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India Sends Stealth Warships to South China Sea

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The GoI is still hesitant to take up Vietnam's offer to set up a permanent Indian Base in Vietnam at Cam Ranh ..... but I see something coming up sometime in future as India has also aligned US towards some sensible approach to Vietnam and we do have Vietnam to credit for training the first batch of instructors for our Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School, a school even US has sent it troops to for exposure and which Indians made very clear is credit to Indo-Vietnamese cooperation and friendship.

Lets hope that we continue to cooperate as closely in future too

Thank you for sharing that, very interesting.
@madokafc @Viet @BoQ77
Welcome to the party!

India should send submarines into the SC Sea.

You guys should stop cheerleading for India. India as a nation has no future, just dreams of super power. China on the other hand is THE future. A super power at present.
India as a nation has no future, just dreams of super power. China on the other hand is THE future. A super power at present.

Countries that don't dream big and strive to achieve their goals will always remain under the boot of one or the other super power.

Whether India becomes a super power or not, that we are trying is an ample indication of the dignity we have.
In the case of war in SCS India will face the war on their own border with China.
In the case of war in SCS India will face the war on their own border with China.

Seriously, people need to look their maps again.

There is no entrance where China can actually enter India directly. Pakistan can help of course.

And I am very confident there will never be a direct war between China and India.
India is well on her way to do in SCS similar to what China is doing in Pakistan-India conflict. ;)
If this is true, we are happy to entertain indians, find an excuse to sink them all and declare war aginst india. PLA will take this opportunity to invade india and free south tibet, cutting off northeast part from india and grant those states independence.

Modiji is just an inferior version of Nehru, nothing more. For those viets here, you even chicken out to take the invitation of jointly petrol SCS with mitghty US navy, what else are you capable of doing except cheerleading?
Seriously, people need to look their maps again.

There is no entrance where China can actually enter India directly. Pakistan can help of course.

And I am very confident there will never be a direct war between China and India.
India is well on her way to do in SCS similar to what China is doing in Pakistan-India conflict. ;)
Yes we will do and wait for the time, If the china help with us it will do before the war.
Please do not blow this out of proportion, India has no aggressive designs neither any intent to be hostile to china. It's a simple exercise. Keep it to that.

India benefits stretch from Indian Ocean to Melaka strait, from Japan to Singapore where I know for sure is currently the trade hub for Indian products to East and Southeast Asia.
That was for much longer time than the time China starts to anti piracy in Djibouti.

The pivot is similar to what China did. For India benefit at first.
Sir, I think sometimes we need to show plainly what we can do in case China keeps continuing it's policy of opposing India at every turn.

Like you said, It could be routine but it could be a warning to China.

Making such drills "routine" runs the chance of the Chinese reciprocating in the Indian Ocean, but given the economic commensalism between India & China, both should be cool-headed enough to avoid that.

As MilSpec mentioned, this is an exercise; a symbolic one, perhaps, but an exercise nonetheless.
Making such drills "routine" runs the chance of the Chinese reciprocating in the Indian Ocean, but given the economic commensalism between India & China, both should be cool-headed enough to avoid that.

Sir, to be frank China is already doing much much much more than that to India.
Their recent support to a terrorist in UN is pretty hard to digest.
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Sir, to be frank China is already doing much much much more than that to India.
Their recent support to a terrorist in UN is pretty hard to digest.

Removing a ban from the UN is hardly tantamount to military deployment, is it?
Removing a ban from the UN is hardly tantamount to military deployment, is it?

Supporting terrorist is one of things, not the only thing.

And yes, publicly backing a terrorist is a huge thing. Countries have gone to war in the last few years over that very fact.
You guys should stop cheerleading for India. India as a nation has no future, just dreams of super power. China on the other hand is THE future. A super power at present.
bro, we are not cheering anyone, just welcoming friends and peaceful guests to the SC Sea garden party.
Pakistan Navy is welcome, too :-)
Supporting terrorist is one of things, not the only thing.

And yes, publicly backing a terrorist is a huge thing. Countries have gone to war in the last few years over that very fact.

Unless the Chinese have deployed long-term/significant military assets to India's backyard, a UN dispute does not warrant a military-esque response. As mentioned earlier, this is merely an exercise and should be interpreted as such.
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