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India Stands with World against Israel at UNHR Council

Actually there is something that can be done, the same thing I have been saying for a long time now.

If the Islamic world got over their differences, and said in one voice: "Either you deal with Israel, or you deal with us"... then even America would be forced to side with the Islamic world. Since the Islamic world controls the vast majority of oil/gas reserves on the planet, and the most vital geostrategic regions in the world. Not to mention having a population of 1.5 billion. No country could conceivably cut ties with the entire Islamic world, it is too big and too important.

That's the only way. They already have the power themselves, they don't need America or Russia or China, all they need to do is stop fighting each other and unite.

The United States is not dependent on the Muslim world for its oil. It produces its own oil and imports the majority of the rest from Canada, South America, and Africa. Only about 12% of its oil comes from the Middle East.

The "us or them" strategy has been tried before in the 1970s with the oil embargo, and it failed. Cutting off sales of oil to the West will definitely hurt the western economies, but force the oil-based Middle Eastern economies into collapse, as no buyers will be able to compensate for the loss of those sales, not even China. There is also no USSR to step in as an alternative patron for many of the Middle Eastern regimes, which would leave them as easy pickings for other regional powers like Turkey and Iran, both of which are anathema to the major Middle East oil producers.

In short, it's not as simple as you have presented, and any such strategy will not only fail, but likely inflict far more damage on the Muslim world than on the West. It's self-defeating.
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Its not about my understanding of Indian politics or Politics in general. Its about putting things in perspective at PDF.

In my previous post I had said indian vote was indian duplicity. Now ex indian diplomat is saying the same. One should wonder what Chak Bamu is promoting here for india

India’s doublespeak on Gaza
Prima facie, the government has committed an act of contempt of parliament when it refused to allow a discussion on Israel’s brutal attacks on the Gaza population, as demanded by the opposition MPs, but had no qualms in taking part in a similar discussion on the issue in the UN Security Council within the week in New York. It was an ‘open debate’ at the Security Council on Tuesday and India was not under any obligation to speak up. Yet, it did.

Curiously, India also voted in support of a UN Human Rights Council resolution drafted by the Palestinians to launch a probe into Israel’s aggression — although the bizarre position taken by the Indian external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj in the parliament in Delhi just the other day was that the government refuses to “take sides”. Swaraj’s specious plea was that both Palestinians and Israelis are friends of India.
Plainly put, given the brute majority of the government in the Indian parliament, it has got away with doublespeak and sophistry. But the question remains: Why did India behave differently in New York and Geneva?

India’s doublespeak on Gaza - Indian Punchline
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America's founder George Washington and other heroes were freedom fighter against British invaders and occupied America.

Now today America support terrorists groups all over the world, even Palestine struggle to fight their freedom. :undecided:

the self acclaimed champ of democracy, justice and freedom blabla is the only one with that color, which the Israelis also happen to have on their hands.
In my said that was indian duplicity. Now ex indian diplomat is saying the same. One should wonder what Chak Bamu is promoting here for india

India’s doublespeak on Gaza
Prima facie, the government has committed an act of contempt of parliament when it refused to allow a discussion on Israel’s brutal attacks on the Gaza population, as demanded by the opposition MPs, but had no qualms in taking part in a similar discussion on the issue in the UN Security Council within the week in New York. It was an ‘open debate’ at the Security Council on Tuesday and India was not under any obligation to speak up. Yet, it did.

Curiously, India also voted in support of a UN Human Rights Council resolution drafted by the Palestinians to launch a probe into Israel’s aggression — although the bizarre position taken by the Indian external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj in the parliament in Delhi just the other day was that the government refuses to “take sides”. Swaraj’s specious plea was that both Palestinians and Israelis are friends of India.
Plainly put, given the brute majority of the government in the Indian parliament, it has got away with doublespeak and sophistry. But the question remains: Why did India behave differently in New York and Geneva?

