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India says ' sorry ' to Bangladesh


Oct 29, 2010
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New Delhi, Dec 20 (bdnews24.com) – India on Tuesday regretted the death of three Bangladesh nationals in the recent incident of firing by the BSF personnel along the border between the two countries. New Delhi, however, maintained that the BSF personnel had opened fire in self-defence after being attacked by the miscreants on the Indian side of the border at Govindpur in Malda district and at Narayanganj in Coochbehar district of West Bengal. In the wake of the latest incidents of firing by the BSF personnel resulting in the death of three Bangladesh nationals along Kurigram-Dinajpur border, the Ministry of External Affairs of the Indian government issued a statement.. The Indian government said that its policy of restraint along its border with Bangladesh 'emboldened' the criminal elements, who of late stepped up attacks on the personnel of its Border Security Force. New Delhi also called upon Dhaka to do its bit in curbing illegal activities and restrict movement of people along the border, especially during night hours. "The Government of India regrets all incidents of deaths on the border, of Indian and Bangladesh nationals. To prevent loss of lives along the border areas, the BSF has exercised the utmost restraint and has resorted to firing in self defence only in rare cases," read the MEA statement. The Government of India has taken various steps, including strict control on firing, introduction of non-lethal weapons, round-the-clock domination and intensive patrolling. It has also imposed night time restrictions on the movement of people in the border areas." "Unfortunately," it added, "this policy of restraint has emboldened criminal elements who have stepped up their attacks on BSF personnel deployed along the border in order to facilitate their illegal activities. A number of attacks have been recorded on BSF personnel and posts along the India- Bangladesh border over the last few months.

---------- Post added at 02:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------

anyway they are trying to save hasina's a**. Why dont they ever mention about illegal migration officialy?????

---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ----------

anyway they are trying to save hasina's a**. Why dont they ever mention about illegal migration officialy?????
^ His girlfriend in thailand.

on topic: did they open fire on BSF??
do there sorry bring the son to his mother?

a father to kids? etc...
do there sorry bring the son to his mother?

a father to kids? etc...

Yeah cause BSF personnel are all orphans and don't have any kids right? Do you want them to sit quietly and get attacked by these goons?

When they come under attack from smugglers, they shoot back and will in the future too.

Unfortunately, this policy of restraint has emboldened criminal elements who have stepped up their attacks on BSF personnel deployed along the border in order to facilitate their illegal activities. A number of attacks have been recorded on BSF personnel and posts along the India-Bangladesh border over the last few months.

In the recent incident at Malda, a group of around 50-60 miscreants involved in illegal activity, not only pelted stones when challenged by the BSF jawan on duty at his post, but also tried to drag him towards the Bangladesh side of the international boundary. Sensing imminent danger to his life, his two colleagues fired four rounds in all resulting in the miscreants fleeing the scene leaving the BSF jawan behind. In the other incident at Coochbehar, around 30-40 miscreants involved in illegal activity attacked a BSF jawan with bamboo sticks and dahs, when challenged by him. Sensing imminent danger to his life, the BSF jawan first hurled a non-lethal stun grenade and then as a last resort opened fire at the armed miscreants in self-defence. Both incidents took place 200 to 250 meters from the international boundary inside Indian territory. One BSF jawan was injured in the incident and is currently in hospital undergoing treatment. BSF has ordered an enquiry into these incidents.

MEA - Ministry of External Affairs

Indian government needs to harden up its stance, and deal with these thugs the only way they understand.
Don't know why Bangladeshis don't understand this simple thing - You don't cross international border illegally at midnight.
So, what do these smugglers trade in exactly? Cattle? Human trafficking? Drugs?
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