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India says UNSC should have 25 members

Why should there even be permanent members, if the UN wants to equally represent each nation then they should stop with the permanent membership and each nation should have a say in the international matters. What's the point of calling it UNITED when there is only a hand full of nation that take decisions.
I think u became retarded studying american history particularly on WW2!!!
Where is the proof US provided weapons?
The main reason for german defeat was SCORCHED EARTH POLICY ADOPTED BY THE RUSSIANS!

LOLLL. Indian education system.

How about $11.3 Billion in 1940's money.

"A total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $647*billion today) worth of supplies were shipped: $31.4 billion to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France, and $1.6 billion to China. Reverse Lend-Lease comprised services such as rent on air bases that went to the U.S., and totaled $7.8 billion; of this, $6.8 billion came from the British and the Commonwealth. "
Bangladesh should be included as the permanent member with a veto power. Infact India cant be allowed as permanent member unless PK and BD given the same status.
It was the Russian Winter coupled with the dogged resistance of the Russians that eventually destroyed the Nazis. Did you forgot the 20 million deaths?

Yes the soviets had the biggest lost in manpower, as Hitler reserved his largest force for Russia only to be perished !!
After Nazis got weakened by russia, US and UK entered from the west and till now have massacred the real history of WW2 to their advantage , which our chinese friend Aramsogo readily believes!!! :no:
So I can also say that India was a great power during the 1950s eventhough our output was minimal...So what? US compensated for it? What type of twisted logic is this.

Nope, India never was in the P5 in the 1950s, 60s, or 2050s.
Yes the soviets had the biggest lost in manpower, as Hitler reserved his largest force for Russia only to be perished !!
After Nazis got weakened by russia, US and UK entered from the west and till now have massacred the real history of WW2 to their advantage , which our chinese friend Aramsogo readily believes!!! :no:

Even during the glorified Normandy Invasion, there were more German divisions facing the Russians than the ones facing the allies in the West. Without Russians, WW2 would have more likely ended in a stalemate.

Nope, India never was in the P5 in the 1950s, 60s, or 2050s.

You were never in the P5 until 1971..get over it. You got your seat for doing Uncle Sam's job of containing Soviets.

US may be regretting their decision to back China now.
LOLLL. Indian education system.

How about $11.3 Billion in 1940's money.

"A total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $647*billion today) worth of supplies were shipped: $31.4 billion to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France, and $1.6 billion to China. Reverse Lend-Lease comprised services such as rent on air bases that went to the U.S., and totaled $7.8 billion; of this, $6.8 billion came from the British and the Commonwealth. "
Lend-Lease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So u post an wikipedia page, with less contents...
Why is that i cant find similar pages elsewhere?
Ok here is the question...
Which country had the most manpower loss in WW2?
Bangladesh should be included as the permanent member with a veto power. Infact India cant be allowed as permanent member unless PK and BD given the same status.

AFAIK British Indian Army was the 2nd largest force after the Russians on the side of allies. You have every right to ask for permanent membership in UNSC based on this.
Bangladesh should be included as the permanent member with a veto power. Infact India cant be allowed as permanent member unless PK and BD given the same status.

nice way to increase ur thanks ;)

ontopic ,representation of world should be the basis of reforms in unsc in which emerging countries which can hold the responsibility of such status should be the permanent members with veto.
So u post an wikipedia page, with less contents...
Why is that i cant find similar pages elsewhere?
Ok here is the question...
Which country had the most manpower loss in WW2?

Russia, then China. Look it up. It certainly wasn't Indians, who did nothing and now want a free seat.
Russia, then China. Look it up. It certainly wasn't Indians, who did nothing and now want a free seat.

China wasnt directly involved in the war...
How can u say we did nothing?
Did u read post 68?
We fought various wars all around the world for the british, there are many memorials for indian solddiers in europe.. We had fought valiently,...
While chinese deaths on the other hand were massacred (it was a horrible incident though) by the japanese and US was the faviour even that time!!!
Dont post it to us... We know our own history well, unlike u...
He was subash chandra bose, still a national hero...
Stop being mean and talk sense instead of ur hate of another country...
And this post was reported

If they are not traitors and deserters what would you call them??

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