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India seeks full membership of SCO

Does it mean, if our neighbors invite you to jump into the well..you will jump into the well??..you do have mind of your own??!!...afterall it is a bickering, useless organisation..why would you want be part of it?

Development of trade and influence, each country is doing, no surprise.
If we are partners, India has a good role, but, sir, our relationship is not so sweet.

I agree, but China is also not the only member of the SCO and India seems to be doing well with all the members minus China...

Also, Pak joining SCO gives the Chinese added leverage in the bloc that Im sure will not sit well with the Russians...
Do note that the Russians have had minimal relations with Pakistan and one cannot expect Russia to suddenly play favorites to a country that does not fall into the category of an "ally" and leave all their interests tied up in India...
Russians are smarter than that and the Pakistani entry will only be conditional to an Indian entry into the bloc...
I agree, but China is also not the only member of the SCO and India seems to be doing well with all the members minus China...

Also, Pak joining SCO gives the Chinese added leverage in the bloc that Im sure will not sit well with the Russians...
Do note that the Russians have had minimal relations with Pakistan and one cannot expect Russia to suddenly play favorites to a country that does not fall into the category of an "ally" and leave all their interests tied up in India...
Russians are smarter than that and the Pakistani entry will only be conditional to an Indian entry into the bloc...

You should know that China is the main core in SCO, so long as China is opposed to, you can not join.

Others, as you said, up to now, Russia and Pakistan have zero interest, Russian have a large number of arms orders in India, Russia and India is also a good geopolitical partners. but Russia still accept Pakistan as a member of the SCO Why? it is simple, the Russian investment in Pakistan's interest "wil" more than India. Do not overestimate the strength of India, do not underestimate the potential of Pakistan, not to have illusions in the so-called friendship between India and Russia.
Do note that the Russians have had minimal relations with Pakistan and one cannot expect Russia to suddenly play favorites to a country that does not fall into the category of an "ally" and leave all their interests tied up in India..

what interests does russia have in India? besides arms sales and some trade?
That like the IPI, the TAPI should guarantee costing at the point of entry....If the guarantee cannot be made due to Pakistans lack of co-operation in securing a pact of uninterrupted supply (the burden of which falls on Turkmenistan's dealing with Pak), then we should just back out....

As the poster suggested, the TAPI can be a TAPC....the loss of the Indian market can surely be made up by China I would think... but India cannot allow Pakistan to have leverage over it in anyways....especially when it comes to energy related issues...
Im sure we can find alternate sources of energy as we have done successfully in the past..

Thats my POV on the best deal possible.

What other options does India have besides TAPI and IPI?
FYI: India has more influence over Iran than Pakistan and will come in handy when bringing Iran on board if Iran's oil sources are to be tapped....

no it doesnt lol. its true Pakistan doesnt have much leverage over Iran but neither does India.

Iran will sell its oil to anyone who wants to buy it including SCO.
And if the Americans are offering the same technology what interests does Russia have in India? If it's just arms that isnt a great investment.

But how can you tell that Russia gonna change its friendship with India ??

What you can offer them??

Single deal with India can cost more than your entire purchase :lol:
But how can you tell that Russia gonna change its friendship with India ??

What you can offer them??

Single deal with India can cost more than your entire purchase :lol:

Location. Pakistan can open up their trade so it's probably a bigger investment.
You should know that China is the main core in SCO, so long as China is opposed to, you can not join.

Unfortunately, China may have the veto...but so does every country including Russia....

Russia may have provided its backing to Pakistan for membership of the SCO, but I would be surprised if they did so without the conditional entry of India in the bloc...
I wouldnt give China more importance than the other nations in the bloc..

Others, as you said, up to now, Russia and Pakistan have zero interest, Russian have a large number of arms orders in India, Russia and India is also a good geopolitical partners. but Russia still accept Pakistan as a member of the SCO Why?

Could be because Pakistan has realized that its impending economic problems will not be mitigated by the west backing it up anymore, especially given their poor stretch of relations with US and the leverage they hold in IMF....Pakistan has also failed to secure a deal with the EU to help recover its economy.

My hunch is that this is China's way of preventing alienation of Pak....just as the US grandfathered the clearance of the Indo-US deal, China may have lobbied for this with Russia based on conditional entry of India...Contrary to the view of people (Chinese and Pakistanis) on this forum, Russians are not doing this out of love for Pakistan...
SCO guarantees energy security for Pak through the energy rich CARs and economic co-operation and trade through the CARs again....
Do remember that Russian influence is essential for Pak to be able to maintain unhindered trade relations with CARs countries...

it is simple, the Russian investment in Pakistan's interest "wil" more than India. Do not overestimate the strength of India, do not underestimate the potential of Pakistan, not to have illusions in the so-called friendship between India and Russia.

You cant just throw out random statements without proof....either its your assumption or that you know of Russian "interests" in Pak that we dont know of...either way, it would be great if you could share some of those with us...

Also...I am extremely confident of the Indo-Russian relationship and can guarantee that India on any day is a more important strategic and economic partner than Pakistan can ever be (given that we have 60 years over them)....
If Pakistan has the potential to overturn Indo Russian relationship in their favor, then hats off to them.....I personally dont see it and in my opinion the overestimation of potential comes from you wrt. Pakistan
what interests does russia have in India? besides arms sales and some trade?

Arms deals obviously form the backbone of our relationship.....when you have $25Billion worth of FGFA fighters to be procured, thats more than enough dough for Russia to be aligned with Indian needs...

Apart from arms deals, India has invested in the major gas and oil fields in Russia....
Nuclear co-operation is another point of interest for the Russians who have helped India in the civilian and military domain...
Trade for the year 2010 is expected to be in double digit billion...

Russians have more at stake than you think...
What other options does India have besides TAPI and IPI?

We are talking about gas here....NOT oil...

India has no problem in securing oil from the ME....

India already has civilian nuclear deals as an alternate to the gas pipelines.....as mentioned,The IPI was minimal loss to us when we can get energy through nuclear power that is more efficient and cleaner..
Doesnt mean that the TAPI wont help our cause, but its not something worth breaking our heads over either....
Location. Pakistan can open up their trade so it's probably a bigger investment.

Location ?? Are you out of your mind ??

Their is a difference between location of Russia and China. They have direct connectivity to Europe
And for middle east I think you should check world map before posting childish comments :lol:
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