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India set for transit in Bangladesh

yes you will. Might seem like a cheap price, but when the fanatics attack, it won't seem that cheap after all. matter of fact, I want Indians to take over, so its easier for the jamaatis to perform jihad and convert you hindu, intolerant folks to some sort cultured human being or whatever you are.

Exactly, because of that kind thinking, more than half of the world is fighting with you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!:pdf:

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To give you idea... below are the total list of project to be done under the loan...

These are mainly for india... n hardly will benefit bd.
The first project is on procurement of six high-powered dredgers at $71.69 million. Of the dredgers, one will be used for dredging at Mongla Port while three for Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority and two for Bangladesh Water Development Board.

The second project is related to construction of an internal container river port at Ashuganj at a cost of $36.23 million. Bangladesh and India have recently signed an agreement under which Ashuganj in Bangladesh and Silghat in India have been declared ports of call.

So are you saying that them dredgers will only be used to facilitate the movement of Indian Ships? So the moment these Indian Ships leave the port the dredgers will stop de-silting the port ? It will be owned and operated by the Mongla Port Authority. If am not mistaken this is one of the only two ports Bangladesh has, and it was in dire need of investment and new equipments. Indian transit through the port will give it a second life. And once the port will have better facility and infrastructure, ships from more countries will use the port generating more revenue for Bangladesh.

Heres some articles to back up whatever i am trying to say,

Dredging Today – Bangladesh Needs More Dredging Equipment

:The Daily Star: Internet Edition

And regarding the Ashugang port, its a defunct and derelict port, and once again is in dire need of investment. India will primarily use this inland port for transporting power plant equipments to Tripura, after which India wont be using it and it will be an asset for Bangladesh, particularly for the businesses around Ashugang area.

Ashuganj transit deal signed

India will not pay any fees or service charges for this transit even though it would be using Bangladesh's rivers and roads. However, it has agreed to provide Bangladesh Tk 25.50 crore for the development of Ashuganj river port terminal and 49 kilometres of roads.

The road from Ashuganj to Sonardi via Sarail, Brahmanbaria, Sultanpur and Akhaura is too narrow for transporting large cargos efficiently and it will be widened to 18 metres.

Replying to questions, Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan said India will not pay any extra charge but will continue to pay the annual charge under the river protocol for maintaining navigability.

"Why will they pay charge twice? They are constructing the road which we need urgently," he said, added that fees and charges would be settled at higher level of the governments if India wants to use the road in future.

Without making clear whether India will pay any charge for using the road, he said India would construct the road at their own cost.
Exactly, because of that kind thinking, more than half of the world is fighting with you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!:pdf:


And result?????

No one tried to convert ... It is the so called some zionist and neocon groups initiated some of the war.... N the whole world seeing the result of it.... If any Muslim group tried to convert bharti hindu they would get couple of hundred million convert in among Indian Hindu alone... I do not want to offend any one based on religion.. But if any muslim open Hinduism in front of you ... You will feel yourself ashamed....

Mod will you please take action against jayron... As he is constantly trolling and posting off topic stuff to create flame...
I think it would be better if we gave them transshipment instead of transit .
To give you idea... below are the total list of project to be done under the loan...

These are mainly for india... n hardly will benefit bd.
The third project is to buy 10 broad gauge locomotive engines worth $31.55 million for Bangladesh Railway. The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh projects are also related to Bangladesh Railway.

Some 125 broad gauge passenger coaches will be bought at a cost of $53.63 million under the fourth project, while 60 tank wagons for fuel oil transportation and two break vans at a cost of $8.85 million under the fifth project.

The sixth one is on buying 50 metre gauge flat wagons and five break vans at a cost of $4.55 million for Bangladesh Railway.

Mainly to facilitate indian transit by rail... even if you say some cases bd will use those... but what is the point of buying india only train??? To get the better product this should have been done under open tender to select the better product but the loan clause is India only...

