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India seeks full membership of SCO

this is typical india. all that they want is the sweet part. they don't want to take any responsibility or hard work.

There will be no ifs or buts and everyone has to comply with the framework of the alliance. I don't think Russia and China will be at all pleased if members don't commit themselves forward and work with the other members states to achieve common goals. Pakistan is already showing signs of wanting to cooperate so all eyes would be on the other new member India should they succeed in joining. If India wants to have the slightest chance of securing UNSC backing, then they will have to demonstrate its ability and commitments to work with China and Russia in the SCO. It's make or break for india.
SCO is an economic bloc? what are you talking about?

Im talking about reality...what are you talking about?

SCO is formed in 2001 when Russia was facing NATO trespass and TMD close Russia border. It certainly is military bloc, focus on Security Issues. How you get the idea of economic bloc, totally trolling. Imagin your diplomatic guy tell China and Russia, we want to join your economic bloc...

Imagine telling China (which has an outstanding dispute with India) that we would like to join their security bloc...
Please use common sense....If territorial issues could be squashed that easily, the world be a lot more utopian dont you think?

As to the topic, India's bid is not convincing and even childishly wishful. Just because Pakistan got the pass does not mean it's the time of India to join. Solid backing of your application and show the group how much you can contribute.

Both from security and economic perspective, India brings more to the table than Pakistan....if you really want to compare apples to oranges

before you submit your application, please also tell the world you are abandoning non-alliance policy. this is not Childish Game.

Use the forum to learn is my only advice to you....and dont skip on the spinach either
SCO is more than just an economic or miltary organisations, its purpose is to have close cooperation in all areas. Past activities indicate it is a unique organisation that is neither purely economic or scurity (or military) one.

Cooperation on security

The SCO is primarily centered on its member nations' Central Asian security-related concerns, often describing the main threats it confronts as being terrorism, separatism and extremism

Military activities

Over the past few years, the organisation's activities have expanded to include increased military cooperation, intelligence sharing, and counterterrorism.[11]

There have been a number of SCO joint military exercises. The first of these was held in 2003, with the first phase taking place in Kazakhstan and the second in China. Since then China and Russia have teamed up for large-scale war games in 2005 (Peace Mission 2005), 2007 and 2009, under the auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Economic cooperation

All SCO members but China are also members of the Eurasian Economic Community. A Framework Agreement to enhance economic cooperation was signed by the SCO member states on September 23, 2003. At the same meeting the PRC's Premier, Wen Jiabao, proposed a long-term objective to establish a free trade area in the SCO, while other more immediate measures would be taken to improve the flow of goods in the region

Cultural cooperation

Cultural cooperation also occurs in the SCO framework. Culture ministers of the SCO met for the first time in Beijing on April 12, 2002, signing a joint statement for continued cooperation. The third meeting of the Culture Ministers took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on April 27–28, 2006.[26][27]

An SCO Arts Festival and Exhibition was held for the first time during the Astana Summit in 2005. Kazakhstan has also suggested an SCO folk dance festival to take place in 2008, in Astana.[28]
Im talking about reality...what are you talking about?

Imagine telling China (which has an outstanding dispute with India) that we would like to join their security bloc...
Please use common sense....If territorial issues could be squashed that easily, the world be a lot more utopian dont you think?

Both from security and economic perspective, India brings more to the table than Pakistan....if you really want to compare apples to oranges

Use the forum to learn is my only advice to you....and dont skip on the spinach either

You do not have any feeling for the word "security "?
one thing is sure........u did proper home work:rofl:
and working day n night for sco:rofl:
so u r paid surely...

Let me tell you a secret, but don't laugh..
I actually pay for my internet to do this and I don't profit a single penny from it.
So if you wish to be charitable, then you're truely welcomed. ;)
Possible acquisition of New Delhi's insight, economic muscle and military expertise will be of value to the SCO if put into use correctly. :smitten:
if pakistan and India become members of SCO,even then we r enemies..any day we could go for war....

Lol SCO or any SOC can't stop that.....
SCO is more than just an economic or miltary organisations, its purpose is to have close cooperation in all areas. Past activities indicate it is a unique organisation that is neither purely economic or scurity (or military) one.

Cooperation on security

The SCO is primarily centered on its member nations' Central Asian security-related concerns, often describing the main threats it confronts as being terrorism, separatism and extremism

Military activities

Over the past few years, the organisation's activities have expanded to include increased military cooperation, intelligence sharing, and counterterrorism.[11]

There have been a number of SCO joint military exercises. The first of these was held in 2003, with the first phase taking place in Kazakhstan and the second in China. Since then China and Russia have teamed up for large-scale war games in 2005 (Peace Mission 2005), 2007 and 2009, under the auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Economic cooperation

All SCO members but China are also members of the Eurasian Economic Community. A Framework Agreement to enhance economic cooperation was signed by the SCO member states on September 23, 2003. At the same meeting the PRC's Premier, Wen Jiabao, proposed a long-term objective to establish a free trade area in the SCO, while other more immediate measures would be taken to improve the flow of goods in the region

Cultural cooperation

Cultural cooperation also occurs in the SCO framework. Culture ministers of the SCO met for the first time in Beijing on April 12, 2002, signing a joint statement for continued cooperation. The third meeting of the Culture Ministers took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on April 27–28, 2006.[26][27]

An SCO Arts Festival and Exhibition was held for the first time during the Astana Summit in 2005. Kazakhstan has also suggested an SCO folk dance festival to take place in 2008, in Astana.[28]

As the above brother has told, if SCO is about cooperation in all terms, then it would be wise for the member nations to accommodate both INDIA & PAKISTAN in it. Though if you guys think that bringing in two rivals at the same time will create displeasure between member states, i would suggest that let one of the nation be made as a member while the other still be the observer for some more time and then if all goes well, let the other nation be also joined to the team.
If member nations still believe that they don't want INDIA, its fine. We don't want to derail the SCO's motives for growth and prosperity by joining the SCO. We'll live it to the member nations if they want or don't want INDIA as their partner.
Some of the other brothers was talking about how INDIA is good enough in contributing to the energy security, we have some of the good coal resources, we have the nuclear tech, and we are also progressing in alternative energy. after all we have the needed brains to bring in money from the west by exporting software. Given the chance we will prove our commitment to peace, property to the region.
There are a lot of people like me in INDIA, who believe in growing together in this region.
if pakistan and India become members of SCO,even then we r enemies..any day we could go for war....

