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India should have annexed Bangladesh: Assam BJP MLA

Envious is the English equivalent word for পরশ্রীকাতরতা l
It doesn't entirely catch it...envy is the feeling you feel when you see other people's fortune when you don't have it. You won't feel envious about my car if you have the exact same car. You might fee porosrikator though.
I never kicked any buddhists or hindus in the BoB

Why speak in the personal case? We are talking about countries/societies. You don't reflect what most of BD people are like....goes for any individual pretty much anywhere.

BD sure has a quite large history of kicking people out, mostly violently, but staying strangely latched onto their culture in some stockholm syndrome kind of way.....allowing for deep permeated pavlovian control long term.

but trying to kick millions of people into the ocean would take a lot of strength

Won't take much, just open every sluice gate right after the rainy season is finished.

Why kick people into an ocean...when the ocean can be brought to them instead?

maybe too much to ask from a nation that's too lazy/incompetent to build latrines.

We actually build them on the ground, unlike on paper like the wonderful BBS....B-BS get it? Cruel joke, but that's BD's motto....prosper and dream on paper, sink and fail in reality.

It really shows when you lot emigrate for example (and arrive in places without the groupthink BD govt controlled fakery BBS) and occupy the bottom end of everything largely. USA income by ethnic group statistics are quite damning for BD people as are the UK poverty states....as is the liveability index score of your capital city (strange how that happens when BD stats are not used).....and the 3rd party videos on youtube of full scale open defecation and open effluent in BD at levels obviously far far in advance of the wonderful concocted fairy tales......just like the life expectancy claims from a country sending vast hordes of medical refugees yearly for even pre-industrialised level screening, treatment and diagnosis.

I don't want to dwell on what the education levels actually probably are either. Suffice to say not good enough for the BD govt to dare to check and agree the ESCAP assessment on statistical capacity improvement, joining only a handful of other severely underdeveloped or near complete authoritarian GOVT/DYNASTY STRONK kind of countries.

Whatever you label us, you are 10 times worse than that (at your best)....keep that in mind.

I don't see you doing anything about the "Muslim Influx" in Assam other than just bickering.

Yes obviously you have no idea when the NRC Assam list is finished. Its a couple months away. Then hag-seena election time and post election time will be fun to exploit to get BD to understand exactly why its no bueno when it comes to illegals being sent to India. Enjoy the "bickering".


I would love for you to start a civil war of sorts inside India between the Hindus and the Muslims and turn yourselves into another Pakistan...or aim even higher...Afghanistan...good luck.

Coming from a 3 million dead civil war place....sweet irony. You want another one, we can provide it....just keep going....but that toad woman is unfortunately going to fold first and easily....and you can vent on her instead like the good sheeple you are after she steals another election with Dada assistance and has to follow orders because of it.

This Post.....I wish I had the power to give positive ratings.

Enjoy reading this one too.
Broken tape. Why bother arguing about stuff when you are going to label every stats by BD as fake?

Right. Hence why BD people ought to not compare to begin with till you are within the vicinity of corruption/credibility ranking of the one you are comparing with.

As long as you occupy the lowest rung bottom percentile on such, stuck in GDDS category and reject assessments like ESCAP for no reason at all (other than what can be continuing status quo of misinformation/faulty data handling procedures for political convenience)....you can compare to countries fitting the mark like that too.....generally will be other LDCs.

Or just compare to yourself over time, thats the best way. When you have actual standardised comparison done by 3rd parties solely (right now only some economy markers fit that), then we can start to talk about where BD actually is compared to India or some other SDDS country that is not in the absolute bottom rungs of corruption perception and freedom index.

Everything else is basically dependent on if BBS is accurate in some off-chance on whatever is being measured/analysed......., seeing how way of the mark it is about Dhaka (ref: liveability index and youtube videos on Dhaka)....it does not seem a promising assertion to hold in any degree of validity.
Right. Hence why BD people ought to not compare to begin with till you are within the vicinity of corruption/credibility ranking of the one you are comparing with.

