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India’s unwise military moves : Global times Editorial

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Jan 9, 2009
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In the last few days, India has dispatched roughly 60,000 troops to its border with China, the scene of enduring territorial disputes between the two countries.

J.J. Singh, the Indian governor of the controversial area, said the move was intended to “meet future security challenges” from China. Meanwhile, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh claimed, despite cooperative India-China relations, his government would make no concessions to China on territorial disputes.

The tough posture Singh’s new government has taken may win some applause among India’s domestic nationalists. But it is dangerous if it is based on a false anticipation that China will cave in.

India has long held contradictory views on China. Another big Asian country, India is frustrated that China’s rise has captured much of the world’s attention. Proud of its “advanced political system,” India feels superior to China. However, it faces a disappointing domestic situation which is unstable compared with China’s.

India likes to brag about its sustainable development, but worries that it is being left behind by China. China is seen in India as both a potential threat and a competitor to surpass.

But India can’t actually compete with China in a number of areas, like international influence, overall national power and economic scale. India apparently has not yet realized this.

Indian politicians these days seem to think their country would be doing China a huge favor simply by not joining the “ring around China” established by the US and Japan.

India’s growing power would have a significant impact on the balance of this equation, which has led India to think that fear and gratitude for its restraint will cause China to defer to it on territorial disputes.
But this is wishful thinking, as China won’t make any compromises in its border disputes with India. And while China wishes to coexist peacefully with India, this desire isn’t born out of fear.
India’s current course can only lead to a rivalry between the two countries.

India needs to consider whether or not it can afford the consequences of a potential confrontation with China. It should also be asking itself why it hasn’t forged the stable and friendly relationship with China that China enjoys with many of India’s neighbors, like Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Any aggressive moves will certainly not aid the development of good relations with China. India should examine its attitude and preconceptions; it will need to adjust if it hopes to cooperate with China and achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.

Global Times - Editorial: India?s unwise military moves
This reminds me of 1962 war. It was also the similar false unticipation of India at that time to think China would cave in. On the contrary, China stood up and gave India a clap in the face. If India keeps doing this dirty and dumb trick again, which is no surprise to me though, I guess New Delhi would receive 2 slaps in the face plus a good kick at the behind this time.:D
In the last few days, India has dispatched roughly 60,000 troops to its border with China, the scene of enduring territorial disputes between the two countries.

J.J. Singh, the Indian governor of the controversial area, said the move was intended to “meet future security challenges” from China. Meanwhile, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh claimed, despite cooperative India-China relations, his government would make no concessions to China on territorial disputes.

The tough posture Singh’s new government has taken may win some applause among India’s domestic nationalists. But it is dangerous if it is based on a false anticipation that China will cave in.

India has long held contradictory views on China. Another big Asian country, India is frustrated that China’s rise has captured much of the world’s attention. Proud of its “advanced political system,” India feels superior to China. However, it faces a disappointing domestic situation which is unstable compared with China’s.

India likes to brag about its sustainable development, but worries that it is being left behind by China. China is seen in India as both a potential threat and a competitor to surpass.

But India can’t actually compete with China in a number of areas, like international influence, overall national power and economic scale. India apparently has not yet realized this.

Indian politicians these days seem to think their country would be doing China a huge favor simply by not joining the “ring around China” established by the US and Japan.

India’s growing power would have a significant impact on the balance of this equation, which has led India to think that fear and gratitude for its restraint will cause China to defer to it on territorial disputes.
But this is wishful thinking, as China won’t make any compromises in its border disputes with India. And while China wishes to coexist peacefully with India, this desire isn’t born out of fear.
India’s current course can only lead to a rivalry between the two countries.

India needs to consider whether or not it can afford the consequences of a potential confrontation with China. It should also be asking itself why it hasn’t forged the stable and friendly relationship with China that China enjoys with many of India’s neighbors, like Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Any aggressive moves will certainly not aid the development of good relations with China. India should examine its attitude and preconceptions; it will need to adjust if it hopes to cooperate with China and achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.

Global Times - Editorial: India?s unwise military moves

Not having Sunzhi's Art of Wars, the Indians are stupid enough to challenge a superior power while being inferior in terms of both economic and military powers. It's acting a bit like North Korea, which is doing the same thing by challenging superior powers.
This reminds me of 1962 war. It was also the similar false unticipation of India at that time to think China would cave in. On the contrary, China stood up and gave India a clap in the face. If India keeps doing this dirty and dumb trick again, which is no surprise to me though, I guess New Delhi would receive 2 slaps in the face plus a good kick at the behind this time.:D

1962 chinese gave india a cheap low blow. Those kicks in back were delivered by Indian Army (in kung-fu style) to PLA that they retreated to their land of noodles and turtle soups. Read this

On 11 September 1967, troops of the Indian Army's 18th Rajput Regiment were protecting an Engineering Company that was fencing the North Shoulder of Nathula, when Chinese troops opened fire on them. This escalated over the next five days to an exchange of heavy artillery and mortar fire between the Indians and the Chinese. 62 Indian soldiers, from the 18th Rajput, the 2nd Grenadiers and the Artillery regiments were killed.[7] Major Harbhajan Singh of the Rajput Regiment was awarded a MVC (posthumous) and Naib Subedar Pandey a VrC (posthumous) for their gallant actions.[8][9][10][11] The extent of Chinese casualties in this incident is not known.

