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India seeks full membership of SCO

So then at least on paper , there should be no conflict in admitting any Asian nation - Japan , SK ,Vietnam , any middle-eastern country , even Israel . And certainly not India .

In theory, yes.

But India competes with us for resources. That is something to consider.

There are not enough resources in the entire world, to allow all the developing countries, to attain a "developed" standard of living.

The race for resources will be one of the defining stories of this century.
I'll clarify again. The SCO charter states that it is not an alliance directed at anyone.
The SCO, is about "security" in Central Asia. Especially energy security.
Which is of the utmost importance to a large developing country like China.

it's not energy security but security against druf trafficking , cybercrime and terrorisum...
india going to tell pakistan to stop drug trafficking from it's soil , we need cooperation ...i just read somewhere that 90% of the such drugs grow in afganistan and routed around the world though daoud netwaok....so , coming days daoud going to bacame most wanted in SCO list ..we need cooperation !
Sir, I just say a word, India may be can not burden this isolation, if you can not join the SCO.

Obambam why do you see this as India's isolation. I on the other hand is seeing this as a wonderful oppurtunity to increase engagement with the region. India has a clear policy it will remain non-aligned come what may. read what CD has stated this is a non-anti West treaty or military bloc unlike NAtO which states any attack on members is an attack on NATO. That is why i said India would never apply before carefully analyzing the charter and the consequences.
...so , coming days daoud going to bacame most wanted in SCO list ..we need cooperation !

LOL, you "need" cooperation? :lol:

Just a few minutes ago, you were gloating about the failure of the SCO, based on some ridiculous imaginary goal.

so , SCO goal to build a alliance to counter NATO is finished !!

Also, I don't know who "daoud" is and I don't particularly care.
In theory, yes.

But India competes with us for resources. That is something to consider.

There are not enough resources in the entire world, to allow all the developing countries, to attain a "developed" standard of living.

The race for resources will be one of the defining stories of this century.

There are enough resources man. I have never found any instance where India and China had a conflict over resources.
So what is the rationale behind Pakistan being allowed to join ? Its still an American ally , isn't it . Even after all has happened it is still considered part of the U.S camp - albeit having good relations with PRC.

After the Bin Laden raid, pakistan do not trust the US that much any more. Russia/China is trying to ply Pakistan away from the US alliance. And the SCO membership will seal the deal.
Obambam why do you see this as India's isolation. I on the other hand is seeing this as a wonderful oppurtunity to increase engagement with the region. India has a clear policy it will remain non-aligned come what may. read what CD has stated this is a non-anti West treaty or military bloc unlike NAtO which states any attack on members is an attack on NATO. That is why i said India would never apply before carefully analyzing the charter and the consequences.

If India join sco, its join a bloc that is anti-US and anti-west. So India must choose wisely. Would it want to join the Russian/Chinese or the west?
LOL, you "need" cooperation? :lol:
Just a few minutes ago, you were gloating about the failure of the SCO, based on some ridiculous imaginary goal.
Also, I don't know who "daoud" is and I don't particularly care.

is anyone here thinking that SCO going to be a military alliance against NATO , then my views are same....

you don't know daoud is not surprise me coz you are all togeather ignoring my repeated pointing the main goals of SCO...
drug tafficing
There are enough resources man. I have never found any instance where India and China had a conflict over resources.

That is because our consumption per capita is so low to start with. Less than a fifth of the Western equivalent, but with a vastly larger population.

Imagine all 6 billion people in the world, living at an American/Japanese standard of living?

It is impossible. There are not enough resources to sustain it.

Some will have to stay poor, that is the nature of the world.

Which is why China and (even India) are vying for influence in Africa right now. You don't think we are there for charity do you?
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That is because our consumption per capita is so low to start with. Less than a fifth of the Western equivalent, but with a vastly larger population.

Imagine all 6 billion people in the world, living at an American/Japanese standard of living?

It is impossible. There are not enough resources to sustain it.

Some will have to stay poor, that is the nature of the world. Which is why China and even India are vying for influence in Africa right now.

Well nature takes control when anything is an excess. The USA has the largest agricultural land followed by India. But China which has lesser arable land still has a larger grain output due to agricultural technologies. India has not implemeted this so far, so i beleive there are enough resources for both of US and also China's one child policy has already started to stop population growth and soon will start declining. So, i see no conflict for resources between our two nations.
In theory, yes.

But India competes with us for resources. That is something to consider.

There are not enough resources in the entire world, to allow all the developing countries, to attain a "developed" standard of living.

The race for resources will be one of the defining stories of this century.

Why India ? The entire developed western world competes for resources and consumes more resources than China ever does .

My point is rather than economically obstructing each other and stepping on each others toes , it is far more beneficial to co-operate and demand fair resource distribution from the Western nations at various forums and international platforms , so that both our economies can develope on par with western standards of living .

With India 's voice along with it , China , Russia and the SCO countries will be far more successful in getting western nations accept lower emission cuts , less resource consumption, etc etc.

And the interesting thing is this has already happened even when India is outside the SCO...

So if we go by your assumption that SCO is a security related and economic bloc , India's entry would only benefit rather than hinder the aims of this organization ....
After the Bin Laden raid, pakistan do not trust the US that much any more. Russia/China is trying to ply Pakistan away from the US alliance. And the SCO membership will seal the deal.

They never trusted the U.S since WOT begun , but their love-hate relationship will continue as always . Pakistan needs the U.S and the U.S needs Pakistan . One single incident will not change anything....it never has before and never will be .

As for the bold part , Pakistan does not seem likely to go the Iran way , so SCO "trying to" pull it away from U.S is not going to succeed , and according to U.S thinktanks , they are doubly careful after the Iran fiasco and they will sure as hell never allow Pakistan to slip away from their grasp.
So, i see no conflict for resources between our two nations.

Like I said, the world powers are already challenging each other for resources and influence in Africa. Not to mention the Middle East, and in the future... possibly even Central Asia.

China already consumes as much energy as America does (highest in the world), yet our GDP per capita is ten times less!

Imagine how much energy we will consume, once we reach the GDP per capita of the developed world?

India also has over a billion people. You will have the same problem.
It will be an interesting situation if Russia + China have to choose between India or Pakistan.

I wonder why India chose now to announce this.

I will say the timing has to do with Pakistan's recent desire to be a member.

Nonetheless, its a good choice. Regardless of any hidden intentions to joi, if any, partnership is always welcome as against enmity and competition in defence spendings.
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