As long as you occupy the lowest rung bottom percentile on such, stuck in GDDS category and reject assessments like ESCAP for no reason at all (other than what can be continuing status quo of misinformation/faulty data handling procedures for political convenience)....you can compare to countries fitting the mark like that too.....generally will be other LDCs.

Or just compare to yourself over time, thats the best way. When you have actual standardised comparison done by 3rd parties solely (right now only some economy markers fit that), then we can start to talk about where BD actually is compared to India or some other SDDS country that is not in the absolute bottom rungs of corruption perception and freedom index.

Everything else is basically dependent on if BBS is accurate in some off-chance on whatever is being measured/analysed......., seeing how way of the mark it is about Dhaka (ref: liveability index and youtube videos on Dhaka)....it does not seem a promising assertion to hold in any degree of validity.
We will compare with the data we have. No one is telling you to believe those data. Calling them fake means a full stop. Thus no need for debate after that. So the one should refrain to take part in those discussions should be you. Since no one is forcing you to post either.
We will compare with the data we have. No one is telling you to believe those data. Calling them fake means a full stop. Thus no need for debate after that. So the one should refrain to take part in those discussions should be you. Since no one is forcing you to post either.

Seem to have ignored I said "ought" to. What you end up doing is up to you lot. Like you ought to leave 1971 behind, esp the 3 million hoax waaaah, 1000% GDP extraction nonsense....but fat chance of that happening either right? Feel good scapegoatism and hollow stronk achievement unlocking.

You just keep doing whatever you guys want and I will too (with intent of informing anyone else reading this stuff)...it is essentially all inherently why BD stays stuck where it does in corruption, stays out of economist weekly appendix, barely in the IMF GDDS category and a junk grade credit rating to boot....you seem to think the stink around your numbers are fine as long as they promote a feel good.

Like a BBS official marking 0 open defecation right next to a dhaka slum with the effluent coming out of every pore right next to him (like seen on youtube videos). Feels good on paper for those living away from it in some capacity.....but rotten as crap (literally) for those in the sore reality. Pass the fakery onto the WHO or whoever and some feel good level gets unlocked.

Why not continue to indulge in that after all, its not like there is some call/pressure for getting rid of that from BD ppl...and in the end the elite get to sustain their shenanigans....like preventing any industrial alternatives to what they have already political divvied up among themselves. Then you lot scratch your heads why is Dhaka ranked alongside warzones in liveability and has 7 km/hr average road speed....and the massive dissonance in whatever else can be measured without the need to go through BBS tomfoolery.
We will compare with the data we have. No one is telling you to believe those data. Calling them fake means a full stop. Thus no need for debate after that. So the one should refrain to take part in those discussions should be you. Since no one is forcing you to post either.

The reason these Sanghis are trying so desperately to debate is that they know what is actually true and trying to recoup some desperate shred of decency and respect for the hodge-podge entity of a country they call a 'Shupa-powa'. Unlike sane Indians who really know what dire straits their country is in.

The shupa powa that cannot compare in basic health and hygiene statistics with a 'supposed' LDC. SMH.

I honestly don't know why shameless Sanghi idiots keep coming back to the Bangladesh forum just to get one more drubbing. It's comical to see them get fast verbal slaps everytime. :-)

Because they know deep inside that there is no love lost between most Bangladeshis and Chaiwala's Indian administration. Their banya businesses get told to eff-off but they too keep coming back.

Meanwhile the BJP dhoti and tillak idiots keep spouting BS like they always do.
Seem to have ignored I said "ought" to. What you end up doing is up to you lot. Like you ought to leave 1971 behind, esp the 3 million hoax waaaah, 1000% GDP extraction nonsense....but fat chance of that happening either right? Feel good scapegoatism and hollow stronk achievement unlocking.

You just keep doing whatever you guys want and I will too (with intent of informing anyone else reading this stuff)...it is essentially all inherently why BD stays stuck where it does in corruption, stays out of economist weekly appendix, barely in the IMF GDDS category and a junk grade credit rating to boot....you seem to think the stink around your numbers are fine as long as they promote a feel good.

