A radar that can track bms near the shore can protect your subs from such weapon as an early warning system. It needs several minutes to arrive for full range.

In some previous post I mentioned about torpedo attached cruise missiles. These would fare better in my opinion as they fly low and with earth curvature early detection would not be . A combination of these two can give off some range to these types of weapons with a cruise missile jet engine under the fuselage instead of the rocket assisted shorter range glider variants.


This one is new Russian nuclear cruise missile but you get the idea the engine attached below the body and torpedo inserted inside the glider part at the front nose section
is possible in my opinion


Detection can be made bu unmanned underwater drones. For longer ranges underwater gliders are cheap options. They can be solar powered and can work for months underwater in that case.
If they work in pairs or more multiple passive sonars will get accurate distance info as well as range


underwater glider .jpg
But how useful is it against the PN Shaheens ?:pop:

Its man behind the machine who matters the most , i think IN is trembling in fear of mighty PN.

We need to induct thousands of them before we can come any close to PN....:agree:
It deploys torpedo withing 650 km which means it can even hit submarines.

It can't hit submarines when they are submerged. Until unless you can track the submarine till the last moment and more importantly feed that information to the Torpedo. I would say, the missile loads the target info to the Torpedo just before it's released. The ballistic missile can receive mid course update before it re-enter the atmosphere. But after that it ain't possible. Even if you have underwater sonar, you can't feed that info to the Torpedo.

This missile is designed to beat the anti air capabilities of an destroyer or frigate.
Satellite signals don't go underwater.

this system will not remain specific to anti-submarine system

A torpedo attached to rocket motor of short to intermediate class ballistic millies indicates India is seeking a solution to targets for time sensitive missions where possibly other Indian Navy assets would not be present to deal with time sensitive threats.

These time sensitive threats may or may not be submarines, as per my understanding it will be more of a threat to Surface ships then to submarines, In this role this system provide a sort of alternative to Anti-Ship Ballistic missile with more conventional and tested approach.

For Anti-submarine role the integration of this system with the DATA acquired by many offshore sensors specially P-8i is very important; all in all this shows the overall improvement of Naval strike capability of India from its shores and would allow Indian Navy to deploy its surface assets more dynamically.
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