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India starts building 850MW Ratle Dam on Chenab

Its about time we should include waters in to our nuclear red line.

If they build Dams on our waters then simply nuke them.

Keep calm brother, India only build these dams for deterrence against nukes.
If india is breaking the law take it up with INTL law courts,either ur case is hollow,or u people have incompetent legal representatives.
Mate, it's a nice diversion. Right now I'm hosting few very aged gentlemen and they are boring the hell out of me. If PDF wasn't there, I would have shot myself in the head few months back... :P

Well then. Introduce them to PDF also. They will never lack for amusement thereafter....... :P
And not get in your way.
Nothing is going to change unless there is War.

We must build our own Dams as soon as possible (before them) so water can be stored

Bunji Dam 7,100 MW
Basha Dam 4,500 MW
Kalabgh Dam 3600 MW
Neelum Jehlum Dam 1000 MW

why do you want to build such huge dams and destroy your ecosystem permanently ?? These are all billion dollar projects and will take at least a decade or two to complete them.

Also it is easier to build small ones and fund them.
The dam wont eat away the water. It will come to pak anyway.

Dam will just give some power...

Also, it will come in handy if we have to flood pakistan in a hurry.:yahoo:
10 July, 2013

ISLAMABAD: In an another blow to Pakistan's water interests, India has started constructing the Ratle Hydropower Dam project with a capacity to generate 850MWs of electricity on Pakistan's Chenab River, in violation of the Indus Waters Treaty(1)

Pakistan has already objected to this dam, which will be three times larger than the Baglihar Hydropower Dam. Mirza Asif Baig, Commissioner of Pakistan Commissionof Indus Water, confirmed that India had planned to construct the Ratle Hydropower project on the Chenab and Pakistan's side had objected to the project saying it was a sheer violation of the provisions of Indus Waters Treaty 1960.

"We have come up with strong objections to the design of the said project in a meeting with India at the Permanent Commission of Indus Waters (PCIW) level," Baig said and vowed that in the future meeting at the PCIW level, he would continue to oppose the said project as its design violated the Indus Waters Treaty.

Senior Pakistani lawyer Ms Shumaila Mehmood, in the case of Kishenganga Hydropower project, said though she was aware of the development but it was the PCIW which dealt with the projects constructed by India on Pakistani rivers at earlier stages.(2)

India has already carved out a plan to generate 32,000MWs of electricity on Pakistani rivers and will be having the capacity to regulate the water flows that are destined to reach Pakistan(3). So far India has built Dalhasti hydropower project of 330MWs, Baglihar of 450MWs and now it has started a new project named Ratle Hydropower project.

On the Neelum River that joins the Jehlum River in Pakistan, India has already completed Uri-1, Uri-II Hydropower project and is also close to completing the Kishenganga Hydropower project. So much so, it has also built two hydropower projects on the Indus River that include Nimmo Bazgo and Chattak hydropower project.

Sonia Gandhi, along with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, laid the foundation stone of the 850MWs Hydro Electric Project on the Chenab River in the Kishtwar Tehsil of Doda district of the Indian-Held-Kashmir just a few days ago.

This is the first time that both leaders have jointly laid the foundation stone. The electricity to be produced from the project will be injected into the national grid of India that will then be sold to Pakistan.

Former Wapda chairman Shamsul Mulk said that Pakistan needs to develop water uses in its all rivers by building water reservoirs to prevent India from constructing the hydropower project. "Once Pakistan develops its water uses, then it can argue at any international court that India cannot build its project by injuring committed flows of Pakistan."

He said that there was a strong lobby of India in our country which did not want Pakistan to develop water uses.However, when this horrifying development surfaced, an eminent water expert Arshad Abbasi had sensitised the-then Minister of Water and Power Dr Mussadik Malik, who is now the special assistant to the PM on powers sector, about this alarming development but he did not respond as expected from him. Rather he was an advocate for import of electricity from India.

Dr Mussadik was asked to probe as to who had cleared this project from Pakistan's side but he didn't do so. However, Engr Safiq, who is also an eminent water expert, came down heavily on Dr Mussadik saying he is dual nationality holder and is holding a too-much important post and is an advocate of importing electricity from India and asked where the security agencies were. He said that Pakistan's water sector had become dysfunctional.