India’s doublespeak on Gaza - Indian Punchline

idiot lungi that post concludes nothing we could have been absent from voting instead of voting for YES

death to jamatis, awami league zindabad :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Why should we follow the likes of Germany, France, Italy, Japan etc? Any particular reason? We're not part of NATO, they are, and I'm pretty sure it fits into the calculus of their thought process.

Regarding Israel's retaliation, I think even if there is a shred of evidence that Israel has broken the rules of engagement and violated International law, it needs to be punished, signatory as it is to the UN and bound as it is to their conventions. Why do you think India should be against this norm or abstain like it always does and ends up pleasing nobody?

Regarding all other fields, there are plenty of Nations who're willing to help India enhance her knowledge base. Why should it have to be Israel? Isn't a Japan or a Germany competent enough?

And yes, India does stand a very good chance at consolidating it's energy security and the security of it's expatriate community in the Middle East with such a stance. Iran and Saudi Arabia, our biggest Oil suppliers, are both sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.

Abstaining would have been a better option for India. I mean why should we Indians be worrying about Palestine-Israel war when we have similar no interfere policy in conflicts in other parts of the world. Majority of the Indians don't find themselves emotionally attacked to Palestine-Israel issue. We voted for Arabs, in return Arabs and their OIC will send us another anti-India resolution regarding to Kashmir even if we don't interfere in internal matters of any of those countries. Israel till now hadn't shown any anti-India attitude.
idiot lungi that post concludes nothing we could have been absent from voting instead of voting for YES

death to jamatis, awami league zindabad :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Indian double speak exposed by indian diplomat and indians are making personal attack for posting the analysis. This is epic indian behavior but in line with how Chak Bamu accomodating indians in this forum.:omghaha::omghaha:
What did I tell you guys ?

The government of India has to go with the public opinion and the public opinion in India has turned against Israel as Indians started to feel that Israel was going too overboard.

Don't get the wrong signals though. India is still a bigger supporter of Israel than Arabs, just that we can't support the disproportionate actions of Israel in the current operations.
Abstaining would have been a better option for India. I mean why should we Indians be worrying about Palestine-Israel war when we have similar no interfere policy in conflicts in other parts of the world. Majority of the Indians don't find themselves emotionally attacked to Palestine-Israel issue while the Arabs. We voted for them in return Arabs and their OIC will send us another anti-India resolution regarding to Kashmir even if we don't interfere in internal matters of any of those countries. Israel till now hadn't shown any anti-India attitude.

This resolution wasn't about interference in that war, but rather about forcing Israel to comply with International humanitarian Law, to which Israel is also a signatory. This resolution is just as useful(or useless) as the OIC resolution against India.

Israel may not have showed any anti-India attitude, but that does not mean we bend over and ignore every action of theirs. They're clearly in the wrong in this offensive and have much to answer about.

Indian double speak exposed by indian diplomat and indians are making personal attack for posting the analysis. This is epic indian behavior but in line with how Chak Bamu accomodating indians in this forum.:omghaha::omghaha:

Post the complete blog article at least. Typical Jamaati conspiracy to defame by hook or by crook. Read the article at least once before lifting your lungi like that.