The point of buying India only train is because thats what you have infrastructure for. You cant run TGV's or Bullet trains on rickety rail lines of Bangladesh or even India for that matter. Besides India and Bangladesh have same rail guage, and Bangladesh railways already uses Indian Locos YDM-4 and WDM-2 (Which means they already have workshop for Indian locos) which makes the purchase and operation easier. Moreover, Indian locomotives are atleast half the price of any other comparable locomotives or you can try the Chinese locomotives for cheap, Pakistan bought about 150 of them too, do a google search you ll know about their experience.

Stay tuned more to come:coffee:

No one tried to convert ... It is the so called some zionist and neocon groups initiated some of the war.... N the whole world seeing the result of it.... If any Muslim group tried to convert bharti hindu they would get couple of hundred million convert in among Indian Hindu alone... I do not want to offend any one based on religion.. But if any muslim open Hinduism in front of you ... You will feel yourself ashamed....

First of all, what "result" are you taking about???? :what:

second, Now from where to where you have bring your own point of view!!!

I was referring to your earlier post, where you were saying about converting to so called jihad.........

And to the last sentence of your:::::

It's freaking sooo funny how you put that sentence. saying that if any Muslim open book about Hinduism!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL
(just tell me which major religion of the world has NO problem with muslims??)

AND you know what?? i consider my really neutral UNLIKE many other and UNLIKE 99% Muslims who freaking find no mistake in their religion!!!!!!!
India set for transit in Bangladesh

Agartala, Jan. 10: India is all set to secure railway, water and road transport facilities across Bangladesh, official sources here said.

The prospect of road, railway and waterways transit has generated keen interest in Tripura in the wake of the Bangladesh government’s consent to allowing transportation of heavy equipment for ONGC’s 726MW Palatana thermal power plant through Ashuganj river port on the Meghna.

Sources said following the water transit permission, the country’s leading Navratna company had also started constructing a road from Ashuganj to Sultanpur in Brahmanbaria district of Bangladesh to transport heavy turbines.

Besides, the survey to set up railway links between Agartala station and Akhaura railway junction in Bangladesh, a distance of 13km, is also nearing completion. “Once this is complete, work on laying tracks will commence and it will not take much time. Tripura will be linked by railway with the rest of India across Bangladesh,” a source said.

At an Indo-Bangladesh conclave in Dhaka on December 22, Bangladesh had decided to renew the river protocol between the two countries for five more years.

After the conclave, Bangladesh authorities had sought opinions from the ministries of home affairs and external affairs, the National Board of Revenue and the Vessel Owners Association on the proposed renewal.

Since 1972 when the river protocol had been first signed it was being renewed for two years each and this is the first time that renewal for five years was sought even though Indian delegation had sought a renewal for seven years.

Sources here said that the ministries, NBR and VOA have agreed to five year renewal have not yet taken a final decision but they are likely to communicate their consent soon though questions are being raised over revenue from river transport charge . The government of India has agreed to grant annually an amount of Rs five crore for desiltation work in rivers for continued navigability round the year .
Meanwhile, Tripura government has decided to float national tender for consultancy over reopening of old waterways connecting Tripura with the rest of India across Bangladesh. Official sources said that in the pre-independence days Tripura's two major rivers Gomati and Hawrah that fall in the Padma and Meghna rivers of Bangladesh provided water-link with rest of India through West Bengal . But partition of the country changed the river transport profile. In a meeting with minister for DONER B.K. Handique, Tripura chief minister Manik Sarkar had raised the issue of reopening the water links across Bangladesh. After consultation with the ministry of shipping the DONER ministry has asked the state government to prepare a detailed project report on how best to revive the water-links . Official sources said that national tender seeking consultancy service would be floated soon. 'Actually the issue has assumed significance because of the ongoing upgrading of Ashuganj as 'Container Port' with Indian financial assistance; once it becomes operational a lot of opportunities will open up for Tripura and northeast at large' sources said.
To give you idea... below are the total list of project to be done under the loan...


These are mainly for india... n hardly will benefit bd.