Sino-Indian relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the second, on 1 October 1967, a group of Indian Gurkha Rifles soldiers (from the 7th Battalion of the 11th Regiment) noticed Chinese troops surrounding a sentry post near a boulder at the Chola outpost in Sikkim. After a heated argument over the control of the boulder, a Chinese soldier bayoneted a Gurkha rifleman, triggering the start of a close-quarters knife and fire-fight, which then escalted to a mortar and HMG duel.[12] The Chinese troops signaled a ceasefire after three hours of fighting, but later scaled Point 15450 to establish themselves there.[12] The Gurkhas outflanked them the next day to regain Point 15450 and the Chinese retreated across the LAC.[12] 21 Indian soldiers were killed in this action.[7] The Indian government awarded Vir Chakras to Rifleman Limbu (posthumous) and battalion commander Major K.B. Joshi for their gallant actions. The extent of Chinese casualties in this skirmish is also not known.

In 1986-87, tensions were high when india inducted AP as its state, IA and PLA camps were next to each other.Chinese totally outmaneuvered and realizing 1962 cannot be repeated, agreed to defuse tensions. That was the time when chances of confrontations were high. Four feet Martian threat proved to be a hoax.:enjoy:
This reminds me of 1962 war. It was also the similar false unticipation of India at that time to think China would cave in. On the contrary, China stood up and gave India a clap in the face. If India keeps doing this dirty and dumb trick again, which is no surprise to me though, I guess New Delhi would receive 2 slaps in the face plus a good kick at the behind this time.:D

I think the chinese government has long been accepted this borders in reality. But just to please the common people of China, does not recognize it in the openly. And from time to time bake some of this bully articles - "Whaaaggg! We totaly smash this indians if it be a chance!"

And all patriotic chinesse in deep nirvana from this kind of millitaristic propaganda. This is normal and understandable.

You say sometimes ago that im indian, indian spy, hate Chine e t. c. This is not correct. About chinesse and China in principle everithing is ok. But! I realy don't like all this brainwashing and imperialism. China is more and more like USSR in some bad things.

In historical scale this is funny. Communism is only thin red skin for old chinesse buracratical state with idea that "Undersky Empire" is greatest land and center of Earth and evereone else is some kind of barbarians (total or with some kind of hope) .
I dont think indians have any superiority complex over chinese.. becuase i believe most educated indians are aware of Chinese size.. Econmic growth.. military growth as well as political status in UN. Only an un educated fool will think like that..!!!
So having said that, india have every right to defend its territorial integrity. So this move is defnitely not an aggressive one but a defensive one to counter the huge infrastructure you are building up on the other side..!!! And india have no intrest in tibet but only china is having intreset in AP. So i dont understand why people think indian move as a threat or aggressive..!!!
Now china wilfuly returned from the land they captured from 1962 war.. at that time they didnt have an issue on AP. China just wanted to show their military might and they made their point fair and square..!!!
So now if they raise the question of AP after 47 years then a sovergien nation cant sit back and relax waiting for another misadventure by our neighbours..!!! You should respect the right of a country to DEFEND its terriritory..!!!
So I presume to give credence to their stand the Chinese are dismantling their military build up in Aksai Chin?
This reminds me of 1962 war. It was also the similar false unticipation of India at that time to think China would cave in. On the contrary, China stood up and gave India a clap in the face. If India keeps doing this dirty and dumb trick again, which is no surprise to me though, I guess New Delhi would receive 2 slaps in the face plus a good kick at the behind this time.

Sir, setting up infrastrucure to defend your country is not a dirty or dumb trick. By the way situation is not similar at all to 1962. Nehru did not want a large army and hardly spend any money. Soldiers were sent to border with 5 cartaliges and couple of sweaters for cold weather. India is no push over and can defend it self against any aggresion. You should go and visit that area where China and Indian armies are tell how feasable is to move large armies there before making ameture and childish comments.
i think it is unwise to not do this move

i think it wasn't done earlier because the communists...

they are china's proxy

i mean look

when they supported upa nothing was done at all

but after nuke deal everything was done at an urgent pace
Global Times is a news company owned by the Chinese Government. It's their Phy-Op only. It is a Chinese newspaper. Only the name is Global.:lol:
The communists of india have changed a lot buddy...,....and their stance in 1962 is wrongly described,you know.......yes we want a friendly relation with china,but that doesn't mean we will hurt any of our national interests.....regards
btw recently india has been quite agressive towards china. and i think there was not much need for that as relations bw the two have never been this gud (atleast thats wat i use to hear).

wat was the need of sendin more troops and all those statements? im not sayin india doesnt have right to defend themselves. but y do it when there not much need and u know it will upset the opponent.
India is a major power and needs to protect its borders.

China has been improving military infrastructure on indo/china border for years now.

India is merely flexing some muscle to warn against any complancy by china.

Its not an act of war.

Indo china trade is worth $60 billion per year both ways. Both nations wil want this to continue to rise.
The question is not about India's right to defend its borders. The question is about India's military moves and sometimes giving official statements such as "China is the biggest threat". Now NEFA is a disputed territory, yes India claims it as its land, but China also has a similar claim. The dispute is not a new one, its old since the time the Mc Mohan line was drawn by the colonial masters of India, the British. Mc Mohan line may be a part of the former British empire, but it does not have any relevancy after the fall of the empire. China has never built up such huge army bases in that disputed territory I mean NEFA. In Tibet, which is China's integral part, China is free to do anything as in Assam India is free to do anything. But not in the areas of NEFA. It must be very clear. Wise persons should remember that 1962 war did not conclude the solution for that dispute since US began poking its nose. So now if India suddenly starts flexing its muscle by sending troops and building army bases in that disputed area, it is nothing but provocation or threatening.
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