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India spanks USA over diplomat arrest issue !

if only our government could do the same for Dr Aafia, if she is alive
I dont know whether this is true or not but judging by the strong reaction by India, there is something else that we do not know about.. India never reacted this way even our beloved Abdul Kalam got frisked..

@Capt.Popeye , mate what happened to you??.. You seems all worked up?? You are picking fight with each and every one.. It so unnatural of you..

What makes you think that I am fighting with anyone?
The fact is that we are seeing another instance of American Official High-Handedness. But its not surprising at all since they've been doing it for years........to the rest of the world.
Here in this particular instance; there is some issue of alleged "Breach of Contract" and alleged mistreatment. This matter must be investigated and prosecuted to its logical end.

But the other issue is the gross indignity inflicted upon a human being; a female at that, by LEAs of a country that crows ceaselessly about their sensitivity to Human Rights and Human Dignity as if the rest of the world is still medieval.
LOLLL; They cannot even make some discrimination between Terrorists and a woman accused of a civil offence; they manacle both of them!!!!

You know even Indian Police "shabby and inhuman as they are claimed to be" are not allowed to and do not manacle a person apprehended. Even the Indian Supreme Court has expressly prohibited that.

So any one who does not want to hear about the facts about the grossly undignified behaviour of the American "Cowboys" who perpetrated this, can close their ears (and eyes and whichever other body orifice, they want to).
I cannot care less; I will call it as it is and I can see it (with my eyes wide open).

Take it or leave it.......
What makes you think that I am fighting with anyone?

Dear, I agree with your points.. Its just that you were replying to even some snide remarks which you usually ignore. Thats why I asked..
very well done India
actions speak louder than our protest marches and sham resolutions

there is no ill-will or a big fight among the two countries, India just reminding that it should'nt be treated like the rest of the crowd

every single action taken by Indians is justifiable and far better than letting the people attack the US embassy.
back in the days, when Suleman Rushi (of Indian descent) wrote a book IN Britain (not USA)..... our Zealots decided that Americans were to blame and attacked their embassy.
bunch of tossers (argue with me so that I make a new one in you)
very well done India
actions speak louder than our protest marches and sham resolutions

there is no ill-will or a big fight among the two countries, India just reminding that it should'nt be treated like the rest of the crowd

every single action taken by Indians is justifiable and far better than letting the people attack the US embassy.
back in the days, when Suleman Rushi (of Indian descent) wrote a book IN Britain (not USA)..... our Zealots decided that Americans were to blame and attacked their embassy.
bunch of tossers (argue with me so that I make a new one in you)
it is not just removing security barrier. read on

1. India seeks salary details of Indian staff employed in American consulates, including those working as domestic help at the homes of US diplomats in India. It seeks visa and salary details of teachers at US schools in India to check if they are paying tax or not.

2. Police lift barricades outside US embassy in Delhi. India stops import clearances for embassy.

3. External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid says, "It is completely unacceptable... We have put in motion what we believe will be an effective way to address this issue and protect her dignity... Everything that can be done, will be done."

5. Senior BJP leader Yashwant Sinha says: "The media has reported that we have issued visas to a number of US diplomats' companions. Companions means they are of the same sex. After the Supreme Court ruling, it is illegal in our country, just as paying fewer wages is illegal in the US. So why doesn't India arrest all of them?"

6. Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi and Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde refuses to meet a visiting US Congressional delegation. BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi says he too has refused to meet the delegation.

7. Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar and National Security Advisor Shiv Shankar Menon cancelled meetings in Delhi with US delegation. Menon terms Khobragade's treatment "despicable and barbaric".

8. India claims the US has violated the Vienna Convention. As per the convention, Indian Deputy Consul General enjoys immunity from jurisdiction of US courts.

9. Foreign secretary Sujatha Singh summons US ambassador Nancy Powell, lodges protest over "unacceptable treatment" meted out to its senior consular officer.

Well done - Keep yankees pondering unless they offer official apology :tup:
Well done - Keep yankees pondering unless they offer official apology :tup:
that might not happen, they are too proud to do that but they are shaken enough to say something which will show that they will be careful next time.

Indian public in general is polite and friendly but the staff at some of the airports lask basic social skills and gets sick pleasure by insulting travellers .
am glad to see Pakistanis and Indians united here , hope we could get united in other issues as well ...
We should block all visa application for Indian intellectual students to the U.S
very well done India
actions speak louder than our protest marches and sham resolutions

there is no ill-will or a big fight among the two countries, India just reminding that it should'nt be treated like the rest of the crowd

every single action taken by Indians is justifiable and far better than letting the people attack the US embassy.
back in the days, when Suleman Rushi (of Indian descent) wrote a book IN Britain (not USA)..... our Zealots decided that Americans were to blame and attacked their embassy.
bunch of tossers (argue with me so that I make a new one in you)

@Irfan Baloch;
Actually nobody should be treated this way. In India; we do not believe or assume that the Diplomat concerned is innocent of breach of contract or mistreatment. But we do not know yet.

We can believe that the Maid concerned is right , and that she may be Mother Theresa re-incarnated. But we do not know that either.

Then the Diplomat may or may not have Diplomatic Immunity. But that is not the issue here, either.

As a Consular Officer she was entitled to be treated with Dignity, even as a Human being she had an inalienable right to it.
Instead she was humiliated in public with an arrest carried out at her children's school, then MANACLED (like the Amreekans do to GITMO inmates). So the Amreekans cannot make a difference between Terrorists and an unarmed Woman leaving her kids to school.???
That is what the crux of the Indian agitation is; about this typical "Amreekan Official High-Handedness" on display.
you really need to take a long break my boy
clam yourself down, there is a time and limit to be a joker, over do it and you loose your intended audience.
whats my intended audience? and yes i dont know the limits to my jokingness, sorry bout that.

am glad to see Pakistanis and Indians united here , hope we could get united in other issues as well ...
We should block all visa application for Indian intellectual students to the U.S
lets do a united Indo Pak attack on US?
@Irfan Baloch;
Actually nobody should be treated this way. In India; we do not believe or assume that the Diplomat concerned is innocent of breach of contract or mistreatment. But we do not know yet.

the sad part is that I know and hopefully you know too that Americans as a general rule are very polite and far better and the immigration staff at the airports doesnt represent their society.
what they dont is third rate, maybe those bigots mistook her for a Pakistani (what do they know eh we are all the same)

we have suffered even worse than some of indignation your diplomats have suffered on their airports but still I dont hold any ill will towards the Americans because I know that the actions fo their governments and some low life staff doesnt really represent the real Americans
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