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India should settle Kashmir dispute or attack Pakistan: Ex ISI chief Hameed Gul

Kargil was a limited war. How did it help? Your belief that you can force India to do something is silly, India is not about to hand over Kashmir to you. Period.

That execution of that limited war was undertaken halfheartedly and lacked support by people who commanded and took decisions for country (soldiers on the ground did their part bravely and more than what could have been expected of them), I am referring to more planned and well supported and executed one and times have changed since Kargil. Then and only then India will come to discussion table and take it more seriously.
Kargil was a limited war. How did it help? Your belief that you can force India to do something is silly, India is not about to hand over Kashmir to you. Period.
common man tumko lazeez ke kabab rolls ki kassam why killing their dream :nono:

im sure the onli way kashmir can be resolved is by the onli language they understand and thats war then so be it :devil: :sniper: :butcher: :D

That execution of that limited war was undertaken halfheartedly and lacked support by people who commanded and took decisions for country (soldiers on the ground did their part bravely and more than what could have been expected of them), I am referring to more planned and well supported and executed one and times have changed since Kargil. Then and only then India will come to discussion table and take it more seriously.
i think their is no harm in trying that :pop: :devil: :butcher:
Bhai...my message was clear in the beginning. And don't try to find out who I'm..

I told who I'm....and that's my business...

Its time to make clear that.....there are people...
yes you are some one who likes to troll and talk in circles. The mods will deal with you, do not reply any further
That execution of that limited war was undertaken halfheartedly and lacked support by people who commanded and took decisions for country (soldiers on the ground did their part bravely and more than what could have been expected of them), I am referring to more planned and well supported and executed one and times have changed since Kargil. Then and only then India will come to discussion table and take it more seriously.

If things have changed post Kargil militarily, they have almost certainly changed in favour of India. Pakistan has no ability to prosecute a war successfully against India. Kargil was pretty much the last chance. Without that element of surprise, there is realistically no chance.

India will talk anyways, what you will not ever be able to achieve is to get India to hand over Kashmir. Talks by themselves can hardly achieve the end result you want.
I do not know why we are talking this man seriously.

Considering Hameed Gul is TTP supporter, wouldn't surprised Pakistanis on this forum think he is RAW agent

If things have changed post Kargil militarily, they have almost certainly changed in favour of India. Pakistan has no ability to prosecute a war successfully against India. Kargil was pretty much the last chance. Without that element of surprise, there is realistically no chance.

India will talk anyways, what you will not ever be able to achieve is to get India to hand over Kashmir. Talks by themselves can hardly achieve the end result you want.

If India talks then that is good but I don't see that happening, in fact India somehow tried to follow a policy of ignore, don't listen, don't give importance and that attitude I hope is changing and it needs to change no matter what the means to achieve that. And in my personal opinion fate of Kashmir should be decided by and according to wishes of People there (if by end result you were referring to Kashmir).
Whenever we provoked or attacked we will. Don't worry you will not die without testing the sour metallic radioactive taste.:bad:
What a waste. Okay.. how about this..We will attack some planet in Proxima Centauri as well, when we wish to. But no point in talking about it now.
Do ping me when you are actually going to do something. Till then, get off the keyboard :)
Yes. I want to hear it from you. Clear and concise.

1. Why so ?
2. Even if so, let them come. We will take good care of them.

Why are you avoiding my question ?
stop kidding me and acting like an idiot.
don't bother me to quote again. i am not interested in chit chat with likes of you.
What a waste. Okay.. how about this..We will attack some planet in Proxima Centauri as well, when we wish to. But no point in talking about it now.
Do ping me when you are actually going to do something. Till then, get off the keyboard :)
Who are you to tell me and why should i ping you you will come to know before dying. A big flash heat wave feeling pins in your body sore metallic taste then vomit blood and curse your state sponsored terror RAW who brings end of you and millions with you.:sick:
stop kidding me and acting like an idiot.
don't bother me to quote again. i am not interested in chit chat with likes of you.
I understand your kind. :)
Even you don't know what do you want.

Who are you to tell me and why should i ping you you will come to know before dying. A big flash heat wave feeling pins in your body sore metallic taste then vomit blood and curse your state sponsored terror RAW who brings end of you and millions with you.:sick:

You seem to have lot of experience about that. You work in a brick furnace or something ?
No but tujhe mirchi laghi tu mien kiya karoun :chilli::rofl:

Some random fool throwing nukes at me over the internet. And I'm supposed to be impressed ? You know, there are special-care institutions for people like you, mental hospitals. :)
I understand your kind. :)
Even you don't know what do you want.
I am already in a bad mood. .................
My Teacher entire family is in hospital due to your shelling on Sialkot. ........... Don't quote me again.

Some random fool throwing nukes at me over the internet. And I'm supposed to be impressed ? You know, there are special-care institutions for people like you, mental hospitals. :)
Where you are currently staying, got treatment or you need me to fix you :moil:
I am already in a bad mood. .................
My Teacher entire family is in hospital due to your shelling on Sialkot. ........... Don't quote me again.

Hey listen kid. You got a bad mood, not my problem, World is not revolving around you.
If you have a situation in your family go stand beside them, what are you doing here ?
Don't nag about your problems to me here. You don't like me, fine, it's not like I'm shoving anything down your throat, stop quoting me either or hit the ignore button.

13 year old girl or what ? bad mood my a$$..
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