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India shouldn't expect Russia to come to its defence if China were to violate the Line of Actual Control, says US deputy NSA Daleep Singh


Sep 20, 2014
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NEW DELHI: The US doesn’t want to see a “rapid acceleration” in India’s imports from Russia of energy and other commodities prohibited by global sanctions regimes and there will be consequences for countries that attempt to circumvent the embargoes imposed following the invasion of Ukraine, US deputy national secretary Daleep Singh said on Thursday.

Singh, seen as the architect of American sanctions targeting President Vladimir Putin, his inner circle and the Russian financial system, cautioned India against expecting Russia to come to the country’s defence if China were to violate the Line of Actual Control (LAC) since Moscow and Beijing are now in a “no limits partnership”.

During an interaction with a small group of journalists amid his engagements with Indian interlocutors, Singh was unusually blunt in his remarks about the consequences for any country trying to backfill sanctions imposed on Russia for “Putin’s needless war” against Ukraine. However, he noted that friends such as the US and India don’t set “red lines” and his discussions in New Delhi amounted to an “honest dialogue” about protecting core principles underpinning global peace and security.

What we would not like to see is a rapid acceleration of India’s imports from Russia as it relates to energy or any other any other exports that are currently being prohibited by the US or by other aspects of the international sanctions regime,” he said in response to a question about India’s recent decision to take up Russia’s offer of discounted crude oil.

While noting that US financial sanctions exempt energy payments and that there is currently no prohibition on energy imports from Russia, Singh said the US and its European allies have a shared interest in reducing their reliance on an “unreliable energy supplier” such as Russia.

“I come here in a spirit of friendship to explain the mechanisms of our sanctions, the importance of joining us to express shared resolve and to advance shared interests. And yes, there are consequences to countries that actively attempt to circumvent or backfill these sanctions,” he said, while also acknowledging that India and Russia are engaged in efforts to find a payments solution that is a workaround to the sanctions.

“We are very keen for all countries, especially our allies and partners, not to create mechanisms that prop up the rouble and that attempt to undermine the dollar-based financial system,” he added.

Singh declined to go into specifics about the consequences, saying these are part of “private discussions that I’m not going to share publicly”.

Responding to a question from Hindustan Times on US President Joe Biden’s remarks about India’s position within the Quad being “somewhat shaky” on the Ukraine crisis and whether such differences could affect the Quad, Singh said there is a shared recognition in the Quad that “China is a strategic threat to a free, open and secure Indo-Pacific”.

“If you set that against the reality that China and Russia have now declared a no limits partnership, and that Russia has said that China is its most important strategic partner, by extension, that has real implications for India,” he said.

“No one should kid themselves – Russia is going to be the junior partner in this relationship with China. And the more leverage that China gains over Russia, the less favourable that is for India. I don’t think anyone would believe that if China once again breached the Line of [Actual] Control, that Russia would come running to India’s defence,” he added.

There was no immediate response from Indian officials to Singh’s remarks. Since he arrived in New Delhi on Wednesday, Singh has met commerce minister Piyush Goyal and officials of the Prime Minister’s Office, National Security Council and external affairs ministry. There were no official readouts on these meetings.

India has so far refrained from censuring Russia for the invasion of Ukraine and also abstained on all Ukraine-related votes at UN bodies – moves that have been linked to New Delhi’s long-standing defence and strategic partnership with Moscow.

India has, however, called for respecting the UN Charter and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states, while Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pressed for an end to hostilities and a return to dialogue in his conversations with Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Daleep Singh is the latest in a long list of Western leaders and officials making a beeline to New Delhi to nudge the Indian government to change its position on the Ukraine crisis and to pressure Russia to end the war. He arrived in the Indian capital a day ahead of Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, who will hold talks with external affairs minister S Jaishankar on Friday.

Singh accused Putin of violating all the core principles underpinning global peace and security – “the principle that you can’t redraw borders by force, the principle that you can’t subjugate the will of the free people, that countries have the right to set their own course” – and this can be a signal to “autocrats all over the world that might wish to exert their own sphere of influence, bully their neighbours, perhaps right on India’s doorstep”.

The US wants to broaden the coalition against Russia because “when democracies don’t stand up in solidarity and defend those principles together, the costs and risk to all of us become that much larger”, he said.

