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India seeks full membership of SCO

and the US will go haywire... and they reap what they planted.
Look from economic perspective it is not a liability as you are pointing it to be....SCO is not like NATO so i don't see how will we alienate anybody....Besides we already are there as observers, so not sure what harm we will get by formally joining. Also you must have heard about TAPI....so gas through central Asia via Pakistan is not something that cannot be done...

You'll definitely be alienating NATO by going for SCO. But it would be for your own good.

SCO's interests and those of the west won't match.
You'll definitely be alienating NATO by going for SCO. But it would be for your own good.

Alienate America maybe, but the rest of NATO? As defunct an organization as it is, with most of the member just not caring all that much? Probably not.

(And please don't cite Libya as proof of NATO's cohesiveness.....)
You'll definitely be alienating NATO by going for SCO. But it would be for your own good.

SCO's interests and those of the west won't match.

I dont think India will alienate US or NATO. I had told this way before that India will join SCO and will only do so keeping in mind regional cooperation.Its just like SAARC or ASEAN
Good move atlast. This will help India in a lot of ways no doubt.

Seems the Russians have finally convinced India to join formally.
Good move atlast. This will help India in a lot of ways no doubt.

Seems the Russians have finally convinced India to join formally.

Did Russia really convinced India to join and in what way?
I dont think India will alienate US or NATO. I had told this way before that India will join SCO and will only do so keeping in mind regional cooperation.Its just like SAARC or ASEAN

No it isn't. SAARC has nothing to do with security in South Asia. It is not able to do anything security wise anyway. Same with ASEAN.

SCO is about security. It may only be used within its borders but it is to ensure stability through military power.

If some country covertly seeks to destabilize a region of SCO, then this will be sorted out through SCO (as i read it).

If some country overtly does it, then SCO would be there to act as a defence bloc, or it eventually will (this is my interpretation).

It will be interesting to see whether they do accept both India and Pakistan because there are quite a lot of false flags going on in India to blame Pakistan and insurgencies being funded.
Alienate America maybe, but the rest of NATO? As defunct an organization as it is, with most of the member just not caring all that much? Probably not.

(And please don't cite Libya as proof of NATO's cohesiveness.....)

America more so than the other countries of NATO. It has decided to support India.
I dont think India will alienate US or NATO. I had told this way before that India will join SCO and will only do so keeping in mind regional cooperation.Its just like SAARC or ASEAN

you don't know India is scared of China joining SAARC? China is also part of south asia, but you guys fear China's join might affect you as "regional leader" and refuse China's joining, that make SAARC almost non-exsited. and the whole south asia is kept away from an economic boom.

do you know all south asian nations hate you?
Firstly, nice to see India finally dropping its stance, this is a positive move

Could you explain what you meant by "dropping its stance"? Im not sure i know the reference.

Secondly, this means India can no longer look at Pakistan as enemy or rival as everyone within this bloc is an ally.

And vice-versa...Just to be clear...Its Pakistan that looks at India as the "boogeyman" of South Asia...So the act of "alliance" has to be reciprocated by Pak as well through CBMs.
I dont see how you can make India the villain here when its all a matter of perspective...
petition that to your government and put that democracy to work, at this point clearly they disagree with you.

Its the beauty of democracy--> Plurality of Thought and Opinions

Though Im not sure India's candidature of the SCO ranks high on the average man's political agenda...Let not take PDF to be a representative of the Billion plus some of us live alongside..
you don't know India is scared of China joining SAARC? China is also part of south asia, but you guys fear China's join might affect you as "regional leader" and refuse China's joining, that make SAARC almost non-exsited. and the whole south asia is kept away from an economic boom.

do you know all south asian nations hate you?

Only the bolded part is needed to know you dont know anything about trade and economics.

Nobody can stop or influence trade between 2 countries. So what if ALL south asians hate us ? Dont worry ,we wont roll over and die
Russia Supports India To Join SCO As India Is On UN Security Council « Eurasia Lift – Terrorism/ Extremism/ Human rights

Russia expressed its support to
India becoming a full member
of the Shanghai Cooperation
, and vowed to seek closer
coordination over Afghanistan.
THEREFORE Russia also
reiterated its supportto India’s
bid for a permanent seat in an
expanded United Nations
Security Council.
Hardeep Singh Puri, New Delhi’s
top diplomat to the world body
has said: “One of our major
pre-occupation is the issue of
terrorism. I expect that in the
coming months we would have
to address that issue through
the work of the Council.“
As such India will prepare a key
role in the two counter
terrorism committees of the
Security Council– the 1267
and 1373 committee.
1267 is the Security Council
Sanctions Committee
concerning al-Qaida and the
Taliban and individuals and
entitiesassociated with those
1373 is the Security Council
Committee concerning
counter-terrorism and its
“You can expect India to play a
very active role in that. This
committee deals with issues like
building capacities, normative
rules dealing with counter-
terrorism and dealing with India
that is a major area of interest.”

Russia Supports India To Join SCO As India Is On UN Security Council « Eurasia Lift – Terrorism/ Extremism/ Human rights
It will be an interesting situation if Russia + China have to choose between India or Pakistan.

I wonder why India chose now to announce this.
i think its a great move by india. contrary to popular perception of conflict between indian and china, i am quite sure there wont be any conflicy between them. both countries are headed by very sane and mature people and both realise they can benefit very much from cooperation.

already india china russia are cooperating positively at BRIC level, i m sure SCO will only enhance this cooperation.
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