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India Stands with World against Israel at UNHR Council

UN Geneva @UNGeneva · 7h
India Stands with World against Israel at UNHR Council
Many PDF Indians had been very vocal in their support for bombing campaign by Israel. It is sobering to realize that PDF Indians do not represent their government which understands complexities of International relations far better than keyboard warriors.

One layer of indian deception and Chak Bamu's sense of understanding of politics, specially indian one, collapsed. This UNHCR vote has little or no significance and non binding and india is well aware of that. When it came to take official indian stand, indian govt rejected the resolution.

Govt says supports Palestinian cause but stalls resolution on Gaza crisis

New Delhi, July 21, 2014


A file photo of external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj in the House in New Delhi. (PTI photo)
Asserting that India's policy on Palestine issue remains unchanged, government on Monday refused to take sides over the Gaza conflict as it said Israel and Palestine should have peace talks and forestalled a resolution in Rajya Sabha which was demanded by the Opposition.

- See more at: Govt says supports Palestinian cause but stalls resolution on Gaza crisis - Hindustan Times

India as usual used its duplicity to deceive gullible class and guess who has fallen for it. Indians offcouse laughing at the back.
One layer of indian deception and Chak Bamu's sense of understanding of politics, specially indian one, collapsed. This UNHCR vote has little or no significance and non binding and india is well aware of that. When it came to take official indian stand, indian govt rejected the resolution.

India as usual used its duplicity to deceive gullible class and guess who has fallen for it. Indians offcouse laughing at the back.
Israel is a cancer on the face of Humanity and sooner or later we have to operate and remove this cancer.
South Americans like Venezuela Brazil and Bolivia are Iranian allies.

nor India , nor these countries are Iran'a allies .... that is a simple fact ....
anyway , can all these show stop even zions for one day , the answer is No ...
how? Does morality reside in sending dossiers to perpetrators and making your foreign policy a laughing stock. If Hamas will fire rockets, Israel reserves the right to shoot back....
yeah , right!!!!!
On Topic:: India and Israel know how to place their relationship on case by case basis than any Pro-Palestinian supporters here.Israel do understand India's reservation over this issue and India's Pro-Palestinian stand is just nothing but a fake emotion.
Gaza won’t affect ties with India, says Israel | Deccan Chronicle
Govt refuses to condemn Israeli attacks in Gaza, uproar & walkout follow
An Alliance of Necessity: Putin's Russia Enjoys a Strategic Partnership With Israel | Jared Feldschreiber
Israel and China sign $300M deal to spur nanotech-computer science innovation | VentureBeat | Education | by Richard Byrne Reilly
Israel going Nowhere:enjoy:
As everyone agree here that UN is nothing but a spineless body then this vote don't count anything strong:p:.
What sticks out like a sore thumb is the one and only bright red mark in the entire list - that of the US of A!! They could at least have abstained instead of looking like fools! :fie:
UN Geneva @UNGeneva · 7h
UN Human Rights Council States vote on resolution establishing independent Commission of Inquiry for #OPT & #Gaza pic.twitter.com/C9NWG4tZRM

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico, Namibia, Peru, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, along with India and Pakistan (all democracies) have voted in favor of the establishment of an independent Commission of Inquiry for the current bombing campaign of Israel in Gaza

Many PDF Indians had been very vocal in their support for bombing campaign by Israel. It is sobering to realize that PDF Indians do not represent their government which understands complexities of International relations far better than keyboard warriors.
Two points :

1. India has no stand on Israel's strikes against Hamas' terrorist centers.

2. India supports the establishment of an Independent Commission of Inquiry.

Both stands are not contradictory. They are consistent. Though IMO India should have abstained.
BJP have habbit of licking muslim feet once come into power. They forget what happened to L K Advani when he said something regarding Jinnah in Pakistan. I hope Modi will soon beat the dust.
"Do not bite the finger that feeds you" is a pretty relevant saying in this case.

I am sure that GCC must have pressured India in some way or another but the keyboard
warriors here will not admit it.

You really , really think so Don't you ??
"Do not bite the finger that feeds you" is a pretty relevant saying in this case.

I am sure that GCC must have pressured India in some way or another but the keyboard
warriors here will not admit it.
GCC cannot do ****, India has its options open. Anyways UN has been reduced to a forum for countries to cry, a vote here or there does not matter in any way.

The finger is feeding those Indians because GCC cannot do **** on their own.

UN Geneva @UNGeneva · 7h
UN Human Rights Council States vote on resolution establishing independent Commission of Inquiry for #OPT & #Gaza pic.twitter.com/C9NWG4tZRM

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico, Namibia, Peru, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, along with India and Pakistan (all democracies) have voted in favor of the establishment of an independent Commission of Inquiry for the current bombing campaign of Israel in Gaza

Many PDF Indians had been very vocal in their support for bombing campaign by Israel. It is sobering to realize that PDF Indians do not represent their government which understands complexities of International relations far better than keyboard warriors.
Still are, cant support them enough to have the balls to stand up to terrorism, however most have also criticized Israel for the innocent deaths. Nothing is black and white today, I thought you knew that already.
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That one veto from America will overturn any UNSC resolution that might actually make a difference. And they veto on behalf of Israel, around 100% of the time. Pretty much the entire world supports the recognition of a Palestinian state, all it took was one veto from America to shut it down.

They also arm Israel with advanced American weapons, at the expense of the American taxpayers.

Most importantly, they back up Israel with the full might of the American military.

The rest is just fluff, as long as America keeps supporting Israel nothing can happen.

Nothing, for the reasons I have listed above.
Exactly my view. :tup:

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and other influential Zionist organizations and lobbies have a death grip over American gov.t and media. And so long as it remains that way America will remain subservient to israel and there will not be a solution to the israeli-Palestinian conflict anytime soon.
That I am not too sure, but I do believe Modi is a shrewd politician. The position of the previous PM was to support all side while taking no particular side. This duplicity has served India well, he is just continuing that position.
this is also called diplomacy in context of international relations.
apart from that playful jab, i think ur post summarized the PMO decision very well.
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