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India seeks full membership of SCO

I also think that the SCO into military alliance like NATO, its chances are small, but almost certainly, it can develop a closer relationship between the geopolitical and military, not just limited to the economy. because they want to solve the region Security issues, not just related to the economy. At the same time, geopolitical cooperation and military ties will also provide a good environment and opportunities for economic cooperation, which is an opportunity for regional all, as long as we reason enough to avoid a zero-sum thinking.
Dont worry, i know this SCO is not anti-US or west and that is why India has applied .Lets see what happens in future. I am of the view SCO will take regional cooperation to a new height.

LOL, you think China is anti-West? What was all that about an "anti-NATO" alliance?

Our two biggest customers are the EU and America. China is the one gaining the most from the current international status-quo, why on Earth would we want to wreck that?

Like I said before:

I would laugh if India passed up such a chance of securing one of the most important regions in the world in terms of resources.

I wouldn't be surprised either, India already has tried to alienate itself from the resource-rich Muslim world by getting itself banned from the OIC.
Dont worry, i know this SCO is not anti-US or west and that is why India has applied .Lets see what happens in future. I am of the view SCO will take regional cooperation to a new height.

india going to tell pakistan to stop drug trafficking from it's soil , we need cooperation ...i just read somewhere that 90% of the such drugs grow in afganistan and routed around the world though daoud netwaok....so , coming days daoud going to bacame most wanted in SCO list ..we need cooperation !
LOL you are seeing things from a very narrow mindset. Neither Russia nor the USA is angry. These types of deals have diplomatic values and these re conveyed way before time to the concerned countries. If you take deals as a point that weakens India's relations with any country, let me tell you Russia and USA both has billions of dollars of defense deals that will keep growing in the future. The Indo-US and Indo Russia cooperation will only get stronger.

Then let me tell you this. It is of America's interest to isolate Russia and to strangle China and Russia's economy. Hence they are trying to get the NATO defense shield up and screwing about in the ME and North African region. With Russia and China both being affected by the course of their actions, do you think Russia would be happy to risk having a 'non-alligned' partner who is in good terms with the west closely by its side? This explains the opening of a new chapter with the Russo-Pakistan relationship.
India also diplomatically screwed up its game, by rejecting the American offer and becoming alligned with China and Russia which will undoubtedly raise the American eyebrows.
The fact that we are alligned also means that India cannot interfere with Russian arms trade with Pakistan because they can nolonger be viewed by as 'your enemy'.
So yes India's dilemma is, they want to be in the middle, but the mistrust between China-Russia with the West is forcing India into making a decision (you are either with us, or you are not).

Why do you think Russia's supporting Pakistan's SCO bid will affect India. I am sure India already knew of it and has played by applying to the SCO. Russia has already made it clear without India's support Pakistan wont join

Yes because India cannot allow Russia to get too close to Pakistan. Since Russia has made the decision to partner with Pakistan, the only option left is to get inbetween them. This way India won't end up being the odd one out within the region. Russia only made it clear that without India's support Pakistan won't join, but that was quite some time ago. This time it was different. Russia gave Pakistan support before India's decision to join.

:rofl:very very narrow thinking. India US relations are reaching greater heights with each passing day and you are talking of backstabbing just for a deal. :)

Yes greater height hence Russia's decision to side with Pakistan. Because Russia can no longer fully trust India and questioned the strength of its fading friendship and its intent.

Are you serious?.

Yes. Face value also means a lot to India.

The question is protection from whom??????

From the alliance.
Any member has a veto on the issue of sco expansion. if india wants to join the sco it got to get the permission from beijing.
i'm also curious about why russian will give a pass to pakistan? should russia always be standing along with india?
Its unlikely SCO can evolve into a full -fledged Military alliance , It will mostly be involved with the security interests and economic interests of its member nations .

This event of both India and Pakistan joining is a good development . Perhaps this is being too optimistic but being in the SCO should encourage all the members to resolve their differences at the earliest , give more urgency to the process .

If India-Pakistan and India-China can amiable settle all outstanding issues and form an integrated economic bloc with Russia , it will be a very stabilizing influence for the entire Asian continent .

Then as time progresses maybe a military or definitely a diplomatic bloc can be formed .

And finally SCO countries would form far more reliable alliances and partnerships than America , due to their policies of non-interference in internal affairs .
However russia will give more priority to India than Pakistan.

even if , russia woun't give priority to anyone , but can they close eye on drug trafficing and terrorisum which they always focus on every SCO meeting...
india is an troll of whole asia..........and i believe,this troll shud not be allowed in the SCO forum:rofl:
However russia will give more priority to India than Pakistan.

Russia still regard America as its #1 enemy. Would its distrust for America stronger than its friendship with India? Russia India relationship is now only a business relationship. If India is going to join SCO, its joining a potential military alliance. Pakistan seems to be willing to join a Russian/Chinese military alliance. Would India join? If China and Russia is forming a military alliance through SCO, India would either have to join them or not join them. If India choose to go against SCO, any important military deals, including the FAK/FA deal, would be in jeopardy. So this invitation for India to join SCO is actually Russia asking India whether its with Russia or its with America. So its time for India to make that decision.
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