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India seeks full membership of SCO

Oh damn here come the party crashers , can't live with out messing up a good organization
Russia still regard America as its #1 enemy. Would its distrust for America stronger than its friendship with India? Russia India relationship is now only a business relationship. If India is going to join SCO, its joining a potential military alliance. Pakistan seems to be willing to join a Russian/Chinese military alliance. Would India join? If China and Russia is forming a military alliance through SCO, India would either have to join them or not join them. If India choose to go against SCO, any important military deals, including the FAK/FA deal, would be in jeopardy. So this invitation for India to join SCO is actually Russia asking India whether its with Russia or its with America. So its time for India to make that decision.

at present russia only asking about drug trafficing and terrorisum into their country So this invitation for pakistan to join SCO ..
However russia will give more priority to India than Pakistan.

I won't argue that Russia will trust Pakistan over India. Because the fact is, Russia is still closer with India than Pakistan. However, what happens to the future relationship of Russia and India depends highly on eachother's commitments to reach common goals. Being in the Chinese-Russian camp will unavoidably get India involved with the west in ways which India wouldn't want to be a part of to begin with. India and Russia are greater trade partners but in terms of being a political partner, it has always been Russia and China. So if India wants to maintain it's friendship not only will India have to show commitments to allign with Russia, they mustn't hurt it's trade with Russia either, afterall Russia sees India as its greatest trade partner as China no longer buys from Russia in volumes.
Then let me tell you this. It is of America's interest to isolate Russia and to strangle China and Russia's economy. Hence they are trying to get the NATO defense shield up and screwing about in the ME and North African region. With Russia and China both being affected by the course of their actions, do you think Russia would be happy to risk having a 'non-alligned' partner who is in good terms with the west by its side? This explains the opening of a new chapter with the Russo-Pakistan relationship. India has diplomatically screwed up its game, by rejected the American offer and becoming alligned with China and Russia will undoubtedly raise their eyebrows. The fact that we are alligned also means that India cannot interfer with Russian arms trade with Pakistan because they can nolonger be viewed by as 'your enemy'.
So yes India's dilema is, they want to be in the middle, but the mistrust between China-Russia with the West is forcing India into making a decision (you are either with us, or you are not).

The USA was doing ecoomic harm to Russia in the cold war also. It was at that time too India remain non-aligned even when Pakistan was a full US ally.Regarding the US policies on Russia or China i dont see any thing that India needs to be concerned about. Each country has different policies regarding other.

Yes because India cannot allow Russia to get too close to Pakistan. Since Russia has made the decision to partner with Pakistan, the only option left is to get inbetween them. This way India won't end up being the odd one out within the region. Russia only made it clear that without India's support Pakistan won't join, but that was quite some time ago. This time it was different. Russia gave Pakistan support before India's decision to join.

You make too much of a little thing friend.This is the same Russia, the same USA, and the West that is openely supportinf India's UNSC seat. Have you ever heard a negative statement after the mmrca. You tend to much on deals alone man.:)

The Hindu : News / National : Russia reaffirms backing for India’s seat in UNSC
The Indo- US and the Indo- Russia is set to grow in the coming years. There is no need and nor India will join any bloc aimed against any other.

Yes greater height hence Russia's decision to side with Pakistan. Because Russia can no longer fully trust India and questioned the strength of its fading friendship and its intent.

Come on man again looking at this from a narrow perspective. Ill go by you approach that centers a relationships on a defense deal. I suggest look at the number of deals Russia have with us and it is set to grow. India has made it clear Russia is an all weather ally. The Indo-Russia friendship will scale heights in the coming years

Yes. Face value also means a lot to India.

Face value of India compared to Pakistan :)

From the alliance.

Read what CD has said its not a military alliance.
LOL, you think China is anti-West? What was all that about an "anti-NATO" alliance?

Our two biggest customers are the EU and America. China is the one gaining the most from the current international status-quo, why on Earth would we want to wreck that?