Under the seventh project, two railway bridges -- 2nd Bhairab Bridge and 2nd Titas Bridge -- will be constructed, which will cost $120 million.

The next five projects are related with road transport. The eighth one is to buy 300 double-decker buses for Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) at an estimated amount of $29.65 million.

Under the ninth project, 50 articulated buses would be bought for BRTC at a cost of $6.12 million.

For transit of india....
As I said before it should have been done under open tender process... but this is just to facilitate indian companies as the term of the deal is 85% of the product should be of indian made... rest will be selected by indian contractor...

Just so you know there wont be any boom gates on the 2nd Bhairab bridge or the 2nd Titas bridge. There wont be any BSF guarding the bridge only allowing the Indian trains/trucks to pass through the bridge. I almost feel stupid even replying to such comments. This rail connectivity will be a boon for Bangladesh than for India.

As far as the buses are concerned many countries around the world are now using Indian made buses, they are comparatively cheaper.
People like you, who are anti- transit for India and anti-anything India need to understand that no one else needs Bangladesh for transit. India does, in return of which your country got a loan of 1 Billion USD straight away. Your government would still be running to different banks and organizations to secure loans for all these 14 different projects. Think about the delay that would have occurred in all the 14 projects which are being funded by that 1 Billion USD loan?:woot:
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To give you idea... below are the total list of project to be done under the loan...


These are mainly for india... n hardly will benefit bd.

The 10th one is related to development of road communications for a land port. Under the project, Sarail-Brahmanbaria-Sultanpur-Akhaura-Senarbadi road will be constructed at a cost of $33.82 million.

To transport indian goods from chittagong port to NE india... hardly bd will use this route...

Yeah agreed Bangladesh will not use this road, cause that area of Bangladesh is literally uninhabited :disagree:. This project will be undertaken by the Bangladesh Roads and Highway department, and will employ Bangladeshi labor and contractors generating employment for local population. All the transportation will be done using Bdeshi Trucks generating revenue for the local transport and logistics industry. Read here for more: Bangladesh to borrow $33.8m from India to upgrade Ashuganj-Akhaura Road

The 11th project is for construction of an overpass at Jurain rail crossing and a flyover at Malibagh rail crossing in Dhaka. These will cost $31.44 million.

Yes this is the only one needed for bd... but to select the best group this process should have been done through tender... but bd is unable to do this as the term of the loan is india only...

Unreal comments mate, keep in mind no infrastructure is useless for any country, not even developed countries, yours and mine are still developing country it needs all the infrastructure in the world. And about the projects going to Indian companies they are executing all sorts of projects in India so don't see why they couldn't do the same in Bangladesh. It was one of the conditions of the Loan provided to Bangladesh anyways and your government agreed to it, so you cant blame India for that. Any case even the Indian companies will be hiring local Bangladeshi contractors and laborers, generating more employment in your country

Project number 12 is purely on connectivity between Bangladesh and India. Under this project, a road will be constructed between Ramgarh and Sabroom [Tripura's southern border town] at a cost of $14.53 million

To facilitate indian transit...

Same rebuttal as above:disagree:
To give you idea... below are the total list of project to be done under the loan...


These are mainly for india... n hardly will benefit bd.

An amount of $150.86 million will be spent for the 13th project, which is for setting up power gridline between India and Bangladesh. Under the project, a 400KV grid inter-connection between Bheramara of Bangladesh and Baharamapur of India will be set up.

Partly useful for bd but mainly to extend indian mainland grid to NE india... as I said before it should have been done by open tender but this is also india only project...

You fail to see that all these projects are inter linked? Trust me a lot of Bangladeshis garment factories will be delighted to get more electricity and then go on use the refurbished inland and sea ports to increase the export and revenue(which btw you think is only benefiting India) and once again which ever country provides loans expects its companies to get a major share of project being undertaken. We are not Asian Development Bank or IMf for ffs. :hitwall:

The 14th project has four sub projects related to capacity building of Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institute (BSTI). Laboratories will be set up at a cost of $8.92 million to test foods, cement, brick and gold.

