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India, Saudi Arabia to forge strong defence ties

unbelievable. wasn't it saudi that was the architect of kargil war. had not china intervened it was big mess then.

You don't know the half of it, not even %1 of it.

Anyway, your hatred at us is primarily driving out on a sectarian base :lol:

International diplomacy is not black and white. All I am saying that we have to be careful.

No, nothing comes before security. If you believe or doubt we pose a threat, then you might want to write to your congressman, telling him about it, that's all. I respect your opinion though.
We just recognized Pakistan last year, we are heading our way to normalize our ties with India. :lol:

multiple layers of ties. saudi handcuffed pakistan with so many ties. now another ties. even extending upto india. it might even reach china sea. :lol:
unbelievable. wasn't it saudi that was the architect of kargil war. had not china intervened it was big mess then.


Even Pakistani PM did not knew about adventures of commando on mountain. Had any sane person known about the plan, they would have advised against partaking it as going against a country seven times your size is a trait of epic retardedness.
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What a load of nonsense! Prince Salman is yet to visit Indian and you guys already singed that on his behalf. LMAO.

Indian news like to add some spices when writing articles. :disagree:

How did the news find out the details of this MOU before it has not been singed yet? Or giving the permission to be published?

Saudi Arabia always consider pakistan's opinion when dealing with Indian. So please keep that in mind.
First, its Indian Media :) they need to give their burning hearts some "soothing" and will magnify everything which they can. Literally!

Secondly, Pakistan has strong defense ties with Saudis already. Some of the questions could be "Are ties with India at cost of ties with Pakistan?"

Some thoughts on the subject and this will help you get the answer.
  • Saudi Arabia is looking to expand its influence in the region and any opportunity which it gets to achieve that is welcomed.
  • India being $40 Billions plus trading (both ways) country is nevertheless an important country and having trading ties is an extension to same story.
  • As per newspaper "Riyadh has in the past indicated that it wants the Indian Army to train Saudi Arabian troops". I would take this "news" with caution as India doesn't possess any geographic territory which Pakistan doesn't and for which it is not getting the required training already. Many of Pakistan's in-service and retired offices spend honorary duties in Saudi Arabia and in their presence it is wishful thinking that Saudi Troops will be seeking training in India. I challenge this need and truthfulness of the story.
  • As per newspaper "India and Saudi Arabia will operationalise a billion-US-dollar joint investment to fund infrastructure and boost growth". It is growth and infrastructure fund, not defense research and development fund. Lets not forget India is a $40+ billions trade partner (both ways) and India needs Saudi Arabia the much they need it back. Its trade, the means of running businesses everyday.
  • As per newspaper "The agreement will be on joint military exercises, hardware sales and transfer of technology". Now this is something which you need to read with caution and analyze. My question here would be, is Saudi Arabia procuring (or planning to procure) things from India which it could get from Pakistan and is it rather purchasing from India because of purchase preference? Think on the question and repeat it few times before you answer it.

Lets not forget Pakistan has 1 enemy state and 1 country with-which it fought wars. Our conflict of interests with India are undoubted. If Saudi Arabia is keeping Pakistan as an ally, it knows what cost it must pay and if it choose India as an ally, it still knows the cost it must pay. Weather Pakistan is better than India or not is a separate debate but It stands a FACT that out of two, you can only pick one as your ally and the recent visit of Saudi Crown Prince has proven what matters to them and what not. For the trading, India is welcomed. Even Pakistan does trade with India.. doesn't it?

Any questions?

hmmm ...yes...When you are going to come out from denial world...???
You don't know the half of it, not even %1 of it.

Anyway, your hatred at us is primarily driving out on a sectarian base :lol:

thats right. only saudi monarchs know 100%. clearup the shiites from the kargil.

saud is the only sectarian base in the muslim world.
No, nothing comes before security. If you believe or doubt we pose a threat, then you might want to write to your congressman, telling him about it, that's all. I respect your opinion though.

KSA doesn't pose any security threat to India. I am for all kinds of cooperation between our countries. But from what I have seen in the neighborhood, madrassahs do play their part in creating misguided youths. I just don't want them getting Saudi money. We have to be careful about that.
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Even Pakistani PM did not knew about adventures of commando in mountain. Had any sane person known about the plan, they would have advised against partaking it as going against a country seven times your size is a trait of epic retardedness.

had not china intervened and showed eyes to Gen. Musharraf. it would have become a big mess.
You know, Pakistan compared to India is a lot like Palestinian territories (West Bank and Gaza) compared to Israel, smaller land and less people, but homogenous, while the latter is bigger in land but has a lot of minorities from the former. Arab land (Arab League) is a lot bigger than Israel, just as Muslim land (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) is a lot bigger than India. :yes4:

Hey there, how's it going buddy?

Did you hear about the law KSA issued a few weeks ago, the bill was approved a week later by the Parliament that all Saudi nationals fighting on foreign soil shall be subjected to an imprisonment after setting on trail. The act basically says that the court would at least put a 3-year sentence for those of whom they will be convicted of getting involved in such terrorist activities.


However, I wish we could delay implementing this law till next year to give an ultimatum to those fighting abroad - in case of there is any - to offer them a chance to be admitted to our Rehab Program.

The minute the law took into effect, the Brits fallow suit, the French, Germans, Spanish, and Italians are also debating about implementing such legislation. I hope Pakistan, Turkey, India and other countries will do the same.

What do you make of this?
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You know, Pakistan compared to India is a lot like Palestinian territories (West Bank and Gaza) compared to Israel, smaller land and less people, but homogenous, while the latter is bigger in land but has a lot of minorities from the former. Arab land is a lot bigger than Israel, just as Muslim land is a lot bigger than India. :yes4:

it is not a issue of bigger or small. it the matter of determination. The will and determination overcomes all odds.
No....just wanted to tell that Agni 5 can reach KSA :D

. _ . Good job, please don't kill us all.

KSA doesn't pose any security threat to India. I am for all kinds of cooperation between our countries. But from what I have seen in the neighborhood, madrassahs do play their part in creating misguided youths. I just don't want them getting Saudi money. We have to be careful about that.

You might need to check out my posts in here. I already stated that we - KSA, India, and Pakistan - can track out all PRIVATE fundings for these scums. All anti-terror agreements are to be honored by the book.

thats right. only saudi monarchs know 100%. clearup the shiites from the kargil.

saud is the only sectarian base in the muslim world.

Oh right. A Shia, I knew it. . _____ .

Dude, I'm not a big fan of religions, please stop bring 'em up every time we talk.
What a load of nonsense! Prince Salman is yet to visit Indian and you guys already singed that on his behalf. LMAO.

Indian news like to add some spices when writing articles. :disagree:

How did the news find out the details of this MOU before it has not been singed yet? Or giving the permission to be published?

Saudi Arabia always consider pakistan's opinion when dealing with Indian. So please keep that in mind.

Details of MOU's that are to be signed is of public knowledge and their text is finalized much before their formal signing by head of states.The technical details are hammered out by Lawyers,Bureaucrats and experts in particular field.

The act of signing an MOU is just a formality.

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