According to our sources, the Ratle project envisages harnessing the hydro-power potential of the river from EL 1000m to EL 887m. This is a concrete gravity dam at a height of 170m, will be built across the river just downstream of the Ratle village and an underground power house with an installed capacity of 4X140MWs is proposed near Juddi village, both in Doda district. The main project will generate 2,483.37 Million Unit of Electricity at the rate of Indian Rupee of only 1.22 per KWh.

After meeting of Arshad Abbasi with Dr Mussadik Malik, a brief paper including measures to check the enforcement of Indus Waters Treaty in letter and spirit was sent to Mussadik, but Musadik preferred playing his role in releasing funds for the IPPs, a more lucrative task for him.

Surprisingly, the former interim minister is an adviser to the current regime, and is only advocating importing electricity at Rs16 per unit.(4) Even though he had been briefed about the 1,460MWs Tarbela Dam Extension VI project, he still preferred to advise the government to import electricity from India.

When contacted, Dr Mussadik Malik said: "Yes I was briefed about Indus Water Treaty issue. However, I focused on the power sector keeping in view the crippling power outages. Now after completing my assignment on power sector, I will pay heed to the water sector."

He said that the government had planned to develop five dams so that for five times, cheaper electricity on water flows could be produced on one main river and more importantly the per capita water availability could be raised to a reasonable level, which now stands at 1,000 cubic metre per person.

About the Rattle Hydropower project, he said that the PCIW is the department which deals with such issues.

Meanwhile, in a letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Abbasi requested to demand EIA (environment impact assessment) report of Ratle Hydroelectric power project. As the land proposed for this project is mostly thick conifer forests, deforestation will have a terrible impact on the river water yield in the future and the victim will be only lower riparian) i.e. Pakistan.

Meanwhile, Federal Minister for Finance Ishaq Dar has said that the government accords top-most priority to the construction of water reservoirs and would focus all its attention on rallying finances for the construction of Diamer-Bhasha Dam.

Talking to a delegation comprising the heads of Missions of European Union Members here on Tuesday, Senator Ishaq Dar said.

India starts building 850MW Ratle Dam on Chenab - PakTribune[/QUOT

some times I get so much KHUNDAK, on reading such bogus post that I want to realy bang my head on wall.:hitwall:

kuchh bhi chhapne se pahle ek bar topic par soch to liya karo thande dimag se bhai log.
1.will it become violation only because you are saying so ??
2.since when these rivers have become sole property of pakistan ??
3.so what if india will have that capacity ?? does it mean that india will steal the water ?? how can it will be possible to divert the water through all over the himalaya ?? at least see the river on google, the site of dam and then think that is it possible for india to steal the water ?? we can pump the water from brahmputra to delhi on that cast.
4. has the contract and rates been finalised ?? and pakistani government is realy such a fool the it will purchase the energy on such a huge cast ??

dear friend, even energy of diesel genset is costing only 12 to 14 inr/ unit these dayes. so why anybody will do such a marathan task to bear a well known loss ??
pakistani aese hai ki koi kah de ki aapki naak kaovva le gaya to apni naak nahi dekhte, kaovve ko khaded lete hai.
Another jingoistic article to mislead the gullible nuclear Pakistanis:lol:

Project is fine, Pakistan is free to take it to the ICJ, another all expenses paid Euro trip for your bureaucrats won't achieve much :coffee:


i just cant resist to tell that i was with the most honest guy in this pic. for two years. he has enormous effect on my life ??
how to stop india from building more dams on pakistani rivers

lets just nuke them :butcher:


then they will nuke us

and we will all go to hell :hitwall:

all the dams on the western rivers Indus, jhelum and Chenab have spillways and are run of the river projects. We haven't stopped them flowing even during war time and have not build huge holding capacity. they only hold enough water for hydro power generation and are allowed to flow back in the river. We have not done it in past 65 years and our track record speaks volume considering we are talking about Pakistan with which we had three wars. We have axe to grind with your cross border terrorism, yet we have lived up to the spirit of IWT.
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