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India Stands with World against Israel at UNHR Council

How so?

Hundreds of innocent are dying in this senseless cycle of violence.

It has to be stopped. After all, the purpose of the UN was to prevent innocent deaths.
Yes Israel should stand down and send dossiers to Hamas for firing rockets on it's own citizenry? Right?

If India needs to be taken seriously, it needs to develop an opinion, good or bad, on all relevant international issues. For far too long have we abstained, stayed non-aligned, neutral waghera waghera. It also takes spine to say to your ally that it is being wrong.
Do Germany, france, italy and Japan have an opinion? if they could abstain, we could too.

Is the ally wrong, maybe a strong defence policy is beyond the comprehension of dossier ridden foreign policy of ours thus there is a disconnect in understanding where Israels stands. Even if there is a single shred of evidence of external aggression against it's own citizenry the state reserves the right to retaliate even if preemptive in nature. If hamas chooses to hide within the schools and hospitals, collatral damage is hamas's responsibility.

Umm, why exactly?? What exactly has India stood to gain from a relationship with Israel that's beyond strategic defence collaboration?

And as for as reciprocation goes, has Israel ever proved that it is altruistic? It is ready to go against the US too if need be.

Although biltaral relations shouldn't be viewd from expected gains but still to name a few:
Agriculture, Bio-technology, Mining, defence, Industrial infrastructure, Cultural relations,Counter insurgency an urban warfare training, Defence co-operation.
Subscribing to the you logic What does India stand to gain from Palestinian affiliates? oil?
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Not exactly. I am glad atleast that India havent wasted its vote on world issues. Its time to take a stand on any issues worldwide regardless of it affects GoI or not.
And I still believe this time, israel knows too well, that weapons are concentrated among urban centres. And local populace cannot do anything if the terrorist stockpile the weapons near their home. So many needless deaths, kids and womens.

So how is it Israel's responsibility? As i have repeatedly said Israel reserves the right to protect it's nation against external aggression. They value the lives of their citizens.

India should learn a lesson or two from them of valuing the life of it's own citizenry. When few IDF soldiers were kidnapped, Israel invaded Lebanon, what did we do when our soldiers were beheaded? yell on talk shows?
Our citizens are butchered by Pakistani backed militants and the best we can do is stop a bus service or send some dossiers. If this is what the civilized that the world expects from Israel, then I am glad Israel doesn't comply and I am very glad that at-least america stands with Israel on this.
The same thing goes here as well as any other jew supporters

The muslim world is massive 1.7 billion strong full of resources and a massive land mass

india itself has a population of 200 million muslims

israel is a tiny entity with a 7 million population 2 million of whom are arab/muslim

it covets a land in which it can't match the muslim population growth

those who stand with Israel cant expect to work with the muslim world
Yes Israel should stand down and send dossiers to Hamas for firing rockets on it's own citizenry? Right?

Do Germany, france, italy and Japan have an opinion? if they could abstain, we could too.

Is the ally wrong, maybe a strong defence policy is beyond the comprehension of dossier ridden foreign policy of ours thus there is a disconnect in understanding where Israels stands. Even if there is a single shred of evidence of external aggression against it's own citizenry the state reserves the right to retaliate even if preemptive in nature. If hamas chooses to hide within the schools and hospitals, collatral damage is hamas's responsibility.

Although biltaral relations shouldn't be viewd from expected gains but still to name a few:
Agriculture, Bio-technology, Mining, defence, Industrial infrastructure, Cultural relations,Counter insurgency an urban warfare training, Defence co-operation.
Subscribing to the you logic What does India stand to gain from Palestinian affiliates? oil?

Why should we follow the likes of Germany, France, Italy, Japan etc? Any particular reason? We're not part of NATO, they are, and I'm pretty sure it fits into the calculus of their thought process.

Regarding Israel's retaliation, I think even if there is a shred of evidence that Israel has broken the rules of engagement and violated International law, it needs to be punished, signatory as it is to the UN and bound as it is to their conventions. Why do you think India should be against this norm or abstain like it always does and ends up pleasing nobody?

Regarding all other fields, there are plenty of Nations who're willing to help India enhance her knowledge base. Why should it have to be Israel? Isn't a Japan or a Germany competent enough?

And yes, India does stand a very good chance at consolidating it's energy security and the security of it's expatriate community in the Middle East with such a stance. Iran and Saudi Arabia, our biggest Oil suppliers, are both sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.
Lets reiterate

200 million indian muslims who are emotionally attached to Fellow muslims in Palestine

1.7 billion muslim world

50 plus OIC countries

indias main oil suppliers

big source for indian remittance and employment

and on on and on

versus tiny 7 million israel, now as a Pakistani muslim I hate indians anyway but understand and accept the consequences of supporting israel
This is shameful. What would India do if 840 million Indian citizens were forced into bomb shelters?