The American sanctions are working on five separate channels – imposing “immediate and acute costs through a financial shock to Russia’s largest banks”, cutting off technologies needed by Putin to modernise the military and diversify the economy, “methodically ejecting Russia from the international world order” by revoking most favoured nation status and denying borrowing privileges at the IMF and World Bank, “exposing and holding to account the Russian kleptocracy”, and “downgrading Russia’s status as a leading energy supplier”.

Singh said: “The intent of these sanctions is to change Putin’s strategic calculus, to show unequivocally that if he continues to wage this needless, illegal, unprovoked war of aggression, it will be a strategic failure.” He accused Russia, one of the largest energy suppliers, of periodically weaponising supplies.

He added that the US is ready to help India diversify both energy supplies and military hardware but acknowledged this will be a time-consuming process. “The conversation I’ve had here is that we stand ready to help India diversify its energy resources, much like is the case for defence resources over a period of time,” he said.

Some sanctions shutting off Russia’s access to advanced technologies will also affect its ability to export advanced military equipment. “That poses a material risk to India in terms of its readiness to defend itself. And so our message is we stand ready to help, to help India as a reliable supplier, if it would like to diversify away from Russian military equipment over time, recognising that’s going to be a long process,” he said

Indeed. But it is not just about Russia aiding or not aiding India.

What if China asks Russia to stop spare parts and such support to India? Does anyone think that Russia can go against China to help India today?

It is not wise to think that 'friendships' mean anything in geo political alignment. Such notions will lead to India feeling let down when the dice rolls. No point in complaining about betrayal after that. :coffee:

Recent events show that US doesn't come to anyone's rescue either
Enemy of your enemy is your friend. US will not 'help' India for any reason other than it will be helping itself more!

Of course no one will put boots on ground for India. A country of 1.3 billion people does not need anyone else to fight for it. But if and when US does open it armory to India at time of crisis, then Indian troops must already be trained to fight with it.
Of course no one will put boots on ground for India. A country of 1.3 billion people does not need anyone else to fight for it. But if and when US does open it armory to India at time of crisis, then Indian troops must already be trained to fight with it.

You definitely have a point there. I am just a little tired of the US obsession with pitting its 'friends' against Russia. Russia is a spent force. It was a spent force economically a long time back and we can see its military is not doing much better.
Indeed. But it is not just about Russia aiding or not aiding India.

What if China asks Russia to stop spare parts and such support to India? Does anyone think that Russia can go against China to help India today?
Yes they can. Try negotiating with the russian you will see the difference.

It is not wise to think that 'friendships' mean anything in geo political alignment. Such notions will lead to India feeling let down when the dice rolls. No point in complaining about betrayal after that. :coffee:

Enemy of your enemy is your friend. US will not 'help' India for any reason other than it will be helping itself more!

Of course no one will put boots on ground for India. A country of 1.3 billion people does not need anyone else to fight for it. But if and when US does open it armory to India at time of crisis, then Indian troops must already be trained to fight with it.
Except; every time with flare up in the LOC when we get dire news of Indian war supplies at all-time low, it's the Russians that re-supply at a moment's notice. Happened multiple times in the past even with pressures from china to insulate Pakistan.
India does not expect anyone to fight her wars. Americans want us to go ape on China and Russia. Not going to happen.
Yes they can. Try negotiating with the russian you will see the difference.

Except; every time with flare up in the LOC when we get dire news of Indian war supplies at all-time low, it's the Russians that re-supply at a moment's notice. Happened multiple times in the past even with pressures from china to insulate Pakistan.
You think of Pakistan as primary enemy for which India needs Russian support. I do not think India's primary enemy is Pakistan anymore. I also don't think that India needs outside support in a conflict with Pakistan, while it can be beneficial.

The real conflict India needs to be prepared for is the fight with China. India cannot sustain this fight without the full backing of its primary arms supplier. Xi has Putin's balls in his hands. If India fights with China, then China will bring its full diplomatic might to pressure Russia. And today, Russia is completely dependent on China for its livelihood.

You definitely have a point there. I am just a little tired of the US obsession with pitting its 'friends' against Russia. Russia is a spent force. It was a spent force economically a long time back and we can see its military is not doing much better.
India does not have to side with US against Russia. The affairs of US vs Russia is not of India's concern.