Like I said before:

No i never said China is anti-west or US. Infact i am supporting it by saying SCO in not anti-west.
If India and Pakistan join SCO as a political/military organization. Russia and China would force India and Pakistan to settle their differences. These two country are using SCO to counter the west and they do not want internal dissensions. So India in affect would be joining an anti-US and anti-western alliance once they join SCO. I would hope that US end all military ties with India if India indeed join SCO.
so , does the critiria changed over the yer..
cybercrime , terrorisum , drug trafficing ?

I wasn't referring to the bloc. I was referring to the change of Russia and India's relationship.
No i never said China is anti-west or US. Infact i am supporting it by saying SCO in not anti-west.

SCO is definitely an organization created to counter NATO and US alliance in the pacific. Its the China/Russia military alliance in the making.
The USA was doing ecoomic harm to Russia in the cold war also. It was at that time too India remain non-aligned even when Pakistan was a full US ally.Regarding the US policies on Russia or China i dont see any thing that India needs to be concerned about. Each country has different policies regarding other.

You make too much of a little thing friend.This is the same Russia, the same USA, and the West that is openely supportinf India's UNSC seat. Have you ever heard a negative statement after the mmrca. You tend to much on deals alone man.:)

The Hindu : News / National : Russia reaffirms backing for India’s seat in UNSC
The Indo- US and the Indo- Russia is set to grow in the coming years. There is no need and nor India will join any bloc aimed against any other.

Come on man again looking at this from a narrow perspective. Ill go by you approach that centers a relationships on a defense deal. I suggest look at the number of deals Russia have with us and it is set to grow. India has made it clear Russia is an all weather ally. The Indo-Russia friendship will scale heights in the coming years

Face value of India compared to Pakistan :)

Read what CD has said its not a military alliance.

Sir, I just say a word, India may be can not burden this isolation, if you can not join the SCO.
its better for india to have an ASIAN NATO......include australia,japan,korea and other asean countries.........it will be better..
just have to solve the matter of afghanistan and pakistan..........just get afghanistan at any cost...........


making good relations with china n russia...
No i never said China is anti-west or US. Infact i am supporting it by saying SCO in not anti-west.

Oh right, so I guess you thanked this post by accident:

so , SCO goal to build a alliance to counter NATO is finished !!

I'll clarify again. The SCO charter states that it is not an alliance directed at anyone.

The SCO, is about "security" in Central Asia. Especially energy security.

Which is of the utmost importance to a large developing country like China.
SCO is definitely an organization created to counter NATO and US alliance in the pacific. Its the China/Russia military alliance in the making.

So what is the rationale behind Pakistan being allowed to join ? Its still an American ally , isn't it . Even after all has happened it is still considered part of the U.S camp - albeit having good relations with PRC.
I wasn't referring to the bloc. I was referring to the change of Russia and India's relationship.

bilateral relation between Russia and India or china -pakistan didn't need SCO...
The main objective of SCO is to stop drug tafficing , terrorisum and cybercrime ..
each country joining SCO first introspect how it going to contibute , specially pakistan , coz the moment pakistan on-board of SCO will have to face it , ..
Oh right, so I guess you thanked this post by accident:

I'll clarify again. The SCO charter states that it is not an alliance directed at anyone.

The SCO, is about "security" in Central Asia. Especially energy security.

Which is of the utmost importance to a large developing country like China

So then at least on paper , there should be no conflict in admitting any Asian nation - Japan , SK ,Vietnam , any middle-eastern country , even Israel . And certainly not India .
I'll clarify again. The SCO charter states that it is not an alliance directed at anyone.

The SCO, is about "security" in Central Asia. Especially energy security.

Which is of the utmost importance to a large developing country like China.

Well said CD and this is what i am trying to tell obambam that by joining SCO the region will cooperate without being anti US or west. By this India's non aligned stance does not change as some Indian and Chinese members beleive it to be.
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