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India’s shopping spree & appalling poverty

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Hope you would have got by now that the poverty programs in India are far bigger than the net earnings of your whole nation.

Along with that poverty cannot be uplifted in a day neither by the distribution of money. There are programs already been there.

No of poor which have been uplifted over a period is quite significant and we are working towards is significant and it will take some time before the favour is done.

Rest what i can is this for you guys



kid, i'd rather not debate you with your nonsensical elementary posts. you've been written off as irrevelant.
ANd we have a 9 page thread on some obscure pakistani report for what?? When did we ever have to justify ourselves to them...can someone please explain..
ANd we have a 9 page thread on some obscure pakistani report for what?? When did we ever have to justify ourselves to them...can someone please explain..

No matter how much times the same has been debated on hundreds of threads here. Some will keep on coming back with the same threads banned or not..

No matter how many times the opinions and debates have been put forward previously , some will start it all over again..

Speaks volumes of the mindset few have in here.

Its time moderators make it a sticky thread or else some will flood the forum with similar threads resulting in banning and trolling along with insults..
In a way I support the Author, Yes India is more concerned with security than Poverty , but there is a reason why India is More concerned... India has various Programs for Alleviating Poverty and Spend double than what she actually spends for Defense, But The govt has Proxies to take over such projects unlike the direct control on defense acquisitions by the govt.... The chances for corruption by the Proxies are more than what on defense, So The Poverty reduction of this country is Slow...

Let me tell you the cost of Governance of India:

The expenditure on 'Governance of India', by the 790 politicians at the Center, the 4120 in the 35 States and Union Territories and the 18.7 million employees of the Central and State Govts. use about Rs.2200 crore per day or Rs. 760,000 crore per year, both on capital & revenue acount....

Now tell me, Is Defense Spending really a Big amount when compared to above?? Are we Army men the bad omen of the nation or the Politicians??
^^^ dude, that's 18 million employees, i wouldn't thinks that cost number is off place. We are a big beurocracy, but remember, we also have 1.2 B people to govern.
^^^ dude, that's 18 million employees, i wouldn't thinks that cost number is off place. We are a big beurocracy, but remember, we also have 1.2 B people to govern.

And Why So much Noise when just 100b$ is Spent for those who protect those 18 million employees and The so called Bureaucracy???
In a way I support the Author, Yes India is more concerned with security than Poverty , but there is a reason why India is More concerned... India has various Programs for Alleviating Poverty and Spend double than what she actually spends for Defense, But The govt has Proxies to take over such projects unlike the direct control on defense acquisitions by the govt.... The chances for corruption by the Proxies are more than what on defense, So The Poverty reduction of this country is Slow...

Let me tell you the cost of Governance of India:

The expenditure on 'Governance of India', by the 790 politicians at the Center, the 4120 in the 35 States and Union Territories and the 18.7 million employees of the Central and State Govts. use about Rs.2200 crore per day or Rs. 760,000 crore per year, both on capital & revenue acount....

Now tell me, Is Defense Spending really a Big amount when compared to above?? Are we Army men the bad omen of the nation or the Politicians??

dont worry sir. our entire nation knows and trusts our army men more than anyone else and hence you would never find common man questioning about national defence spendings.
its always our neighbours who are scared.
so lets cheer for rising INDIA and its noble army.:cheers:
dont worry sir. our entire nation knows and trusts our army men more than anyone else and hence you would never find common man questioning about national defence spendings.
its always our neighbours who are scared.
so lets cheer for rising INDIA and its noble army.:cheers:

The Tax payers are supposed to be concerned If at all anyone who has to be For Assuring there Safety... As far as Neighbors , They would be our neighbors, no Nuclear war can ever change the Geographical Balance that we share between the Boundaries, But a Good relationship would change the Mental Balance which we lack......
kid, i'd rather not debate you with your nonsensical elementary posts. you've been written off as irrevelant.
uncle, I have given you ample docs which gives the insight of the programs which have the higher spendings than your net earnings. As well as poverty cannot be elevated with distribution of money

So if you have nothing to refute then

And Why So much Noise when just 100b$ is Spent for those who protect those 18 million employees and The so called Bureaucracy???
Dude, the author is a pakistani guy. He'll make all the noise he wants. No one considers the Indian Army irresponsible (unlike certain other, ahem, forces in the region). They are known to be highly constructive and also play brilliant roles in peacetime- everytime there's a flood or an earthquake, it's the IA that rushes in with helos to drop food and rescue people etc. Let the barking ppl bark.
Since you are in a denying mode, whatever that help you to have a better sleep is fine with me. :D

Can it also be said that since you are in a mud slinging mode we should let you since it lets you feel better??
Yep a huge defence spending is perfectly fine for you, you don't worry about food, or rent and you get the added bonus of having something gloating about the cool hardware India has on defence forums.

2.6% of our GDP is our defence spending.
For people who have difficulty understanding something, please read the following slowly:

- India is modernizing it's armed forces
- India spends less than 3% of the GDP of defense
- India lives in a hostile and unstable neighborhood
- India is a developing country and has it's share of poor people like any other developing country on the face of the planet
- Indian government doesn't have a magic wand which will make poverty go away from India in a blink
- India's trillion dollar economy is growing at an average of 8% per year and it aims to be a developed country by 2025 or so
if you understood budget distribution, you would realize that unnecessary military spending for ficticious causes hurts the poor and the stability of your nation. There is something called "wise spending" Before displaying your ignorance again, please do some research.

I have seen the argument by you in all the pages u have an excellent humane nature and concern for those suffering which is commendable.

However i have one question for you which is out of curiosity, are your feelings only for us Indians (seems we are very lucky) or is it that your argument holds good for Pakistan too, since logically your economy is in a very bad shape but you have already inducted a new plane just recently a good one too. And are awaiting FC20 even under such conditions. Talks for frigates subs and other weapon systems are on too. Pray tell me if my argument is trolling and i will bother to ask or u can just not reply to me if u think it is a waste. Awaiting u.
Its pathetic that a pakistani talks about poverty, economy and military expenditure when pakistan is barely floating and surviving thanks to generous international aid and donations. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Also the chinese have also joins the debate :blah: even when they are still a developing country with tens of millions of chinese live under extreme poverty. ;)

Its India's money and we are spending why you care or how the hell anyone have any right to challenge or question it?? :wave:
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