India should be wary of depending on Russia for its arms. Ideal scenario is for India to be self dependent. But India's arms industry is not at technical par with what the Chinese have even by a long shot. So in any conflict between India and China, India would have to rely on US.

Indeed, in 1962 - Nehru ran to the US for help. He asked US for direct assistance - boots on ground type assistance.

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Nobody comes to anyone’s rescue, one needs to be self reliant for self defence.
Being self reliant on defense is relative. For example, India can be seen as self reliant if it was a fight with a smaller country. But when the enemy is a behemoth like China, India has a long way to go for catch up. In the meanwhile, India's only reliable assistance will be from China's sworn enemy who has technical parity / superiority to China. Guess who that is? :coffee:
No one will help you. Only you can help yourself.
You means > Your Defence R&D, Your Economy , Your Policies

NEW DELHI: The US doesn’t want to see a “rapid acceleration” in India’s imports from Russia of energy and other commodities prohibited by global sanctions regimes and there will be consequences for countries that attempt to circumvent the embargoes imposed following the invasion of Ukraine, US deputy national secretary Daleep Singh said on Thursday.

Singh, seen as the architect of American sanctions targeting President Vladimir Putin, his inner circle and the Russian financial system, cautioned India against expecting Russia to come to the country’s defence if China were to violate the Line of Actual Control (LAC) since Moscow and Beijing are now in a “no limits partnership”.

During an interaction with a small group of journalists amid his engagements with Indian interlocutors, Singh was unusually blunt in his remarks about the consequences for any country trying to backfill sanctions imposed on Russia for “Putin’s needless war” against Ukraine. However, he noted that friends such as the US and India don’t set “red lines” and his discussions in New Delhi amounted to an “honest dialogue” about protecting core principles underpinning global peace and security.

What we would not like to see is a rapid acceleration of India’s imports from Russia as it relates to energy or any other any other exports that are currently being prohibited by the US or by other aspects of the international sanctions regime,” he said in response to a question about India’s recent decision to take up Russia’s offer of discounted crude oil.

While noting that US financial sanctions exempt energy payments and that there is currently no prohibition on energy imports from Russia, Singh said the US and its European allies have a shared interest in reducing their reliance on an “unreliable energy supplier” such as Russia.

“I come here in a spirit of friendship to explain the mechanisms of our sanctions, the importance of joining us to express shared resolve and to advance shared interests. And yes, there are consequences to countries that actively attempt to circumvent or backfill these sanctions,” he said, while also acknowledging that India and Russia are engaged in efforts to find a payments solution that is a workaround to the sanctions.

“We are very keen for all countries, especially our allies and partners, not to create mechanisms that prop up the rouble and that attempt to undermine the dollar-based financial system,” he added.

Singh declined to go into specifics about the consequences, saying these are part of “private discussions that I’m not going to share publicly”.

Responding to a question from Hindustan Times on US President Joe Biden’s remarks about India’s position within the Quad being “somewhat shaky” on the Ukraine crisis and whether such differences could affect the Quad, Singh said there is a shared recognition in the Quad that “China is a strategic threat to a free, open and secure Indo-Pacific”.

“If you set that against the reality that China and Russia have now declared a no limits partnership, and that Russia has said that China is its most important strategic partner, by extension, that has real implications for India,” he said.

“No one should kid themselves – Russia is going to be the junior partner in this relationship with China. And the more leverage that China gains over Russia, the less favourable that is for India. I don’t think anyone would believe that if China once again breached the Line of [Actual] Control, that Russia would come running to India’s defence,” he added.

There was no immediate response from Indian officials to Singh’s remarks. Since he arrived in New Delhi on Wednesday, Singh has met commerce minister Piyush Goyal and officials of the Prime Minister’s Office, National Security Council and external affairs ministry. There were no official readouts on these meetings.

India has so far refrained from censuring Russia for the invasion of Ukraine and also abstained on all Ukraine-related votes at UN bodies – moves that have been linked to New Delhi’s long-standing defence and strategic partnership with Moscow.

