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India Stands with World against Israel at UNHR Council

If India needs to be taken seriously, it needs to develop an opinion, good or bad, on all relevant international issues. For far too long have we abstained, stayed non-aligned, neutral waghera waghera. It also takes spine to say to your ally that it is being wrong.

Umm, why exactly?? What exactly has India stood to gain from a relationship with Israel that's beyond strategic defence collaboration?

And as for as reciprocation goes, has Israel ever proved that it is altruistic? It is ready to go against the US too if need be.

They is called national interests. The Israelis follow anything that helps their nation survive and their people prosper.

India on the other hand is too busy looking at the confused whining of a specific set of its people who don't know where they belong originally from.

The reason why Indians are supporting Israel is because it helped India. If it had been the other case where Israel was hostile, we'd have opposed them.
So you expect India to send its troop to Lahore to capture Hafiz? Expect India to launch spl forces attack on terrorist camp in occupied kashmir? Its all real nice to talk really bro. But we have to be mindfull of the fact that our adversaries are Nuclear armed and are trigger happy while Israel's neighbours arent. Israel bombed anything that its neighbour developed anything regarding nuclear reactor. We had the chance to do the same, but we missed it.
We should do tit for tat , covertly. And I believe Pakistan's terrorist organisation are doing a sick job in bleeding them . Karma comes back in some form and they are paying for it.

karma thou name be dossiers.... Wah re strong foreign policy give up even before trying... Did I propose invading pakistan? but sending dossiers for Mumbai? is that acceptable to you? If yes, then why waste all this money of military, lets just give up...

I am glad that israel is then not relaying of karma power for protecting their citizens. I hope other countries wake up and smell the coffee...
Iron dome's efficiency is a myth while Hamas's rockets are a joke. What were the casualty rates before it's introduction? Hamas was pumping these rockets by the hundreds back then as well.

Regarding us abstaining on previous issues, it must be noted that they were not under the Modi Govt. Also, I've been against such timid exercises for a long time now. Good or bad, right or wrong, we need to move out of that mindset of concluding that taking no decision is the best decision. This Govt seems to have made a bright start on most fronts.

Right now there is crisis in Syria and Ukraine. How many of us in India do care about it, what makes Palestine-Israel different from them except the religion based nature of the conflict between Jews and Muslims. The Pakistan or Bangladeshi support them because they are connected to them by religion, why are we so worried about the issue when we are not even distantly related to the conflict. Gaza's rockets have small range of few kilometers, you are just ignoring the fact.
Why should we follow the likes of Germany, France, Italy, Japan etc? Any particular reason? We're not part of NATO, they are, and I'm pretty sure it fits into the calculus of their thought process.

Regarding Israel's retaliation, I think even if there is a shred of evidence that Israel has broken the rules of engagement and violated International law, it needs to be punished, signatory as it is to the UN and bound as it is to their conventions. Why do you think India should be against this norm or abstain like it always does and ends up pleasing nobody?

Regarding all other fields, there are plenty of Nations who're willing to help India enhance her knowledge base. Why should it have to be Israel? Isn't a Japan or a Germany competent enough?

And yes, India does stand a very good chance at consolidating it's energy security and the security of it's expatriate community in the Middle East with such a stance. Iran and Saudi Arabia, our biggest Oil suppliers, are both sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.
So your humanitarian angle is sham, and it's about oil? right?

japan to my knowledge is not a member of Nato.

In my opinion Israel are doing what serves it's citizenry the best, as a citizen of a nation affected by terrorism, it is nauseous to even suggest to side by Hamas scumbags. Thus India should have at-least abstained and backed Israel on this issue.

As far as the middle east allies you are digging for, check out their outlook on kashmir or any Indian wars in the history, the answer would be pretty clear, where the chips would fall..

Iron dome's efficiency is a myth while Hamas's rockets are a joke. What were the casualty rates before it's introduction? Hamas was pumping these rockets by the hundreds back then as well.
Were you in Israel during the any Hamas rocket attacks?

the government made a decision best for its county considering over 150 million muslims live in india who have been protesting against israel…..
being able to buy a few rockets and drones wasn't worth it i guess…
i always did like modi secretly… i know that guy is going to be a disappointment for you guys as far as foreign policy will go…
did not see them protesting against isis, or assad, or mubarak or taliban... that shows the quality of protesters, doesn't it?
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We cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of others and expect international empathy to our own causes. The Indian leadership has felt that a resolution probing the alleged Israeli excesses in the Gaza offensive is justified. Given the kind of footage from the War, the stand of this Govt is justified. Make no mistake, India will not vote against Israel in any resolution in which it is remotely being victimized. And as a tit for tat, if they pass a resolution or declaration against us, I say let them! But there's nothing happening in Kashmir that's remotely as brutal as in Gaza.

Wait now, it thought your premise was on favoring oily business according to you, by the same logic India should be opposing israel, or am i missing something, further explanation would help.

And why shouldn't India vote against Israel where it is being victimized, wouldn't that "help energy security ".

in my personal opinion , it think this vote was a mistake. that's it.
So your humanitarian angle is sham, and it's about oil? right?

japan to my knowledge is not a member of Nato.

In my opinion Israel are doing what serves it's citizenry the best, as a citizen of a nation affected by terrorism, it is nauseous to even suggest to side by Hamas scumbags. Thus India should have at-least abstained and backed Israel on this issue.

As far as the middle east allies you are digging for, check out their outlook on kashmir or any Indian wars in the history, the answer would be pretty clear, where the chips would fall..

