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India seeks full membership of SCO

Obambam why do you see this as India's isolation. I on the other hand is seeing this as a wonderful oppurtunity to increase engagement with the region. India has a clear policy it will remain non-aligned come what may. read what CD has stated this is a non-anti West treaty or military bloc unlike NAtO which states any attack on members is an attack on NATO. That is why i said India would never apply before carefully analyzing the charter and the consequences.

Like I said, if India can not join, India may not bear this isolation.

Yes, I know, good diplomatic statement, but when things that are really in a diplomatic statement? regional cooperation is a cooperative and mutually beneficial to all of the area, but it may also be a rejection for the players outside the region. In particular, players outside the region malicious game will be unpopular. India's nonalignment policy is good, do not you take the initiative to attack, regional cooperation needs peace and security environment, but if you do not even defensive, India joined what is the point?
India applied for SCO membership after the meeting between Indian PM & Chinese President before the BRICS Summit in Beijing.


Oh ok. I stand corrected then. India applied a long ago it seems. Any source on this info??
Like I said, if India can not join, India may not bear this isolation.

Yes, I know, good diplomatic statement, but when things that are really in a diplomatic statement? regional cooperation is a cooperative and mutually beneficial to all of the area, but it may also be a rejection for the players outside the region. In particular, players outside the region malicious game will be unpopular.

No friend there will be no isolation.India continues to engage with every major players of the world.
No friend there will be no isolation.India continues to engage with every major players of the world.

Like I said, if India can not join, India may not bear this isolation.

You answer, however, did not answer, this also is a foreign language.
Like I said, if India can not join, India may not bear this isolation.

You answer, however, did not answer, this also is a foreign language.

LOL go through my previous discussions with obambam :). No need to repeat all that.
I used to ask, what India can offer to the SCO? what India can offer to each member? There is Indian members can answer?
I used to ask, what India can offer to the SCO? what India can offer to each member? There is Indian members can answer?

I told you before India will offer full regional security cooperation and if this does not go well with the SCO they will reject it. No need to make a big deal man.

---------- Post added at 12:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 PM ----------

Where? show me?

In this very thread.
That was the reason why I asked. Russia initially wanted India to join and handed India an invitation, but that was a while ago. What surprised me was how quickly India decided on joining right after Russia started working more closely with Pakistan. I would have expected Russia to get India in first before giving Pakistan its backing.

Now thats looking at a thing in a "different angle" !!!!

What makes u think that India took the decision of joining SCO just because Russian Prime Minister wanted to work closely with Pakistan. If u remember correctly this diplomatic bonhomie between Russia and Pakistan isn't recent, these things were going on even before. I think it was last year or before it when Pakistani PM or President visited Moscow and sought better relations which the Russians enthusiastically welcomed.

I don't want to get into conspiracy theories but i think the membership game is being played with every body being onboard according to me, by which i mean Russia, China, India and Pakistan.
Good step by Indian government, its nice that Indian government is not run by chauvinist that one sees on defence forums. India should not act arrogant and isolate itself from countries which are part of SCO instead it should try to mend its relations with these countries and look for more trade opportunities.
Why has India applied then? It sounds like they've accepted it. SCO policy isn't going to be US friendly.

India has applied because it thinks it will be India friendly. Just as any nation looks after its own benefit we also do the same. We don't need to tow any body's line unless and until it is beneficial to us.
I used to ask, what India can offer to the SCO? what India can offer to each member? There is Indian members can answer?

At current stage India cant offer anything,more than that it is going to be a liability of us,I am strictly opposed of India joining SCO,dont know what exactly promoted GoI to take this new stance.

As many believe here this is not some military cooperation,imagine a military cooperation were India is thy ally of China and Pakistan,all those exercisec performed by SCO are just some counter terror operation's.

SCI is even not relevant as an economic cooperation for us,as only China and Russia are the influential members in it,both of them already present in BRICS and already we have a more than good relation with Russia,the other member in it is Kazakh with whom we also have deep relation's,we even have nuclear trade with them.

SCO will be only act good for us if SCO makes Pakistan allow it's supply root to central asia for us,if eventually that is not happening ,then what good is SCO for us.
Of course. India had always said they are non alligned and had no intention to be. Sitting at the fence to rip the benefits of both sides have always been the game they played. The surprise decision to suddenly wanting to be a part of the SCO was somewhat contradictory in this regard.

As hard as it may be for you to comprehend, India will still remain non-alligned. SCO or no-SCO. You may not like India's non-allignment stand (as apaparent from the undertone of your post), but it does have a lot of benefits. It's like the west & others not agrreing to China's one party regime, but the regime is delivering wonderfully well for china, aren't they? As far as SCO goes, its not so much of a defence cooperation (in line with NATO) but a regional cooperation set up on economy and other regional issues.

I beg to differ and I don't have to make anything out of India. The attitudes and quality of posts made that are anti-Pakistan and China says it all don't you think? The fact that PDF got swamped by Indians after the OBL incident was perfect prove of Indians willingness to hop on to the Anti-Pakistan bandwagon at any given opportunity it finds. It was also an excellent indicator to the Indian mentality on negative issues relating to Pakistan.

Again your comprehension is wrong here and it was actually juvenile to even form opinion based on a hitherto internet forum rather then extensive reading and research on South Asian geo-politics. If you go by the numbers of members (country-wise) of this forum itself and the post trends from at least two years, you'll find your answer (unless you already have a pre-conceived opinion). I don't blame china to stand along with Pakistan even if the world's most dreaded terrorist(s) are suspected to be harboured in Pakistani soil as you two are old friends. But to expect others to give the same treatment to Pakistan (specially India which has, time and again, been suffering from act of terrorists from Pakistani soil) is err.. for the loss of words, very juvenile. You should have checked what some pakistani members (including moderators and think tanks) reaction here after the Osama incident. Compared that, Indian member's reaction was lukewarm, if not cold.
I used to ask, what India can offer to the SCO? what India can offer to each member? There is Indian members can answer?

Many things like better trade relations,possible future UNSC permanent member & it is the world's largest democracy.
I told you before India will offer full regional security cooperation and if this does not go well with the SCO they will reject it. No need to make a big deal man.[COLOR="Silver"


Good point. Do you mean to go to defense, including India for the region? it certainly carry weight, but it also means giving up some of India's nonalignment policy, you know it?

I repeat it, you may not have deep understanding.

Like I said, if India can not join, India may can not bear this isolation.

[quote="Varad, post: 1755510"]

In this very thread.

Where? you can refer to?
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