Lol SCO or any SOC can't stop that.....

Guys from INDIA, use your IQ rather than your EQ, going to war is not a big deal, will you be able to bear the pain of the widows and orphans of the soldiers who will perish in the WAR. This goes to other members as well and great NATION does not seek war but will be ready to face one. so lets prepare our defenses as defenses and not to show our might on our neighbours and friends.
Im talking about reality...what are you talking about?

Imagine telling China (which has an outstanding dispute with India) that we would like to join their security bloc...
Please use common sense....If territorial issues could be squashed that easily, the world be a lot more utopian dont you think?

Both from security and economic perspective, India brings more to the table than Pakistan....if you really want to compare apples to oranges

Use the forum to learn is my only advice to you....and dont skip on the spinach either

Not necessarily. Considering the fact that energy and security are amongst some of the things emcompassed by the bloc. Pakistan in fact have more roles to play in that area as they are in brotherly terms with the 'Organisation of the Islamic Conference' which India isn't a part of. Countries within OIC are important for the future energy needs and development for China and Russia, therefore Pakistan plays a crucial role here.
Pakistan, with the help of both China and Russia can help transform and make full use the Gwadar Port which would generate billions in revenue and bring about further jobs investments into Pakistan.
Pakistan is also facing energy shortage, therefore Kyrgyzstan will surely welcome having Pakistan onboard and look to the possibility of stabilizing Afghanistan to make the CASA-1000 project possible. If India wants to make the TAPI project possible, then they will have to work ever more closely with Pakistan and drop the 'one or the other' mentality. Unless they want to lose out on it and have China turn it into a TAPC project.

Therefore I would have to disagree with your initial thought that India brings more to the table than Pakistan does. Fact of the matter is, both India and Pakistan have different characteristics and roles to play :azn:
So many pages we see Indians on the one hand are arguing that SCO will not a military type block/alliance and at the same time they are accusing Pakistan that we will use SCO in case of a war .:angel:

and the second confusion in their mind is that they want to join it as well as trying to say India wont .

so why dont you guys first clarify your own mind what you want
So many pages we see Indians on the one hand are arguing that SCO will not a military type block/alliance and at the same time they are accusing Pakistan that we will use SCO in case of a war .:angel:

and the second confusion in their mind is that they want to join it as well as trying to say India wont .

so why dont you guys first clarify your own mind what you want

Reading this book might help. :P



• Theory of politics that integrates insights from political science, public opinion, economics, psychology and cognitive science
• Specific about when limited information does and does not prevent reasoned choice
• Employs formal models of learning and choice, lab experiments on persuasion and delegation, public opinion surveys, and case studies
Just an excuse. Does Russia really trust India? Even they trust you, do they really want to share their power with you?

Similarly, does Russia support India UNSC seat from their heart? My answer is NO, they just don't want to anger India. Also they knew, with US and China, India does not have a chance.

My point of view: SCO is about central Asia which is Russia's backyard. Russia does not want others in their backyard, but they need China to counter USA. If this is enough, there is no reason for another powerful player to join. For China, we do not want to share oil with others.

So there is almost no chance for India.

The Bold part is pure speculation , we dont know for sure but given recent and historical events , it seems to suggest otherwise ...

Russia 's official line is they support India with full veto powers - It was affirmed by Putin himself.

Now I dont know what they hide in the " bottom " of their hearts but on the face of it , it seems there is no trust deficit between India and Russia .

In reply what clout or Energy security India brings : Read IN and the straits of mallacca , piracy in Gulf of Aden , for terrorism read Chechens and Uighurs, for diplomatic clout India is the leading voice of the developing world . These are things which cannot be ignored and which any other nation cannot give.

So on the face of it India cannot be ignored and is very much needed inside rather than out .
So many pages we see Indians on the one hand are arguing that SCO will not a military type block/alliance and at the same time they are accusing Pakistan that we will use SCO in case of a war .:angel:

and the second confusion in their mind is that they want to join it as well as trying to say India wont .

so why dont you guys first clarify your own mind what you want

I think most of the Indian's here agree on 1 fact that this is not a military organization.

Though many people are definitely against each other weather to join it or not.

SCO claiming about regional security is a joke,second the only benefit we can get is if SCO persuade Pakistan to open its trade route for us to central adia,eventually not happening,so I am clear on this one,not to join.
Exactly darkhero. Russia needs this as a military alliance. It's things like Georgia, Afghanistan where they see foreign countries surrounding it on its energy corridors and trade corridors. China has the same interests as Russia here. Pakistan is both their energy corridors (along with some other countries).

In my opinion India is not that necessary, but it would be worth India joining for its own interests.

isn't it the same for ALL nations in this geo-strategic game , India ,China , Russia , Pakistan none are so different - insofar as their interests are concerned...
this is typical india. all that they want is the sweet part. they don't want to take any responsibility or hard work.

Really ??? What about our actions as U.N peacekeeping forces around the globe , our actions against Piracy etc etc . Dont present your opinion as facts please .
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