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India seeks full membership of SCO

Why has India applied then? It sounds like they've accepted it. SCO policy isn't going to be US friendly.

Well i am sure they have studied the full implications of joining and applied only then. India cannot afford to be anti US or anti west when they have things like nuclear deals, defense deals etc. Also, they would have informed the US about this.India has always followed a non- aligned policy and will do so in the future.
On a side note how can you think of India-Pakistan with a whole lot of issues coming together to form a military block against the NATO.
yeah you may ruin the saarc as your wish but i don't think china will let the same thing happen to the sco.
No it isn't. SAARC has nothing to do with security in South Asia. It is not able to do anything security wise anyway. Same with ASEAN.

SCO is about security. It may only be used within its borders but it is to ensure stability through military power.

If some country covertly seeks to destabilize a region of SCO, then this will be sorted out through SCO (as i read it).

If some country overtly does it, then SCO would be there to act as a defence bloc, or it eventually will (this is my interpretation).

It will be interesting to see whether they do accept both India and Pakistan because there are quite a lot of false flags going on in India to blame Pakistan and insurgencies being funded.

india entry into SCO will ensure it to full that SCO will never turned into a military alliance..!!

it will be just another ASEAN , SAARC ir BRICS..
No i assure you India would have fully evaluated these terms and if it was a military block ( which it might be) directed against the US India will never join it. India will fully commit to SCO security goals as long as they are not perceived as a threat from the west.

I assure you that America is looking at the expansion of SCO in a very different way. The factors affecting India's decisions to finally give up on its stance of being 'non-allied' was due to the fact that:

- India annoyed the Russians and Americans on the fighter jet deals.
- Russia decides to move closer to Pakistan (India's nemesis), signing deals and gave it full support to joing the SCO (before India's decision to join).
- America will not be too please after being stabbed by India, therefore they have indirectly signed its death warrant.
- Wants to steal some of Pakistan's SCO limelight.
- SCO provides India protection as we are now on the same side.
fine, don't join it. It doesn't matter too much.

No, what India has done is a very wise move. The world knows India's non-aligned policy and there are some speculations that SCO is counter-NATO.If India is rejected it will let the West perceive SCO from a different perspective considering India's strong relations with the US and its non-aligned policy. Thats why i said the next few months will be very very interesting.
india entry into SCO will ensure it to full that SCO will never turned into a military alliance..!!

it will be just another ASEAN , SAARC ir BRICS..

The SCO is not a military alliance, and it is not an economic partnership.

It is a "Security organization".

Some people speculate that one day it might become a military alliance. If that is the eventual end-goal, then India should not be allowed in.
india entry into SCO will ensure it to full that SCO will never turned into a military alliance..!!

it will be just another ASEAN , SAARC ir BRICS..

Unfortunately for India, they won't be the one calling the shots in the bloc (this isn't ASEAN, SAARC for starters and it ain't just an economic bloc), both China and Russia are in it. India cannot ensure anything other than annoying both Russia and China as well as the other member states if it fails to comply fully to the interest of the alliance.
No, what India has done is a very wise move. The world knows India's non-aligned policy and there are some speculations that SCO is counter-NATO.If India is rejected it will let the West perceive SCO from a different perspective considering India's strong relations with the US and its non-aligned policy. Thats why i said the next few months will be very very interesting.

I belief that it will be a bait and switch. At first, they will make india think that its not about military alliance. After India is about to join, SCO will turn into a military alliance. They would make it difficult for India to back out.
I belief that it will be a bait and switch. At first, they will make india think that its not about military alliance. After India is about to join, SCO will turn into a military alliance. They would make it difficult for India to back out.

Being non alligned won't work in the long term. India will end up being the piggy in the middle. Not trusted by the west or the SCO.
India annoyed the Russians and Americans on the fighter jet deals.

LOL you are seeing things from a very narrow mindset. Neither Russia nor the USA is angry. These types of deals have diplomatic values and these re conveyed way before time to the concerned countries. If you take deals as a point that weakens India's relations with any country, let me tell you Russia and USA both has billions of dollars of defense deals that will keep growing in the future. The Indo-US and Indo Russia cooperation will only get stronger.

Russia decides to move closer to Pakistan (India's nemesis), signing deals and gave it full support to joing the SCO (before India's decision to join).

Why do you think Russia's supporting Pakistan's SCO bid will affect India. I am sure India already knew of it and has played by applying to the SCO. Russia has already made it clear without India's support Pakistan wont join
America will not be too please after being stabbed by India, therefore they have indirectly signed its death warrant.
:rofl:very very narrow thinking. India US relations are reaching greater heights with each passing day and you are talking of backstabbing just for a deal. :)
Wants to steal some of Pakistan's SCO limelight.

Are you serious?.
SCO provides India protection as we are now on the same side.
The question is protection from whom??????
Being non alligned won't work in the long term. India will end up being the piggy in the middle. Not trusted by the west or the SCO.

That is what I said many, many times. But no one believed me.India need to make a decision. Or a decision will be made for them.
The SCO is not a military alliance, and it is not an economic partnership.

It is a "Security organization".

Some people speculate that one day it might become a military alliance. If that is the eventual end-goal, then India should not be allowed in.

india is in !!
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