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India Sends Stealth Warships to South China Sea

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Bravo India !!! We'd like to see the Indian Navy in the South China Sea more often.

Welcome to Cam Ranh Bay naval base !!!!!!

Some Spanish people still have ambitions after traforgal. That's good.

Just bring all your ships with Indian navy.
For us, Just another hard war with international alliances like we had in Korean Peninsula.

Sir, I think sometimes we need to show plainly what we can do in case China keeps continuing it's policy of opposing India at every turn.

Like you said, It could be routine but it could be a warning to China.

We like warnings. Give us more please.
We know from beginning that we should wait for attacks from 2 directions.

But Arihant will the biggest surprises of all time !!! Pure Killer


I believe seeing an Indian aircraft carrier and Nuclear submarine will boost morale of our friends in the region !!

Bigger is better to targeted .
If this is true, we are happy to entertain indians, find an excuse to sink them all and declare war aginst india. PLA will take this opportunity to invade india and free south tibet, cutting off northeast part from india and grant those states independence.

Modiji is just an inferior version of Nehru, nothing more. For those viets here, you even chicken out to take the invitation of jointly petrol SCS with mitghty US navy, what else are you capable of doing except cheerleading?

why does Modi scare some of you Chinese so much? Guess the fear of losing Walmart contracts combined with massive state write-offs is beginning to take its toll on you people.
Two and a half month long operational deployment is now a 'simple exercise'? Really who buys this crap?

They are welcome to deploy in any place of our waters if they can.

Welcome to the party!

India should send submarines into the SC Sea.

It is always good to get all guests in one party.

Very nice pictures.
Perfect to show on funeral.

And some invisible killers beneath

Maybe keep beneath forever.

Firstly it is Indians, we take our own time, in making up our minds.

Secondly, PLAN has increased its presence in Indian ocean in the recent past.

Malacca is the Chinese jugular, SCS hold little significance for India.

Our jugular is India itself.

"When two elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled".

Don't be the grass.

I thought you mean the USA is the other elephant.

India has no power to bound ships to Karachi.

But they have a powerful tongue.

pla is a joke. Your planes are paper and your soldiers are cowards.
Freedom of navigation and sea's is law of the UN and China can't stop us going anywhere

You are welcome to travel around there with your carriers.

pla is a joke. Your planes are paper and your soldiers are cowards.

The paper is just next to your borders.
beat them today to stop your nightmares.
Two and a half month long operational deployment is now a 'simple exercise'? Really who buys this crap?
It helps if you read the article: its a tour around several countries, navy of each country visited will do some exercises with IN, and the tour ends with the 'grand' multinational Malabar exercise. Pretty standard stuff.
You are nothing, just a no-brain happy village boy.
Your atom won't get a chance to launch.
And you don't have quality to participate the Cold War.
Your uncle only have ambitions left. Oh, they are still full of plans which won't accomplished.

Live as usual. Don't feel disappointed.
The world will runs as we design without need to care about powerful minds like you or Vietnam.
You are resorting to personal insults, refrain from doing so. No need to attack me if my opinion doesn't match your propaganda machine BS.
Your previous argument was based on 10 IMAGINARY AIRCRAFT CARRIERS solving China's problems in SCS, and making the USA submit. A very ridiculous argument. I just called you out on it. No need to get angry.
If you have a actual argument based on valid points, please continue- I would love to hear that. Otherwise it's better if you don't post a response- in the process furthering your embarrassment. And also- Don't Play Yourself.
You are resorting to personal insults, refrain from doing so. No need to attack me if my opinion doesn't match your propaganda machine BS.
Your previous argument was based on 10 IMAGINARY AIRCRAFT CARRIERS solving China's problems in SCS, and making the USA submit. A very ridiculous argument. I just called you out on it. No need to get angry.
If you have a actual argument based on valid points, please continue- I would love to hear that. Otherwise it's better if you don't post a response- in the process furthering your embarrassment. And also- Don't Play Yourself.

It seems that you get hurt and asked to delete my post.
Too bad. I just meant you talk a lot but never think.

I don't want to argue anything with you. Just want to make a mark here for the future days that some Indians are too happy for nothing really valuable today.

We can design and build any weapons.
I don't need to get your confession.
Indian silly boys here know nothing longer than 5 years.
We will have soon 5 super carriers on hand, and at that time not any Indian will reject our travel in Indian Ocean.
And in 10 years we will have 10, even your uncle will have no objections.

English slave.
Maybe you put more time on learning English than working.

That is only a tool for me.
as long as you understand me and our carriers, I don't need to tell you more in any language.

No matter how many times Indian show themselves there, they are just clowns.

Because us navy is our targets, Indian is just funerary objects in the wide ocean.

i like how you think you will surpass US naval power ,especially when the regional countries stand with USA. ,aybe you need a wake up call and look at their budget
Two and a half month long operational deployment is now a 'simple exercise'? Really who buys this crap?

We have berthing rights with Vietnam as a part of a mutual defence treaty signed between the two countries.

What we do along with our Vietnamese friends shouldn't matter to the Chinese just as they feel what they do with you guys shouldn't bother us.

Simple as that.

Welcome to the party!

India should send submarines into the SC Sea.

Let us first build them/buy them. :lol:

We are very weak in the submarine department as most of our new generation subs are either being designed or are undergoing field tests.

But very soon.

It'd be nice to see Vietnamese Navy warships coming to visit India as well. Anti-piracy and rapid open-sea assaults are important areas where we should cooperate.
Old thread bumped again for no reason.
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