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India, Saudi Arabia to forge strong defence ties


Hey there, how's it going buddy?


Did you hear about the law KSA issued a few weeks ago, the bill was approved a week later by the Parliament that all Saudi nationals fighting on foreign soil shall be subjected to an imprisonment after setting on trail. The act basically says that the court would at least put a 3-year sentence for those of whom they will be convicted of getting involved in such terrorist activities.


However, I wish we could delay implementing this law till next year to give an ultimatum to those fighting abroad - in case of there is any - to offer them a chance to be admitted to our Rehab Program.

I am slow on current affairs these days and had not heard about this law but...

Going by the wordings of law ie how widely it is defining dissent, i don't think this is directed exclusively towards terrorists only. Your government required this sort of law in wake of houthis gaining power in Yemen ( heard that they are going federal ) and potential Bahrain type problems that Iran could create in Eastern Province.

If you want to keep out terrorists, best way to do is by revoking their citizenship once they leave so that they could not return.

The minute the law took into effect, the Brits fallow suit, the French, Germans, Spanish, and Italians are also debating about implementing such legislation. I hope Pakistan, Turkey, India and other countries will do the same.

What do you make of this?

Britain especially requires this sort of law. They allow the kind of filth that even most conservative countries including yours and Pakistan reject for being batshit insane.


Hey there, how's it going buddy?

Did you hear about the law KSA issued a few weeks ago, the bill was approved a week later by the Parliament that all Saudi nationals fighting on foreign soil shall be subjected to an imprisonment after setting on trail. The act basically says that the court would at least put a 3-year sentence for those of whom they will be convicted of getting involved in such terrorist activities.


However, I wish we could delay implementing this law till next year to give an ultimatum to those fighting abroad - in case of there is any - to offer them a chance to be admitted to our Rehab Program.

The minute the law took into effect, the Brits fallow suit, the French, Germans, Spanish, and Italians are also debating about implementing such legislation. I hope Pakistan, Turkey, India and other countries will do the same.

What do you make of this?

Even Pakistani PM did not knew about adventures of commando on mountain. Had any sane person known about the plan, they would have advised against partaking it as going against a country seven times your size is a trait of epic retardedness.
lolx, if possible musharaff would have created his genetic copies and attacked india hence making ONE MAN ARMY....
lolx, if possible musharaff would have created his genetic copies and attacked india hence making ONE MAN ARMY....

Nawaz sharif claims that he did not knew anything about Kargil..........
A good step in the right direction .... :enjoy:
Point taken.

By the way, The article I attached wasn't the one that I was referring to.

Here is the one that I'd like u to take a look at:


Let me hear back from you.


I am slow on current affairs these days and had not heard about this law but...

Going by the wordings of law ie how widely it is defining dissent, i don't think this is directed exclusively towards terrorists only. Your government required this sort of law in wake of houthis gaining power in Yemen ( heard that they are going federal ) and potential Bahrain type problems that Iran could create in Eastern Province.

If you want to keep out terrorists, best way to do is by revoking their citizenship once they leave so that they could not return.

Britain especially requires this sort of law. They allow the kind of filth that even most conservative countries including yours and Pakistan reject for being batshit insane.
A smart move by ksa. Deepening relationship with Pakistan should not annoy india.. this is what diplomacy.
Sensationalist, clickbait title. What is the need to for 'Pak ally'?
Good for Both countries as India will also provide training to K.S.A. I hope that our relation with India will also improve in future as we are permanent neighbor... We should demolish poverty from this region.
We should resolve border disputes , war will only bring unrest in this region...
We wish for more deals between K.S.A and India..... :) This will not effect our relation with K.S.A... And for @Zarvan and other brothers, there is no such thing as Ummah.... Every country has its own interest, similarly we should also prefer our interest first instead of Ummah. We should make good relation with every country in the world including Israel..... :cool:
I don't know about a "tectonic" shift but yes, this is something of significance for India. The fact alone that SA will not allow its soil to be used to harbour any anti-Indian elements means that the screw is being tightened on these scum (along with many other ME nations taking a similar stand in India's favour). Investment in India's infrastructure is always good- it as a 1 TRILLION USD figure to hit by 2020 on infrastructure creation outlay so it's all welcome.

SA is aware the world is changing and it is free to pursue their own FP in search of their own FP, sometimes their interests will align with Pakistan, sometimes they will align with India. The fact is SA just can't ignore India so they have to be pragmatic and move foreword.

Just shows that old saying of there are no permeant friends only permeant interests is true.

As per newspaper "Riyadh has in the past indicated that it wants the Indian Army to train Saudi Arabian troops". I would take this "news" with caution as India doesn't possess any geographic territory which Pakistan doesn't and for which it is not getting the required training already. Many of Pakistan's in-service and retired offices spend honorary duties in Saudi Arabia and in their presence it is wishful thinking that Saudi Troops will be seeking training in India. I challenge this need and truthfulness of the story.
The Indian Army's High-altitdue Warfare School (HAWS) and Siachin Battle School (SBS) are lauded internationally as world-class mountain warfare schools that have trained troops from all over the world including SFs of US, UK, France, Russia, France etc. The IA maintains, arguably, one of the finest mountain fighting wings in the world. So, yes, there is a reason that SA has shown interest in this.
You don't know the half of it, not even %1 of it.