India has, however, called for respecting the UN Charter and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states, while Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pressed for an end to hostilities and a return to dialogue in his conversations with Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Daleep Singh is the latest in a long list of Western leaders and officials making a beeline to New Delhi to nudge the Indian government to change its position on the Ukraine crisis and to pressure Russia to end the war. He arrived in the Indian capital a day ahead of Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, who will hold talks with external affairs minister S Jaishankar on Friday.

Singh accused Putin of violating all the core principles underpinning global peace and security – “the principle that you can’t redraw borders by force, the principle that you can’t subjugate the will of the free people, that countries have the right to set their own course” – and this can be a signal to “autocrats all over the world that might wish to exert their own sphere of influence, bully their neighbours, perhaps right on India’s doorstep”.

The US wants to broaden the coalition against Russia because “when democracies don’t stand up in solidarity and defend those principles together, the costs and risk to all of us become that much larger”, he said.

The American sanctions are working on five separate channels – imposing “immediate and acute costs through a financial shock to Russia’s largest banks”, cutting off technologies needed by Putin to modernise the military and diversify the economy, “methodically ejecting Russia from the international world order” by revoking most favoured nation status and denying borrowing privileges at the IMF and World Bank, “exposing and holding to account the Russian kleptocracy”, and “downgrading Russia’s status as a leading energy supplier”.

Singh said: “The intent of these sanctions is to change Putin’s strategic calculus, to show unequivocally that if he continues to wage this needless, illegal, unprovoked war of aggression, it will be a strategic failure.” He accused Russia, one of the largest energy suppliers, of periodically weaponising supplies.

He added that the US is ready to help India diversify both energy supplies and military hardware but acknowledged this will be a time-consuming process. “The conversation I’ve had here is that we stand ready to help India diversify its energy resources, much like is the case for defence resources over a period of time,” he said.

Some sanctions shutting off Russia’s access to advanced technologies will also affect its ability to export advanced military equipment. “That poses a material risk to India in terms of its readiness to defend itself. And so our message is we stand ready to help, to help India as a reliable supplier, if it would like to diversify away from Russian military equipment over time, recognising that’s going to be a long process,” he said

US is acknowledging India is weak. It needs help from other countries to save them in a war.
The assessment is correct. Rare breath of realism and pragmatism from the US admin after a long time. What a fine man, he knows what to speak. No wonder he is Indian origin! :-)
You think of Pakistan as primary enemy for which India needs Russian support. I do not think India's primary enemy is Pakistan anymore. I also don't think that India needs outside support in a conflict with Pakistan, while it can be beneficial.

The real conflict India needs to be prepared for is the fight with China. India cannot sustain this fight without the full backing of its primary arms supplier. Xi has Putin's balls in his hands. If India fights with China, then China will bring its full diplomatic might to pressure Russia. And today, Russia is completely dependent on China for its livelihood.
Prepare for the wars you have to fight instead of wars you want to fight.

Yes I think the prime adversary for India is Pakistan, and given the state of the military equipment both in development and procurement India is nowhere close to being able to achieve its strategic goals. We take most of our casualties in the western border not the eastern.

Next coming to china, the impetus is on strategic development to mitigate risks posed by China, Russia has always backed strategic development for India whether it is training Nuclear Subs, or aiding in building homegrown SSBN, Combat sqdn strength, armored strength, Surface Ships, Naval components, long-range radars, Artillery development; even small arms that aid in gaining strategic deterrence against China (and strategic superiority against Pakistan).

As I said, Russia is not same cookie as the rest.
India does not have to side with US against Russia. The affairs of US vs Russia is not of India's concern.

India should be wary of depending on Russia for its arms. Ideal scenario is for India to be self dependent. But India's arms industry is not at technical par with what the Chinese have even by a long shot. So in any conflict between India and China, India would have to rely on US.

Indeed, in 1962 - Nehru ran to the US for help. He asked US for direct assistance - boots on ground type assistance.

Recent events show that US doesn't come to anyone's rescue either

India doesn't need to look further than 1971 and see how the US ran away with tails between its legs in the Bay of Bengal, didn't really leave a good impression then.

Indian's are shrewd people they'll milk the West for assets, but will never fight China as it really doesn't have a beef with China besides a border line and none is going to full scale war in this day and age over that as it makes no difference to India anyways.
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