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India seeks full membership of SCO

Regarding a military alliance i posted earlier that India will sign a charter and any changes to that which may affect India's non aligned policy gives India right to withdraw from the SCO. So, these are speculative things lets wait for the future.Till then i see no harm in India joining SCO

Of course.

You can't "trick" a country into joining a military alliance against their will.

Any contracts made under duress or deception are not legally valid.

Faithfulguy was just pulling your leg.
you don't know India is scared of China joining SAARC? China is also part of south asia, but you guys fear China's join might affect you as "regional leader" and refuse China's joining, that make SAARC almost non-exsited. and the whole south asia is kept away from an economic boom.

do you know all south asian nations hate you?

another Utopian theory
Yes man and this treaty is not there now. In future if such sort of changes are made, India has the option of leaving it.

I agree, anything is likely to change in the future.

However, Sir, I asked another question, India can not join the Southeast Asian regional cooperation, India can not join the East Asia regional cooperation, only to have a South Asian regional cooperation, and that it is not really meaningful, Indian's geographic area almost can not bring any vital interests, sir, do not you think the Central Asian regional cooperation such as the SCO, is India's last chance?
I agree, anything is likely to change in the future.

However, Sir, I asked another question, India can not join the Southeast Asian regional cooperation, India can not join the East Asia regional cooperation, only to have a South Asian regional cooperation, and that it is not really meaningful, India's geopolitical almost can not bring any vital interests, sir, do not you think the Central Asian regional cooperation such as the SCO, is India's last chance?

HAHA SCO last chance. ill let the India goverment decide it:rofl:
The USA was doing ecoomic harm to Russia in the cold war also. It was at that time too India remain non-aligned even when Pakistan was a full US ally.Regarding the US policies on Russia or China i dont see any thing that India needs to be concerned about. Each country has different policies regarding other.

The differences are, india is no longer just a nobody anymore and Russia is trying hard to get back to where they once were. So if India isn't fully supportive, then it will never be Russia's reliable trusted friend, but instead be relegated to the trade partner category. China is alongside Russia when it comes down to world politics and often engages the west on economical, defense or global issues. Unless India wants to shy itself from world politics, they would have to pick a side. So India, in fact, has to be very concerned about its stance when it comes to world politics or remain weak on world politics. You cannot abstain or back away forever.

Like I said before, Russia isn't in bad terms with India. Just not as close as it could have been. In regards to the India has no need to join any bloc. I believe your government had already made the decision for you to join. It's not aimed at anyone but it is concerned with regional stability. The west is known for trying to contain China and Russia, therefore there is a likelihood that one day the structure of the bloc may change to allow for greater protection on the regions. Nothing is certain and policies do change overtime, it's not like they have put pen to paper to ensure that this isn't going to become a military bloc. But as of now, it will still be a defense bloc, not targetting anyone. Just like how NATO's planned missile defense shield to the west of Russia isn't meant for targeting them.

India made it clear (verbally) but it's intention to honour those words wasn't very clear. That was precisely Russia's concern. The trade relations will continue to grow albeit slowly due to having more options, but there's no gaurantee that its diplomacy won't take a few more denting unless India shows more commitment and to lean more to the Russian camp. The only thing seperating India from china is trade, politically India is still lacking behind and if Russia can open up its market to the ME, African and Latin American continent, then it would drastically hamper the Russo-Indo relationship. India knows well enough that America will not allow for ToT so it cannot allow itself to become heavily dependent on Western technology. So it needs to at least meet Russia half way and by sitting on the fence to take benefits from both doesn't constitute to commiting to their so called 'all weather relationship'. If India wants to enjoy an 'all weather' relationship such as the one enjoyed by China-Pakistan, then India mustn't shy away from being a strong dependable political ally and being strong dependable trading partner. Worse is to have a trade partner and political ally that sways left and right under pressure.

Yes and there's nothing wrong with that. Russia already acknowledged Pakistan as a trade partner and a future ally. :)

I never said it was. But that doesn't mean it cannot either. As of now, they are focussed solely on regional stability and defense. Knowing how politics change, you simply cannot be too certain. Especially if the west is directly affecting the stability and its role within the region. But right now it is just as neutral as NATO and are more concerned with its regional affairs.

for colored part i agree with you. India must avoid mistakes of america and soviet union. after end of WW 1 america chose to be away from league of nations and soviet union was expelled fro league of nations which meant no great power was in league to control it efficiently. england tried to dominate it but failed.

america could afford to not join a world forum like league but we cant afford to not join SCO.
for colored part i agree with you. India must avoid mistakes of america and soviet union. after end of WW america chose to be away from league of nations and soviet union was expelled fro league of nations which meant no great power was in league to control it efficiently. england tried to dominate it but failed.
america could afford to not join a world forum like league but we cant afford to not join SCO.

Bro, i might be wrong here but are you suggesting to get in a military block with a country i.e our enemy and another that might be a potential enemy and get against the west or should we join the west. I dont see any future in either of them. Our non-aligned is the best policy we have got.
Bro, i might be wrong here but are you suggesting to get in a military block with a country i.e our enemy and another that might be a potential enemy and get against the west or should we join the west. I dont see any future in either of them. Our non-aligned is the best policy we have got.

There is no anti-Western, but everyone will protect their own regional interests.
In addition to roll, you do not want to say something else?