Should have been done in an open tender but will be done by india only companies... n indian product quality is so low that even indian institue equivalent to BSTI import their equipment from switzerland or germany... this was said by BSTI chairman.. he said if we had to buy low quality indian equipment it is better not to buy it...

So are you saying your esteemed BSTI would make its own equipment? :hitwall: The only reason the Indian government and Indian Standard Institute(ISI) has agreed to this project is because of Bangladesh and its concerns regarding Bangladeshis products in North East Indian market. Which you lots were whining about not too long ago. Under this project ISI and BSTI will work together to come up with common standards to facilitate the movement of Bangladeshi goods into India:taz:. Have a read here ::disagree:

Capacities for standards and testing

he Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) is the lone organisation in the field. But as a government-operated body it has for long been suffering from all the ills associated with bureaucracy, corruption and lack of proper equipment and all sorts of paraphernalia to do its work with effectiveness.

This is to be pointed out that Bangladesh has otherwise some good prospects of trading with the north-eastern Indian states. Problems of smooth geographical access as well as the costs of freighting goods from the rest of India to these virtually land-locked states make Bangladesh a natural alternative source of supply of many of these goods to these states. But the expected large volumes of various types of goods from Bangladesh face entry problems in north eastern India as the Indian authorities have been considering BSTI-certified products as undependable.Some critics in Bangladesh have, thus, been prone to describing such restrictions as non tariff barriers. But in all fairness, the reality is that the Indian objections in many cases could prove to be valid on follow ups by any other dependable authorities.

In fact, charges are also made frequently by consumers from within Bangladesh itself about the nature of BSTI certification. It is alleged that BSTI's certificates of standards and testing can be purchased in some cases through graft. Rent-seeking instincts are alleged to exist in this organisation which make possible on the part of producers to obtain certification from BSTI that their products or produces have duly met the criteria as properly made or produced.

Thats why we would rather let our ISI help your BSTI with the certification process and then Indians would have no issue letting Bangladeshi products into our markets. But who knows you guys will probably start complaining how Indians are buying all the Bangladeshi products leaving nothing for Bangladeshis themselves:lol:
The point of buying India only train is because thats what you have infrastructure for. You cant run TGV's or Bullet trains on rickety rail lines of Bangladesh or even India for that matter. Besides India and Bangladesh have same rail guage, and Bangladesh railways already uses Indian Locos YDM-4 and WDM-2 (Which means they already have workshop for Indian locos) which makes the purchase and operation easier. Moreover, Indian locomotives are atleast half the price of any other comparable locomotives or you can try the Chinese locomotives for cheap, Pakistan bought about 150 of them too, do a google search you ll know about their experience.

Stay tuned more to come:coffee:

What a lame excuse by a bharti to promote their lowerbgraded train... If it would be an open tender then in the tender it would have been clearly mentioned what is our requirement... N every country those who would have the capability to provide those would bid to open the tender... Even we would have an evaluation body... But here nothing can be done as stupid Hasina signed India only deal... Which will be selected by India...
What a lame excuse by a bharti to promote their lowerbgraded train... If it would be an open tender then in the tender it would have been clearly mentioned what is our requirement... N every country those who would have the capability to provide those would bid to open the tender... Even we would have an evaluation body... But here nothing can be done as stupid Hasina signed India only deal... Which will be selected by India...

Lame excuse? yeah ok whatever makes you happy:lol: Only if you knew how much of the rolling stock and equipment being used by Bangladesh Railways was made in India. Have a look here,
IRFCA - The Indian Railways Fan Club Photo Gallery - A peek inside Bangladesh Railway

I mean you can't get a car loan from Toyota to buy a Camry and then take that money instead and dream of buying a Merc AMG:undecided:
Lame excuse? yeah ok whatever makes you happy:lol: Only if you knew how much of the rolling stock and equipment being used by Bangladesh Railways was made in India. Have a look here,
IRFCA - The Indian Railways Fan Club Photo Gallery - A peek inside Bangladesh Railway

I mean you can't get a car loan from Toyota to buy a Camry and then take that money instead and dream of buying a Merc AMG:undecided:

Check your fact 1st before posting garbage... We are not talking about who is fan of
whom.... If any Indian company could have come through tender than it would be a different issue ... But by default giving contract to lower quality Indian locomotive company is just waste of money....

