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India says UNSC should have 25 members

India - The world's largest democracy, Third largest economy by ppp, second most populous country a permanent member of UNSC is the biggest DRAMA in this CENTURY. Yeah let em ignore us..... let's see ...for how long......

So in mean time UN, & UNSC without India as a permanent member should be treated as a JOKE by all Indians and should learn to Ignore them instead.....
So in mean time UN, & UNSC without India as a permanent member should be treated as a JOKE by all Indians and should learn to Ignore them instead.....

If it is a joke, then why is India trying so desperately hard to get a permanent seat? :cheesy:

Again, here is a list of the currently recognized great powers in the world:

Great power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The USA, Russia, China, France, Britain, Japan and Germany.
And why r the arrogant Chinese so scared.....of India being part of UNSC permanent member......:cheesy::fie:
why scared? Do you indians even know the reality?
the truth is: china support indian to be UNSC permanent member...
why scared? Do you indians even know the reality?
the truth is: china support indian to be UNSC permanent member...

And they blamed it on China that they could get in? What kind of logic is that?
The UN should be disbanded as others have stated. An organization that have no power over it's members is useless. The UN is nothing but a playground for the UNSC. If there ever was a need to have some world wide forum, create a G-20 like event where everyone gets together and waste tax payers money.

If the UN must be kept, then the following reforms should be made:
1. Use longyi's suggestion on who should be part of the UNSC.
2. Replace the non-permanent UNSC spots with a single permanent UNSC spot who represent the rest of the UN membership with veto power.

Another problem with the UN is that majority of the membership are not democratic nations and have a score to settle with one or more of the members in the UNSC.

IMO, the UN will never be reformed and will undergo a slow and painful death. In the vacuum that is created after the UN demise, NATO and maybe the SCO will fill the void.

In most peoples view UN is a worthless organization. It was under thier watchfull eye Ruwandan Genocide Happened, Tamil ethinic clensing in SL happened, Iraq bombing by US happened, Afgan Bombing by US happened.
This is a useless organization that does nothing.

Don't forget all the little wars that the US was involved in Latin America. If I'm not mistaken, Cuba is still under an embargo.
And why r the arrogant Chinese so scared.....of India being part of UNSC permanent member......:cheesy::fie:

China wants to see more voice of Asia in UNSC, while USA and the West don't want to have their veto power to be diminished by the nations from Asia.
No need to expand SC, just do away with damned veto. Then Syrian crisis would be over with a NATO airstrike, and Palestine would be a sovereign state by now. And Tibet and Turkestan finally get their UN recognition.

india should be disintegrated into 25 countries now.
IMO, India doesn't want 25 permanent members. It wants the Security Council to be 25.

The only new countries that can to be permanent members in SC are India, Japan and Germany

india should be satisfied with its unsc (non veto) seat right now having so much devastating uprisings happening in the country ( no! China's problem is hundred times less severe!). we don't want additional unsc veto power to be additional us proxies.

japan does not deserve unsc permanent seat with veto - it never sincerely recognises and repents over its war crime

germany can keep its seat but no veto.
by the way..if that is true,then Taiwan should have the seat of P5,not china...as kuomintang bleed more than CCP bleed.

then the red cross blood bank should have a seat because it has enough blood reserve! or in case of india the uprising rebels should displace the indian government for a seat because they have shed lots of blood during their civil war against the indian government
If it is a joke, then why is India trying so desperately hard to get a permanent seat? :cheesy:

Again, here is a list of the currently recognized great powers in the world:

Great power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The USA, Russia, China, France, Britain, Japan and Germany.

sir please dont come with the same link of Wikipedia again and again. look as below, it is more reliable source to believe in, by the report prepared by the government of US and EU combined? India, China, US, EU, Russian/ Eurasia will always be categorized together, sooner we get this habit, better we may talk about the ground realities :pop:

Washington: The new global power lineup in the US for 2010 compiling the world's most powerful countries/regions recognised India as the third most powerful country behind the US and China, and predicted that its clout as well as that of China and Brazil would further rise by 2025.

"Global Governance 2025" - follow-on to the NIC's 2008 report - was jointly issued by the National Intelligence Council (NIC) of the powerful Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the European Union's Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).

India third most powerful nation: US report - Talk to China Daily - China Forum

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