The reasons are not far to seek. Firstly, the government’s stance on Gaza is an unprincipled one and it knows it, too. Indeed, there is a lot of myth-making about Israel in the Indian strategic folklore, but the fact is, India’s affinity with Israel has no simple straightforward explanation.
Some say, a “paradigm shift” took place when Israel supplied Indian army with artillery shells during the Kargil War when there was shortage of the item in our army’s inventory, which helped India to win the war — at least, not to lose that infamous war (here).
But it is an idiotic thesis. The ingenuous, convoluted argument would have been at least partly tenable if only israel had supplied the shells gratis. The point is, israel makes very good money and handsome profits out of the lucrative sale of military equipment to India. In fact, Indian purchases become a significant source of income for Israel and strong budgetary support for the country’s economy. In plain terms, therefore, it is a relationship of mutual benefit based on ‘bazaari’ instincts where emotions do not come into play.
But then, emotions and the human factor do come into the India-Israel military transactions also. And, if so, that is because these transactions are often sleazy deals. Israel too is notorious for its level of public corruption, like India — and it is not surprising if vested interests have formed within the Indian elites (civilian and military), including the political class.
However, that alone does not explain, either, the Indian elites’ romance with Israel. Three other factors come into play as well. One, the Indian security establishment, unsurprisingly, is besotted with its Israeli counterpart, because the latter is everything that the Indian side is not in sheer professionalism and ruthless efficiency. Again, this has spawned myths as if the Israelis have come from planet Mars.
Secondly, the unspoken reality is that Islamophobia has incrementally become a bond that brings the two sides together. Many in India would see Israel too as a ‘frontline’ state vis-a-vis the rising tide of islamism. Many among the Indian elites have a sneaking admiration for Israel precisely for the reason that it is apparently waging a war till eternity against extremist Islamists (terrorists) and yet is also thriving defiantly right in the middle of the Muslim world.
In short, many among the Indian elites admire Israel, as that country makes the Muslims appear to be a lower form of life. Of course, being a secular country, they cannot openly articulate this admiration based on Islamophobia. But, with the rise of Hindu nationalism in India in the recent decades, this sort of admiration for israel began surging.
Thirdly, there is a pragmatic consideration. The fact of the matter is that the Jewish groups and pro-israeli lobby in the US have acted as dalals or go-between for the Indian political leadership on various occasions. The Indian diplomats never shied away from seeking the help of these groups. The best-known instance has been the role played by these groups during the negotiations over the US-Indian nuclear deal.
Now, this nexus was originally formed during the previous NDA government under prime minister A. B. Vajpayee and it is on record that the then principal secretary to the PM and national security advisor Brajesh Mishra openly flaunted his association with the Jewish groups in the US and embraced them as India’s collaborators and partners.
This being the steamy background to the flourishing Indo-Israeli romance, it shouldn’t have come as surprise that Swaraj doggedly stuck to her ‘Nyet’ in the parliament on Monday the Gaza massacre. But then, why did she have a change of heart so soon and how come Delhi sing a different tune in New York and Geneva?
The answer is simple: It is one thing to bully the opposition MPs in the Indian parliament, given the government’s big majority, but it is an entirely different thing to expose India to international isolation. At a time when the top UN official in charge of human rights issues globally Navi PIllay compared the Israeli brutalities on the Palestinians in Gaza to ‘war crimes’, here, Delhi has been put to shame and is on slippery slope to maintain any further that it cannot “take sides”.
Plainly put, the Indian stance as displayed in the parliament has become morally repugnant, unprincipled and is blatantly pro-Israeli. Worse still, if a negative impression were to gather among the Muslim countries, rightly or wrongly, regarding the ascendance of Hindu nationalism in India’s West Asia policies, it could harm the Narendra Modi government’s ambitious bid for membership of the UN Security Council (which the PM forcefully projected at the recent BRICS summit).
The heart of the matter is that Israel and the US make just two votes in the UN, whereas, at the end of the day, the Muslim countries account for several dozen votes. To be sure, the professionals in South Block would have pointed out to Swaraj as to which side of the Gaza bread is buttered in reality for India’s ‘enlightened national interest’ — and being a realist, the minister grasped the point and okayed the Indian diplomats in Geneva and New York to go ahead and “take sides”.
The big question is, how far India can run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. All the time, the paradox is that it is so easy for India to reconcile this needless contradiction in its foreign policy — by taking a principled stance as a humane country and the inheritor of a glorious civilization that never committed aggression though the millennia of its existence.
However, alas, that may be too much to expect in India anymore because when the moral fibre of our civilization has weakened possibly beyond redemption, as evident from the ghastly incidents of this week alone in our decadent society, here and here, how can we expect morality and humaneness to become templates of our country’s foreign policies? After all, as Shakespeare wrote, there is special providence even in the fall of a sparrow.
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This resolution wasn't about interference in that war, but rather about forcing Israel to comply with International humanitarian Law, to which Israel is also a signatory. This resolution is just as useful(or useless) as the OIC resolution against India.