I can reply to all of your garbage that you posted above.... But as I am using iPad right now... It is difficult to edit and copy pasting.. So um ot doing it now....

Just for the BSTI stuff.... Get a life... Indian testing institute is not getting into any partnership or project here... Contract is now given to Indian companies to provide equipment to BSTI... But as usual Indian products are of lower quality....

N what you wanted to mean by testing standard and ne India type rubbish... Or do you want to say that equipment from German and
Switzerland are not capable of providing better result.... Than lower graded Indian equipments which even Indian testing institue does not use....

N regarding ashuganj port... There is absolutely no need for this for bd... That was declared port of call recently just to facilitate Indian transit....

N you posted a crap that the minister said India is building 65km road then why would
they give any transit charge... I am saying compare if duty is imposed on Indian goods and bd made the road by itself then what is the difference comes here... Building 65 I'm road is not a big deal... But giving it a excuse to provide duty free transit to India is a act of trason to country...

N regarding mongla port.... Whether Indian ship come or not it is not going to give any
benefit to bd... As the transit is duty free.... India only will Provide yearly operation and maintenance cost.. Not any duty for it's product.... Which will provide no benefit to bd economy but gave India the opportunity to transfer unlimited amount of goods...

N degrader even if occasionally is used by bd should have been bought by open tender to select the best product instead of giving India only company to provide the digrader...

Regarding electricity.. Do you have any idea how much electricity India is going to provide bd... Only 500 mw. ..... But India has recently made plan to install
transmission line to connect ne India to India through bd... This project is mainly part of this.... I have seen the article last week or so... Google it on google news.... N this project should also have been selected through open tender..

Now it comes the locomotive engine crap that you posted... Bd does not have the
enough money to buy those.... Go n check 1.7 billion dollar has been undertaken to setup monorail in Dhaka by japan...

So what made you think that bd can not buy 10 locomotive engines from a developed country n we only will have to buy it from India.

Go n try to convince the fools with such lame excuses....

It is always said that the loan was given mainly to build the transit infrastructure .... N those will be mostly used by India for free.... As India will not provide any duty only a fixed operation and maintenance fee... N there was no limit also set how much product India will be able to transit...n to make it more worse ..... Cow eating hassina signed the contract before finalaizing the deal saying Indian foreign ministry will approve the deal and only Indian company will do the jobs... N even if any other or outside help is needed India will decide the company or contractor...
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Check your fact 1st before posting garbage... We are not talking about who is fan of
If any Indian company could have come through tender than it would be a different issue ... But by default giving contract to lower quality Indian locomotive company is just waste of money....

What now? are you broken or something mate:confused: All am saying is Bangladesh Railway has previously bought (using its own money, not Indian loan) Indian locomotives and equipment, and these are being extensively used through out the network

I can reply to all of your garbage that you posted above.... But as I am using iPad right now... It is difficult to edit and copy pasting.. So um ot doing it now....

Just for the BSTI stuff.... Get a life... Indian testing institute is not getting into any partnership or project here... Contract is now given to Indian companies to provide equipment to BSTI... But as usual Indian products are of lower quality....

N what you wanted to mean by testing standard and ne India type rubbish... Or do you want to say that equipment from German and
Switzerland are not capable of providing better result.... Than lower graded Indian equipments which even Indian testing institue does not use....