The PM needs to correct this foreign policy drift. If the FM Sushma Swaraj does not take immediate corrective action she should be replaced by a more loyal FM or PM Modi assumes control of Foreign portfolio for himself in the short term.
This is shameful. What would India do if 840 million Indian citizens were forced into bomb shelters?

The PM needs to correct this foreign policy drift. If the FM Sushma Swaraj does not take immediate corrective action she should be replaced by a more loyal FM or PM Modi assumes control of Foreign portfolio for himself in the short term.

What would indians do if the British came and occuped India

claiming they have the right to your land to civilise the heathen hindus

You may bow but why should the palestinians
What would indians do if the British came and occuped India

claiming they have the right to your land to civilise the heathen hindus

You may bow but why should the palestinians

Jews have lived in the area for centuries in which the country Israel and the territory of Palestine today exist.

So its not occupation in logical terms since Jews were there before muslims who came killed, occupied and established kingdoms. Of course when the Jews took back some of that land the muslims call it occupation since they lived for a few centuries as well.

The British just came and occupied for economical gains defeating the Islamic Mughal rulers of India who bowed to them in the end.
:cheesy::rofl: You really need to learn your history

The mughal empire had already divided by that time the European were scared of the mughals they were the only force capable of defending india

but as soon as the mughals divided the british made short work of marathis, sikhs and the rest

the jews of the middle east were hebrews

the jews today are european colonial slime with no right to any part of the middle east
So how is it Israel's responsibility? As i have repeatedly said Israel reserves the right to protect it's nation against external aggression. They value the lives of their citizens.

India should learn a lesson or two from them of valuing the life of it's own citizenry. When few IDF soldiers were kidnapped, Israel invaded Lebanon, what did we do when our soldiers were beheaded? yell on talk shows?
Our citizens are butchered by Pakistani backed militants and the best we can do is stop a bus service or send some dossiers. If this is what the civilized that the world expects from Israel, then I am glad Israel doesn't comply and I am very glad that at-least america stands with Israel on this.

So you expect India to send its troop to Lahore to capture Hafiz? Expect India to launch spl forces attack on terrorist camp in occupied kashmir? Its all real nice to talk really bro. But we have to be mindfull of the fact that our adversaries are Nuclear armed and are trigger happy while Israel's neighbours arent. Israel bombed anything that its neighbour developed anything regarding nuclear reactor. We had the chance to do the same, but we missed it.
We should do tit for tat , covertly. And I believe Pakistan's terrorist organisation are doing a sick job in bleeding them . Karma comes back in some form and they are paying for it.
The same thing goes here as well as any other jew supporters

The muslim world is massive 1.7 billion strong full of resources and a massive land mass

india itself has a population of 200 million muslims

israel is a tiny entity with a 7 million population 2 million of whom are arab/muslim

it covets a land in which it can't match the muslim population growth

those who stand with Israel cant expect to work with the muslim world

That's irrelevant & if India has voted against Isrealis the only Influence which is at work here is of GCC rest are either weak or don't give a damn
:cheesy::rofl: You really need to learn your history

The mughal empire had already divided by that time the European were scared of the mughals they were the only force capable of defending india

but as soon as the mughals divided the british made short work of marathis, sikhs and the rest

the jews of the middle east were hebrews

the jews today are european colonial slime with no right to any part of the middle east

I know my history very well thank you.

The mughals were ruling India when British invaded and it was the mughals who bowed to the british.

Not all jews in Israel are of European descent and they have a right to a homeland in the Middle East from where they originate and like all countries have the right to self defence and survival along with the responsibility of maintaining good and healthy relations with its neighbours unless of course its neighbours want to butcher all of it's citizens.
You forgot the ultimate king of democracy and the one who spreads democracy and human rights worldwide.

I.e. The one and only "no" vote. :D

I'm surprised, doesn't this kind of action breach China's stated policy of non-interference in the domestic affairs of foreign countries, as well as China's stated dislike of the imposition of "human rights" standards that are often directed against it? Or is China just doing this for the oil?
I'm surprised, doesn't this kind of action breach China's stated policy of non-interference in the domestic affairs of foreign countries, as well as China's stated dislike of the imposition of "human rights" standards that are often directed against it? Or is China just doing this for the oil?

Have Saddam Hussein's WMDs been found?
IMO this was a wise political game
One vote the Indian government
1. Kept the local Muslim population and the opposition parties quite.
2. Russia, BRICS, GOC and the other muslim countries in good books.
I'm also sure a lot of thought would have gone in to the voting pattern.
What have we or the government lost here.
Good decision. :tup:
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