Israel may not have showed any anti-India attitude, but that does not mean we bend over and ignore every action of theirs. They're clearly in the wrong in this offensive and have much to answer about.

We follow non interference policy in the similar conflicts across the world and its no different from them if you exclude religious nature from that. The conflicts involved the Holy land that's why so many countries are involved in that, why the non-Muslim countries of Asia getting involved in that mess when we are nowhere connected to it. The reason is Israel don't interfere in our internal matter why went into annoying them. Even the Indians shows no interfere towards separatists movement in OIC members states, they will still interfere in our internal matter by passing useless resolutions in case of Kashmir against India and here we are blindly supporting their Palestinian cause.
UN Geneva @UNGeneva · 7h
UN Human Rights Council States vote on resolution establishing independent Commission of Inquiry for #OPT & #Gaza pic.twitter.com/C9NWG4tZRM

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico, Namibia, Peru, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, along with India and Pakistan (all democracies) have voted in favor of the establishment of an independent Commission of Inquiry for the current bombing campaign of Israel in Gaza

Many PDF Indians had been very vocal in their support for bombing campaign by Israel. It is sobering to realize that PDF Indians do not represent their government which understands complexities of International relations far better than keyboard warriors.
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villan.Same is the case with Israel,they just dragged their cleverly masked massacre a little too long.
We follow non interference policy in the similar conflicts across the world and its no different from them if you exclude religious nature from that. The conflicts involved the Holy land that's why so many countries are involved in that, why the non-Muslim countries of Asia getting involved in that mess when we are nowhere connected to it. The reason is Israel don't interfere in our internal matter why went into annoying them. Even in Indians shows no interfere towards separatists movement in OIC members states, they will still interfere in our internal matter by passing useless resolutions in case of Kashmir against India and here we are blindly supporting their Palestinian cause.

We cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of others and expect international empathy to our own causes. The Indian leadership has felt that a resolution probing the alleged Israeli excesses in the Gaza offensive is justified. Given the kind of footage from the War, the stand of this Govt is justified. Make no mistake, India will not vote against Israel in any resolution in which it is remotely being victimized. And as a tit for tat, if they pass a resolution or declaration against us, I say let them! But there's nothing happening in Kashmir that's remotely as brutal as in Gaza.
We cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of others and expect international empathy to our own causes. The Indian leadership has felt that a resolution probing the alleged Israeli excesses in the Gaza offensive is justified. Given the kind of footage from the War, the stand of this Govt is justified. Make no mistake, India will not vote against Israel in any resolution in which it is remotely being victimized. And as a tit for tat, if they pass a resolution or declaration against us, I say let them! But there's nothing happening in Kashmir that's remotely as brutal as in Gaza.

If I remember government abstained from similar resolution from Syria, same non-interference with the Kosovo conflict, similar case in brutal conflicts in other parts of the world. So, what makes Israel-Palestine war so special except the conflict involving the Holy Land. What about those 150-200 rockets daily Hamas was firing on Israel, you mean people should put blind eye on that. If Israel didn't have Iron dome, the casualties from Israeli side would too had been high. They are fighting a war, only difference that Israel has superiority in weapons.
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If I remember government abstained from similar resolution from Syria, same non-interference with the Kosovo conflict, similar case in brutal conflicts in other parts of the world. So, what makes Israel-Palestine war so special except the conflict involving the Holy Land. What about those 150-200 rockets daily Hamas was firing on Israel, you mean people should put blind eye on that. If Israel didn't have Iron dome, the casualties from Israeli side would too had been high. They are fighting a war, only difference that Israel has superiority in weapons.

Iron dome's efficiency is a myth while Hamas's rockets are a joke. What were the casualty rates before it's introduction? Hamas was pumping these rockets by the hundreds back then as well.

Regarding us abstaining on previous issues, it must be noted that they were not under the Modi Govt. Also, I've been against such timid exercises for a long time now. Good or bad, right or wrong, we need to move out of that mindset of concluding that taking no decision is the best decision. This Govt seems to have made a bright start on most fronts.
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