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India says UNSC should have 25 members

sir, there can’t be any deal between grown and growing economies :no:. Developed economies would like to have terms and conditions based on the current power structure/ economic influence, while the emerging economies like BRICS or G7 would like to have a deal based on the projected power by at least 2025 and terms and conditions would be based on it, which the US/ West won’t accept right now. So it is foolish to think for any change in the structure of UN which is based on power exercise during WW2, which helped the WW2 winners, the P5s, get permanent seat in UN with Veto power also, with nuclear weapons also. Neither WW2 winners like Britain and France would like to be categorized with the similar sized countries like Pakistan, Nigeria, Thailand etc who will level these two of P5s members by 2025, Nor, India is strong enough to just get a permanent seat in UN straight away. We do need to wait till 2025 to have the luxury of our own terms and conditions while dealing the international politics :pop:

i agree with alomost everything you have quoted above... & the status quo suits the ones who are sitting on the high chair.. & I don't expect that to be changed any time soon. My contention is that the system is flawed & it needs to be scraped. World wakes up only when these p5's interest is compromised. When you had 6 countries waging a war in one war torn country called DRC in late 90's where you had people getting killed in 100s every other day, no one in world heard a boo about it. Why? 'cause none of the big guns had any significant stake in that part of the world. That's what i was trying to imply..
In all fairness the UNSC should have a P7 of:

US, Russia, Britain, China, India, South Africa and Brazil.

Too many perms become political deadlocks, and too little is unfair.

I think Germany/France/Japan deserve the post than Britain...
i agree with alomost everything you have quoted above... & the status quo suits the ones who are sitting on the high chair.. & I don't expect that to be changed any time soon. My contention is that the system is flawed & it needs to be scraped. World wakes up only when these p5's interest is compromised. When you had 6 countries waging a war in one war torn country called DRC in late 90's where you had people getting killed in 100s every other day, no one in world heard a boo about it. Why? 'cause none of the big guns had any significant stake in that part of the world. That's what i was trying to imply..

Having all said and done its remains to be seen whether Indian political leadership have the guts to take hard cold decisions on international matters.
In all fairness the UNSC should have a P7 of:

US, Russia, Britain, China, India, South Africa and Brazil.

Too many perms become political deadlocks, and too little is unfair.
It's not the number of members, but the veto power that's the problem.
The "great powers" of the world have not changed much since the UNSC was founded.

Here is a list of the currently accepted great powers:


Blue = Great Powers with a UNSC permanent seat
Green = Great Powers without a UNSC permanent seat

EDIT: For some Indians who can't tell the difference between Russia and the USSR, the above map shows Russia. It is the "currently accepted" list of great powers, i.e. it is up to date today.
^^ Thank you for the information, but here people are talking about scrapping the UNSC altogether.
^^ Thank you for the information, but here people are talking about scrapping the UNSC altogether.

India has officially announced that they want to JOIN the P5, not get rid of it. :lol:

You can't do both at the same time.

India has also officially announced that it wants to join the SCO.
The "great powers" of the world have not changed much since the UNSC was founded.

Here is a list of the currently accepted great powers:


Blue = Great Powers with a UNSC permanent seat
Green = Great Powers without a UNSC permanent seat

well...it marked whole USSR as a great power when it was divided into many countries...how old is this map???
In most peoples view UN is a worthless organization. It was under thier watchfull eye Ruwandan Genocide Happened, Tamil ethinic clensing in SL happened, Iraq bombing by US happened, Afgan Bombing by US happened.
This is a useless organization that does nothing.
i agree with alomost everything you have quoted above... & the status quo suits the ones who are sitting on the high chair.. & I don't expect that to be changed any time soon. My contention is that the system is flawed & it needs to be scraped. World wakes up only when these p5's interest is compromised. When you had 6 countries waging a war in one war torn country called DRC in late 90's where you had people getting killed in 100s every other day, no one in world heard a boo about it. Why? 'cause none of the big guns had any significant stake in that part of the world. That's what i was trying to imply..

Sir, it was the time when I had got a touch with few western political people, around 3 years before during recession period of 2009, and one day I told them, “If Britain has 60mil people then Pakistan also has around 30mil middle class. And if there is no future of UK then Pakistan would have at least 60mil middle class after 10 – 12 years. On the other hand, British controlled countries like Australia/ Canada look like going on the hands of migrants, see how Chinese have got a good control over Australian business. Today, we see too many Pakistanis being brought to Australia who do what they are told to but a day is not far away when British rulers would listen what the Pakistani rulers tell them. At least by 2025, Britain won’t be worth more than Pakistan, Nigeria, Thailand sized countries/ economies in open politics. Those who follow you, would order you one day and you will thankful to them, that day is not far away :wave: "

It was regarding comparing India with UK and I said, "India has over 300mil middle class, more than the total population of US. And if US is "United States of America" then India also has many states. And this way, as a state of EU, Britain would start having habit to compare itself with Indian states in place of whole India :pop:
India has officially announced that they want to JOIN the P5, not get rid of it. :lol:

You can't do both at the same time.

India has also officially announced that it wants to join the SCO.

I don't speak for GoI.Thats my personal opinion.
Well 25 members is OK but it should be balanced and must have representations from all regions. If India is given a seat than
PAK should also be given a seat and may be bangladesh too:D ME must be represented by turkey,
KSA and Iran while S.A should include argentina along with Brazil. Like this the balance will be
there and no particular group should have veto power. If veto power is given it should be given
to all 25 members.
India has officially announced that they want to JOIN the P5, not get rid of it. :lol:

You can't do both at the same time.

India has also officially announced that it wants to join the SCO.

India has done the same before also. India was in the position to do nuclear test during time of scientist Bhabha by early 60s but they believed that sooner or later, nuclear disarmament will come true and they maintained demand of ‘nuclear free’ world. But by 1967, when NPT got introduced making P5s nuclear power countries to rule the world, India then made a strong tie with SU and did nuclear test in 1974 and became a nuclear power until the P5s would also disarm themselves. it is as per their nuclear doctrin also, that is, "hope for a nuclear free world and till then NFU policy, 'No First Use' policy." nothing much India was left after introduction of NPT :coffee:

In the same way, if they can’t resist P5s, obviously, they would try to expand it to P25 with joining them, as per the news :meeting:

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