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India, Saudi Arabia to forge strong defence ties

Nawaz sharif claims that he did not knew anything about Kargil..........

Can you really trust this face? Come on.
Can you really trust this face? Come on.
LOL,so you are telling us not to believe ln the PM of Pakistan??
LOL,so you are telling us not to believe ln the PM of Pakistan??

You can believe in fairies too if you want.
Israel is damn good at some 'niche technologies' avionics,radars,HDMS,SARs that even US purchases from them.So?Are you equating yourself to Israel?Tell me a product you can make & India cant ? There are many things a larger country can Do-Space exploration is a fine example,& do you know that we have launched Israeli satellites?

You don't have to go that low to compare India with Pakistan.. lolz. There are no comparisons just sit and enjoy the jealously ;)
Details of MOU's that are to be signed is of public knowledge and their text is finalized much before their formal signing by head of states.The technical details are hammered out by Lawyers,Bureaucrats and experts in particular field.

The act of signing an MOU is just a formality.

The MOU items can't be disclose without pre-authorization from both parties.
The MOU items can't be disclose without pre-authorization from both parties.

Yes, But detailed text has not been disclosed to newspaper. Newspapers have only published the name of MoU's that are to be signed and as far as i know, this information is not confidential. Media has always known name of MoU's to be signed.
Yes, But detailed text has not been disclosed to newspaper. Newspapers have only published the name of MoU's that are to be signed and as far as i know, this information is not confidential. Media has always known name of MoU's to be signed.

How did the media find out that the MOU will be related to the following and Im quoting:

  • The agreement will be on joint military exercises, hardware sales and transfer of technology.
  • India and Saudi Arabia will operationalise a billion-US-dollar joint investment to fund infrastructure and boost growth
How did the media find out that the MOU will be related to the following and Im quoting:

  • The agreement will be on joint military exercises, hardware sales and transfer of technology.
  • India and Saudi Arabia will operationalise a billion-US-dollar joint investment to fund infrastructure and boost growth

Probably from their sources.

This much detail is always known to media in case of a visit by foreign dignitary of any country,at least in India.These are only headers of MoU's that would be signed, not their texts.
India is not SA. People of the country need to know what the govt is doing ahead. BTW - i support india saudi relations. May be SA is trying to balance with Iran, who enjoy good relations with india.

Are you having some miscomprehension issue? I said Indian government can't disclose any information without permission from the other party and that is Saudi Arabia.

I hope you get it now.

Probably from their sources.

This much detail is always known to media in case of a visit by foreign dignitary of any country,at least in India.These are only headers of MoU's that would be signed, not their texts.

I would call it speculations nothing else.
Okay you've termed it as "denyel" but there will be some reasons which would've made you conclude that. What for example is against the facts and sensible analysis?
Even after 65+ year of independence, looking into today's situation of Pakistan , still you are having this question, it means no one can make you understand.
Excellent news.... this is the ONLY way our people will wake up from their Ummah nightmare..... and shun wahabi mentality ingrained in them by Zia and his cronies....

I wish for more such deals between Indian and SA......
Ummah is still their and if they are buying some stuff that doesn't shatter Ummah its secular dumbos who need to wake up and understand Ummah before talking shit no body can remove Ummah Mr it was decided by ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW may be few leaders betray it but no body can end it and this kind of things Saudi Arabia has signed in past few days with almost every country both Muslim and non Muslim Mr and our contract is secret one and its far bigger than Indians
How did the media find out that the MOU will be related to the following and Im quoting:

  • The agreement will be on joint military exercises, hardware sales and transfer of technology.
  • India and Saudi Arabia will operationalise a billion-US-dollar joint investment to fund infrastructure and boost growth

If you are under democratic government.. there is a concept called RTI, you are bound to know all the information for (e.g.) future plans with whom you are going to say "hello" also.. The reason because it is government elected by people and people are the first priority.. this is one of the important constitutional law
you would have learned the same from my post if you had attempted to read that.
Even after 65+ year of independence, looking into today's situation of Pakistan , still you are having this question, it means no one can make you understand.

Pujari ji come up with facts and data. Is it hard to comprehend? If you look through analysis you won't be happy to learn about your country's situation through my words.
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