Once again read the link I provided in post# 70. Its from the Financial Express-Bangladesh, your own media. It talks about why this project with BSTI is being undertaken. Its to facilitate the import of various Bangladeshi goods into North Eastern Indian states. Mind you most of the products going to benefit from this common "standard and certification" process are only consumed in Bangladesh and North East of India, They aren't meant for export to EU. So it makes sense to have common certification method and process so that Bdeshi products don't face any issues at border due to different Indian and Bangladeshi Quality certification standards.

N regarding ashuganj port... There is absolutely no need for this for bd... That was declared port of call recently just to facilitate Indian transit....

As i said earlier no infrastructure is useless, specially for developing countries, even if its not of any use now, it might help the surrounding areas grow. It works both ways you know, you build infrastructure around existing industries, or you build the infrastructure and industries spring around the infrastructure. Feel free to disagree

N you posted a crap that the minister said India is building 65km road then why would
they give any transit charge... I am saying compare if duty is imposed on Indian goods and bd made the road by itself then what is the difference comes here... Building 65 I'm road is not a big deal... But giving it a excuse to provide duty free transit to India is a act of trason to country...

Ok honestly what would you rather have, "no one using your country as transit, and not building that 65kms of Road" or "someone using your country for transit, paying an annual fee for it(nominal :agreed) and also constructing 65 km of road, which will be for everyone to use not just "Indian Transit".

N regarding mongla port.... Whether Indian ship come or not it is not going to give any
benefit to bd... As the transit is duty free.... India only will Provide yearly operation and maintenance cost.. Not any duty for it's product.... Which will provide no benefit to bd economy but gave India the opportunity to transfer unlimited amount of goods...

Mate I posted a news article in my earlier ports. Mongla is one of the only two ports Bangladesh has. It has strategic and economic importance for Bangladesh. Its in dire need for funding and maintenance equipments to keep it operational. And once in good shape it will attract ships from other country too increasing the revnues for Bangladesh.

N degrader even if occasionally is used by bd should have been bought by open tender to select the best product instead of giving India only company to provide the digrader...

Indian ports are using these very dredgers, but if you think somehow these dredgers aren't good enough for Bangladeshi waters then well can't argue with that.

Regarding electricity.. Do you have any idea how much electricity India is going to provide bd... Only 500 mw. ..... But India has recently made plan to install
transmission line to connect ne India to India through bd... This project is mainly part of this.... I have seen the article last week or so... Google it on google news.... N this project should also have been selected through open tender..

Going by the shortage going on in Bangladesh even that 500 extra mw will be a relief for the garment industries which are marred by power shortage. This is the quickest and cheapest way to offer more power. In the mean time more power stations are being constructed, but these take some time to come on line in the grid.

Now it comes the locomotive engine crap that you posted... Bd does not have the
enough money to buy those.... Go n check 1.7 billion dollar has been undertaken to setup monorail in Dhaka by japan...

So what made you think that bd can not buy 10 locomotive engines from a developed country n we only will have to buy it from India.

Go n try to convince the fools with such lame excuses....

Well good for Dhaka if its getting monorail:tup: but as far as I know pre-feasibility study is yet to be done, so don't know where you already got the figure of 1.7 Billion USD sanctioned by Japanese government. A link saying the same would be great?

It is always said that the loan was given mainly to build the transit infrastructure .... N those will be mostly used by India for free.... As India will not provide any duty only a fixed operation and maintenance fee... N there was no limit also set how much product India will be able to transit...n to make it more worse ..... Cow eating hassina signed the contract before finalaizing the deal saying Indian foreign ministry will approve the deal and only Indian company will do the jobs... N even if any other or outside help is needed India will decide the company or contractor...

Well matured mate:disagree:

Anyways am not denying the fact that India is benefiting from this deal big time, but at the same time Bangladesh is not being short changed either.

And if your replies are going to be full of "Bharti" "Low quality Indian" "stupid garbage" then don't bother replying to me at least, cause its just biased . One can only reason with a reasonable person.

Lets hope for your sake Begum Zia comes to power in the next term and not only cancels all these projects, denies Indian government transit, and also return the loan. :tup:
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