Well i might add that as you say India will have to bear with this isolation as you see a number of our deals in every field have come from the West. So, ya unfortunately we have to follow non aligned policy. :)
As hard as it may be for you to comprehend, India will still remain non-alligned. SCO or no-SCO. You may not like India's non-allignment stand (as apaparent from the undertone of your post), but it does have a lot of benefits. It's like the west & others not agrreing to China's one party regime, but the regime is delivering wonderfully well for china, aren't they? As far as SCO goes, its not so much of a defence cooperation (in line with NATO) but a regional cooperation set up on economy and other regional issues.

By joining SCO, India has already made themselves alligned. For instance India cannot say they are not in an alliance as the SCO isn't just a regional trading bloc like ASEAN or SAARC. It incorporates military elements. If India isn't alligning themselves then there is no need for them to join at all.
It is not about comparing regimes. Regimes are different and India has supported both regimes. So clearly it is not to do with regimes. However, it is to do with world politics, not a country's ideology. If India isn't working with China and Russia politically, then India may as well stay out of this bloc as it will sooner or later lead to some form of friction with the west. You can't simply say 'I am not having any of it' and back off. It's not about selling vegetables, but rather, it's a chessboard of politics and each region is represented by a chess piece.

Again your comprehension is wrong here and it was actually juvenile to even form opinion based on a hitherto internet forum rather then extensive reading and research on South Asian geo-politics. If you go by the numbers of members (country-wise) of this forum itself and the post trends from at least two years, you'll find your answer (unless you already have a pre-conceived opinion). I don't blame china to stand along with Pakistan even if the world's most dreaded terrorist(s) are suspected to be harboured in Pakistani soil as you two are old friends. But to expect others to give the same treatment to Pakistan (specially India which has, time and again, been suffering from act of terrorists from Pakistani soil) is err.. for the loss of words, very juvenile. You should have checked what some pakistani members (including moderators and think tanks) reaction here after the Osama incident. Compared that, Indian member's reaction was lukewarm, if not cold.

Isn't it not just as juvenile to have a pre-conceieved judgement on Pakistan? It doesn't matter how much you try to sugarcoat your reasons to impeach your hatrid on pakistan it does not make you anymore angelic since India hated Pakistan just as much if not more and always looked for oppotunities to sink its teeth in. It's is simply a tit for tat. When you accuse someone of something, then you will get accused back in return. Don't see India of accuse America of being a terrorist factory for training and arming insurgents which later turned into terrorists do you?
In regards to being luke warm, Pakistani members here don't go hellbent, even on its own forum, by starting countless Anti-India threads are erm.. already luke warm enough. Especially when compared to the Indian forum (where they are able to freely express their hatrid against pakistani and the Chinese).
I agree, anything is likely to change in the future.

However, Sir, I asked another question, India can not join the Southeast Asian regional cooperation, India can not join the East Asia regional cooperation, only to have a South Asian regional cooperation, and that it is not really meaningful, India's geopolitical almost can not bring any vital interests, sir, do not you think the Central Asian regional cooperation such as the SCO, is India's last chance?

SCO is not India's last chance,untill now it was not even a priority,though i am still unable to understand what prompted this move.

about Indian geopolitical situation,it is more important than you believe,we almost have the complete access and control of the trade lines in the IOR starting from strait of Hormuz to strait of mallaca,we are also the most powerful navy closer to the piracy prone somalian waters,any nation who will enter in a friendship with as,we can guarantee them security in this waters.

Second your observation is wrong that we need to be a part of any regional cooperation to have good relationship with the nation's of that region,day by day the our cooperation between ASEAN nation's,Japan and Vietnam are increasing though we are not part of any regional organization which includes them,foreign relation's of two nation's and an organization are completely different,though it helps in bringing closeness.

For example if India become a part of SCO,will it change the Chinese approach towards Pakistan,the answer is no.because Chinese policy towards Pakistan is independent of Indian involvement in SCO.

And this is the primary reason I dont consider SCO worthy for us because it cant help as removing many obstacles that are currently in front of us.
Bro, i might be wrong here but are you suggesting to get in a military block with a country i.e our enemy and another that might be a potential enemy and get against the west or should we join the west. I dont see any future in either of them. Our non-aligned is the best policy we have got.

I think you have been misquoting me bro. I don't recall posting what you quoted me for :D
SCO is not India's last chance,untill now it was not even a priority,though i am still unable to understand what prompted this move.

about Indian geopolitical situation,it is more important than you believe,we almost have the complete access and control of the trade lines in the IOR starting from strait of Hormuz to strait of mallaca,we are also the most powerful navy closer to the piracy prone somalian waters,any nation who will enter in a friendship with as,we can guarantee them security in this waters.

Second your observation is wrong that we need to be a part of any regional cooperation to have good membership with the nation's of that region,day by day the our cooperation between ASEAN nation's,Japan and Vietnam are increasing though we are not part of any regional organization which includes them,foreign relation's of two nation's and an organization are completely different,though it helps in bringing closeness.

For example if India become a part of SCO,will it change the Chinese approach towards Pakistan,the answer is no.because Chinese policy towards Pakistan is independent of Indian involvement in SCO.

And this is the primary reason I dont consider SCO worthy for us because it cant help as removing many obstacles that are currently in front of us.

1, you are a good person, you just want to pay, do not want to get anything.

By the way, controller of the Indian Ocean is the United States, other countries will pay the United States, not India.

2, all regional organizations and regional cooperation have lost its meaning in your words. you really understand what is regional cooperation?
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