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India should settle Kashmir dispute or attack Pakistan: Ex ISI chief Hameed Gul

Hey listen kid. You got a bad mood, not my problem, World is not revolving around you.
If you have a situation in your family go stand beside them, what are you doing here ?
Don't nag about your problems to me here. You don't like me, fine, it's not like I'm shoving anything down your throat, stop quoting me either or hit the ignore button.

13 year old girl or what ? bad mood my a$$..

You was the one who started to quote me.
And retard like you never sit calmly as long as they revive proper doze in a$$.
So listen
Hey listen kid. You got a bad mood, not my problem, World is not revolving around you.
If you have a situation in your family go stand beside them, what are you doing here ?
Don't nag about your problems to me here. You don't like me, fine, it's not like I'm shoving anything down your throat, stop quoting me either or hit the ignore button.

13 year old girl or what ? bad mood my a$$..
Also Look Mr A$$
I hate to type long comments...... but you clearly lack ethics and necessary Tarbiat..... are you also by product of rape like most of Indians now a days?? :sarcastic:
with people like auria maqbool jaan , ahmed qureshi and hameed gul we are not going to miss owr daily dose of anty india comedy :D
we will have hyderabadi nawabs on frontline... IS is full of praise of their bravery (and awsome dishes they prepare) :)
Your Hindu army gets bullied by a much smaller neighbouring Muslim army.
India never dare to go war with pak bet it

we won't go anywhere it will come to us remember u're the aggressors.
Anyway plenty of talibunnies for u to kill put them under your wraith leave us alone. :sniper:
hamid gul is right partially... kashmir should be settled once and for all, under international supervision.
He is absolutely correct, Kashmir issue needs to be resolved ASAP.
I have talked to many Kashmiri's on the other side of the border on Internet etc. it boils their blood down to see unwanted troops in the Valley and pretty understandable so, they are pretty tired of this stuff and I can only feel bad for them.

Obviously you have spoken to only one group of Kashmiris then.

If you had spoken to any of the Kashmiri Pandits or other minorities there, who have been terrorized/ra*ed/plundered/humiliated since 1980's by their own neighbors and extremists across the border and living in shanty tent towns in their own motherland like bloody dogs, you would have heard another side of the story!

If just the presence of some troops itself is boils their blood, what about the victims that suffered at the hands of extremists? Millions of whom were so traumatized by the events starting from 1980's that they gave up their land/properties/businesses in Kashmir to live as Refugees in other major cities across India? Are they not 'Kashmiri' enough for you guys? Or that they don't belong to the correct 'religion'?

The troops in Kashmir are there to stay! We will never again throw our own citizens to the islamist wolves in the valley and leave them to their fates like we did in 1980's.

Kashmir will remain with India - till India remains. Nothing short of obliterating every mile of India, will get you Kashmir! You guys will just have to learn to suck it up and accept the reality.
I would not like another War b/w India and Pakistan .

But Kashmir issue needs to be resolved ! IMO.

you guys are underestimating Pakistan's and Pakistani general population sentiments on Kashmir..

the 2 countries will Never be on good terms, unless this dispute is resolved .

Just remove population from your comment and we are in agreement
Yes, and a plebiscite on your side and our side would make things clear for you..

Do you guys even read the UN resolution that you guys so often quote, every time Kashmir is mentioned?

Do you know the preconditions for such a plebiscite and who reneged on those conditions in the first place?

Please educate yourself instead of blindly following the ignorant herd.

Kashmir, Plebiscite and UN security council Resolution

@MilSpec :tup:
I've got an idea. Let's split Kashmir 50-50. Kashmiris can choose which side they want to be on.
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