Anyway, your hatred at us is primarily driving out on a sectarian base :lol:

No, nothing comes before security. If you believe or doubt we pose a threat, then you might want to write to your congressman, telling him about it, that's all. I respect your opinion though.

Funding Madrassas in India is not a precondition for KSA cooperation with India. or is it?

KSA can put forward areas where it would like to cooperate or invest. Ultimately it is upto India to decide where it needs investment and in which sector it wants to cooperate with KSA.

So for us funding madrassa in India by KSA is a big NO. So feel free to discuss other areas of investment.
Point taken.

By the way, The article I attached wasn't the one that I was referring to.

Here is the one that I'd like u to take a look at:


Let me hear back from you.

Certainly this legislation is good for Saudi Arabia.

Contrary to what lot of people believe, even the most humanist of the governments does not care about some unfortunate people that die in random acts of violence. What governments care about is the psychosocial effect that violence would have, the precedence it would set and authority that it would erode. Every government governs with the tacit approval of governed masses. The approval could be either consensual or coerced but approval or support is must.This approval comes from a automatic understanding that when people as whole are surrendering some of their natural rights to a communal authority, that authority would perform basic function of protecting them. The degree of understanding differs from community to community; some just expect basic necessities while other require Xbox from government.

When a terrorist strikes, the damage and deaths he cause is too minuscule to be even accounted for. More people die in car accidents in US ever month than in 9/11. The damage that a terrorist act intends is to that of authority of state. When people believe that state could not protect them, prevalent social order breaks down.

King Abdullah currently derives his legitimacy to rule from being able to provide order to SA and welfare to Saudis. It is important for Saudi to ensure that Al-qaida does not gain momentum in SA because current regime of SA could not compete on the terms set up by qaida. If Saudi's start attributing legitimacy to qaida, the only way that Abdullah would be able to compete would be by competitive escalation ( like mullahs in Iran but with slogan of " Death to everyone else") which would lead to annihilation of SA as a nation.

Saudi arabia's need to contain Al-qaida is more acute than say India's or Gremany's need to contain it. While in rest of the world Qaida may just cause some terrorist attacks, in SA they could erode very basis of country and could try a power grab.

Certainly,this legislation would be a way to empower SA agencies to deal with returning terrorists which would cause trouble for current Saudi regime ( like MB in Egypt ), but a more practical approach would have been to simple refuse to take them back.
The relationship will be deeper as the time grows. And India will not allow any interference on its fundamentals like freedom, secularism and liberal thinking. India have no place for wahabi mentality.

The above news have some very good news:

1.) Indian Army training Saudi Arabian Army :partay: :tup:
2.) Military Joint ventures and hardware sales :angel:

3.) Saudi Arabia investing billions of dollars in India's infrastructure. :yahoo:

@salman108 @Peaceful Civilian @Pakistanisage @Zarvan @graphican @cb4

Your views plz.

hahah really ? Saudi's ka Allah hi Hafiz hai ab tu :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Funding Madrassas in India is not a precondition for KSA cooperation with India. or is it?

Where did you sum up that from? And from what part did you get the idea that KSA is interested in doing such thing? We don't even have a name of an entity/institution to carry out this task :lol:

KSA can put forward areas where it would like to cooperate or invest. Ultimately it is upto India to decide where it needs investment and in which sector it wants to cooperate with KSA.

Depending on the necessities of what framework should be adopted in the first place. Say for example that KSA requested India to trace financial transactions of a given person due to some suspicion that these private funds may fall into the hand of people who might use them to fund schools that teach radical version of Islam.

As for economic investments, I believe that both countries reserve the right to make their own choices.

So for us funding madrassa in India by KSA is a big NO

Of course! But if you think that an X or Y country is doing such thing in your own country, then you might need to have a word with your elected official about it. Just address your concerns to them.

So feel free to discuss other areas of investment.

I've already spoken about it this ages ago. Feel free to address any other thoughts you've got in mind.

Funding Madrassas in India is not a precondition for KSA cooperation with India. or is it?

KSA can put forward areas where it would like to cooperate or invest. Ultimately it is upto India to decide where it needs investment and in which sector it wants to cooperate with KSA.

So for us funding madrassa in India by KSA is a big NO. So feel free to discuss other areas of investment.
There is no harm in India and KSA seeking Cooperation and Defence Pacts. In fact, Pakistan should learn from that and make collaborations with as many countries as possible, including Iran our next door neighbor.
Nawaz sharif claims that he did not knew anything about Kargil..........
may be it,s the case......but in this case i will call him dumb...but tell me one thing does indian PM knows about every operation indian army do?
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