Like a BBS official marking 0 open defecation right next to a dhaka slum with the effluent coming out of every pore right next to him (like seen on youtube videos). Feels good on paper for those living away from it in some capacity.....but rotten as crap (literally) for those in the sore reality. Pass the fakery onto the WHO or whoever and some feel good level gets unlocked.

Why not continue to indulge in that after all, its not like there is some call/pressure for getting rid of that from BD ppl...and in the end the elite get to sustain their shenanigans....like preventing any industrial alternatives to what they have already political divvied up among themselves. Then you lot scratch your heads why is Dhaka ranked alongside warzones in liveability and has 7 km/hr average road speed....and the massive dissonance in whatever else can be measured without the need to go through BBS tomfoolery.
At least we compare BD with India, a country 8 times bigger in pop and 24 times bigger in land area. We don't compare ourselves with Somalia or Sierra Leon. But here Indians like to compare their super power to a country which is 24 times smaller and started as a basket case 40 years back. Go compare yourselves with China or something....and forget BD sometimes. Improve your hunger index so your people less less hungry compared to North Korea or Burundi.
At least we compare BD with India, a country 8 times bigger in pop and 24 times bigger in land area.

Why does size matter for comparison anyway? We are not comparing in absolutes of some fanciful total power/size, we are comparing per capita....and even more specifically here issues (corruption, credibility, transparency) that are not largely tied to gross or per capita wealth/output either.

Some of the most wealthiest and productive countries in the world are several times smaller than BD. There are much poorer and smaller countries than BD that do a LOT better when it comes to corruption, credibility and thus sustainability as well.

We don't compare ourselves with Somalia or Sierra Leon.

Thats a pretty interesting low bar, you are saying comparing India with BD is like comparing BD with anarchist run places in subsaharan africa.

What happens when you compare BD to countries like Pakistan, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka....and a large myriad of subsaharan countries when it comes to institutional capacity+development and corruption level?

Tiny impoverished East-Timor can accept an ESCAP assessment on its national statistics and thus take a huge first step to improving itself on that front....but BD strangely doesn't (and I really don't want to tell you how many times in a row either, its not nice reading, just like the tariffs BD has put on all kinds of easy non-RMG industry),.... that too at its grossly diminshed capacity level (which has nothing to do with a country's size whatsoever). You understand how this plays a role in graduation to SDDS long term for just one example? (Again nothing to do with BD's population size)

Why does BD do far far worser on those? Why do BD people accept that as a given and not try to change it? They would really rather vent against India and Pakistan for whatever blah blah blah....and accept whatever the BD govt claims development wise in this atrocious credibility....verbatim and for feel good....I mean I guess stuck in a paddy field or RMG sweatshop gives lot of idle mind to cling to dreamthink to feel better.....just like I suppose a 7 km/hr crawl in a "capital" "city" does.

But still why not try fix that which can be fixed that needs no immense wealth permeation or grand size of country? Or simply cling to the comfort of status quo I guess and buffer it with the feel good groupthink, I guess that is much easier to do....its not like BD people really are great at becoming productive and achieving solid transition.....I mean look at what ppl like bigmouth billu @Bilal9 earn on average even when they go to a developed country. Mass chotolok permeation in mind, body and soul it seems.

But here Indians like to compare their super power to a country which is 24 times smaller and started as a basket case 40 years back.

Actually lately its always a BD bugger starting that now and getting reamed on it inevitably. Cpl recent examples:



If you dont want the sound hiding, best to stay focused and humble and not drag betters in to begin with.

That whole concept of getting from GDDS to SDDS basically (which is a headstrong thing much much more than a wallet thing), before you start opening the mouth for some feel good notion to harness a david and goliath dream complex.

Go compare yourselves with China or something....and forget BD sometimes.

India and China largely rank equal in what we are talking about here specifically (SDDS category, corruption, statistical capacity and credibility). On other matters (related, derived or not) we sure do compare all the time but also understand where the comparisons limits are given a myriad of issues and priorities well beyond the scope of cherrypick trolling that goes on in this forum 99% of the time.