Were you in Israel during the any Hamas rocket attacks?

did not see them protesting against isis, or assad, or mubarak or taliban... that shows the quality of protesters, doesn't it?

Palestine/Israel is a tiny piece of land, much larger land areas had been gained or lost during many major conflicts in the world. An average Palestinian has much better living standard with proper housing and other facilities compared to other part of the world. I can't understand why the non-Muslim countries of Asia worry about that tiny piece of land when Israel don't come here to interfere in our country, why world has a selective criteria for so much humanity for Palestine when Hamas themselves started the war inviting the Israeli offensive while world forgets others where there had been bigger massacres involving larger land areas and population.
Right now there is crisis in Syria and Ukraine. How many of us in India do care about it, what makes Palestine-Israel different from them except the religion based nature of the conflict between Jews and Muslims. The Pakistan or Bangladeshi support them because they are connected to them by religion, why are we so worried about the issue when we are not even distantly related to the conflict. Gaza's rockets have small range of few kilometers, you are just ignoring the fact.

Precisely what I am trying to say. It's time we Indians made it a point to have an opinion at a national level on every such issue. Cannot afford to give the distance BS for not having an opinion. As MH17 has proved now, every local conflict can have global repercussions.
Thank You India.

So your humanitarian angle is sham, and it's about oil? right?

japan to my knowledge is not a member of Nato.

In my opinion Israel are doing what serves it's citizenry the best, as a citizen of a nation affected by terrorism, it is nauseous to even suggest to side by Hamas scumbags. Thus India should have at-least abstained and backed Israel on this issue.

As far as the middle east allies you are digging for, check out their outlook on kashmir or any Indian wars in the history, the answer would be pretty clear, where the chips would fall..

Were you in Israel during the any Hamas rocket attacks?

did not see them protesting against isis, or assad, or mubarak or taliban... that shows the quality of protesters, doesn't it?

Would it be all that awful if India also happened to take a moral standpoint even as it helped consolidate it's energy needs? I don't know about you, but I'm clearly not comfortable with India ignoring humanitarian sanctions or acting like they make no differences. Our own experiences with discrimination should be reason enough to support such resolutions and sanctions.

Nobody is stating that India side with Hamas. Israel is a signatory to the UN and has to abide by International Humanitarian Laws. This resolution is due to the fact that more than 70% of 650 deaths are people who are as close to being Hamas as Gandhi was a KKK member.So what exactly is the difference between them, except for the body count?

Besides, you sound like Israel's creation is totally legit and Hamas has no reason whatsoever to be picking up arms or hating Israel. A little history would go a long way in why such a notion is wrong at so many levels.

Wait now, it thought your premise was on favoring oily business according to you, by the same logic India should be opposing israel, or am i missing something, further explanation would help.

And why shouldn't India vote against Israel where it is being victimized, wouldn't that "help energy security ".

in my personal opinion , it think this vote was a mistake. that's it.

Because India is concerned with maintaining the status quo. And that means not allowing either side to gain an undue advantage over the other. India is also waist-deep in defence cooperation with Israel, and it would hurt India's defence modernization. But unlike the Arab countries, Israel does not give two hoots about India's opinions. It will continue to supply arms as long as India brings in cash, nothing more, nothing less.
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India has nothing to gain by taking a firmer side with Israel. Its not like the Israelis are demanding that India shows a stronger support or else, nor the GCC block. A little lip service goes a long way in keeping all the side happy while India gets its money from the ME and the weapons from Israel.

Why would India walkway from this position ? Folks need to learn to separate political rhetoric/postures from reality.
did not see them protesting against isis, or assad, or mubarak or taliban... that shows the quality of protesters, doesn't it?
i guess it does... and they got what they wanted..... you guys must be burning right now lol
It seems South America holds the Palestinian cause quite close to them. :-)

Europe mostly abstained.

Muslim states yes, apart from African ones o_O.

Interesting voting pattern, but totally expected.

Latin america is probably the only rgion where there is still the good old leftist revolutionary spirit left alive.

That romantic notion of a leftist street fighting protester rooting for the underground. That and a lot of members who complain about America conspiracies should really talk to a South American to understand how American meddling messed them up.

No offence intended for the American people of course :-)

i guess it does... and they got what they wanted..... you guys must be burning right now lol

I am not, since I am not supporting Israel anyway.

at this point, Israel has committed so many war crimes I have lost count.

But then again, I am an Indian and I am not standing on solid footing when it comes to Humanitarian breaches :unsure:
That and a lot of members who complain about America conspiracies should really talk to a South American to understand how American meddling messed them up.
Can you please give more information on this. I was not aware of this.
Did you not just claim that yourself? The biggest Indian diaspora in the world is found in the GCC. It's highly plausible that the GCC told India to at least not support Israel blindly.


@al-Hasani will us Keralites be getting a pay rise because of this :yes4:

come on man, you guys have enough money. Trickle that down to your less fortunate Muslim Malabaris :D
They is called national interests. The Israelis follow anything that helps their nation survive and their people prosper.

India on the other hand is too busy looking at the confused whining of a specific set of its people who don't know where they belong originally from.

The reason why Indians are supporting Israel is because it helped India. If it had been the other case where Israel was hostile, we'd have opposed them.

You know why India officially isn't supporting Israel, buddy?
Because while Israel is completely useless to India's interests, the Gulf States in particular shelter THOUSANDS of migrant workers who send THOUSANDS of dollars in cash back to India. India needs the natural resources too. Where will you get oil from? Where will you get natural gas?
It's amusing watching you right-wing nuts support Israel because of "muh sentiments" and "muh whining arab muslims" when in the end, India will always stand behind the Arabs because they need them.
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