But again suggestions about this are funny coming from someone from a country that refuses to even improve to that level of overall category, capacity and credibility....and then deflecting to that somehow being tied to the absolute size/reach or whatever of a country....and then such people routinely permeating and promoting and worst of all instigating whatever effluent from orifice claim comes from that terrible credibility (for feel good group think, instead of trying to reach a rough parity on that crediblity first with whatever big or small guy you wanna compare with)....one that again is a national ethos/pastime it seems with a 3 million hoax as raison d'etre politically even fake-spiritually to begin with.

Thats always going to be an eternal loser chotolok argument. The way you lot cry when called out on that just adds to it even more.

Improve your hunger index so your people less less hungry compared to North Korea or Burundi.

Yeah of course North Korea, maybe the one country thats even worse credible than BD....and routinely exposed on it (because interested parties actually care about exposing the dissonance on paper and reality, unlike some RMG sweatshop and paddy swamp tucked away in some armpit).

And what about Burundi?


I don't get why you pick such places in some triggered reaction....one ranks nowhere because of the paucity of data to begin with, one ranks dead last.

And where does BD rank? Worse than Rwanda....even with the terrible credibility of BD claims. Again where exactly does the gross size of a country factor into this stuff in any meaningful way? What is the R^2 value if we map land size to say HDI for every country in the world?

So again, use your (faulty) argument on yourself first and THEN work on figuring out why it could be faulty....before you use it on others.
I think Bangladesh can defend itself and Bangladesh is a country,not a small land.this kind of statements will only create hate.
Vultures pray for a cow to die so that they can feast on its meat. But, it does not happen that way. Well, what a faceless and nameless Assamese talks will also have no effect on BD. When there were tens of military onslaught from Bengal on Assam in the historical times that started in 1204, the Assamese preferred only to defend their land. They never had the muscle to invade Bengal proper any time in the past. History will repeat itself, no doubt.
Your High Commissioner has already been notified, the look on his face was a sight to behold. Do go through the interview, and build refugee shelters in advance. Borsha kal asche, ona der dengue malaria hoye jete pare.

Are you really a Bharotiyo_Bangal?

Is this a stand of Govt. of India. Only a member from the ruling party.

...and a particularly stupid and bellicose member, at that.

Bhai I cannot believe you are still hoping for friendship from these idiots....any mussalman is a born-enemy to these Hindutva idiots, no matter how nice you may be.

Educated sane Indians have already left India for more comfortable shores and will continue to do so, while saffron-revolution runs amuck in India.

Please find me a more comfortable shore; please treat this as urgent.

Among large countries their level of f*cked-up-ness is unparalleled. They will never amount to one-tenth of China in anything they try - despite their chest-thumping. All their defense purchases are to line their politicians pockets and the Sanghi fan-boys' entertainment value.

Meanwhile Indian farmers are taking their own lives en masse for lack of health facilities and agro-loans by drinking pesticide.

They've even given up Swaraj self-reliance b*llshit in their miserable excuse of a country.

They've got lower-class uneducated idiots like Chaiwala running things in India nowadays. Inmates running the asylum. Ask any smart NRI and they will tell you how f*cked up India is now.

That's why these Sanghi idiots keep coming to the Bangladesh forum in PDF and try to feel a little better.

That's why those idiots keep coming to PDF. Look at that <female_genitive_organ> advaitagrata.

Who can give positive ratings?

Administrators, Moderators, Think Tank Associates, Think Tank Consultants, Professionals, Military Professionals...
We should avoid Dildo Swaggins typing from their moms computer with no job and lots of time in hand. Looser.

They are here just to feel good about themselves :)
Vultures pray for a cow to die so that they can feast on its meat. But, it does not happen that way. Well, what a faceless and nameless Assamese talks will also have no effect on BD. When there were tens of military onslaught from Bengal on Assam in the historical times that started in 1204, the Assamese preferred only to defend their land. They never had the muscle to invade Bengal proper any time in the past. History will repeat itself, no doubt.
In medieval ages, Assam was a remote, poor, thinly populated and forbiding terrain without much prospect to raise tax.So Bengal king/sultan just ignored that place. Bengal's ruler's had their eyes on Bihar and Orissa.That's why in a large part of the recorded history, these two entities was part of Bengal's rule.
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